Blakemore Strawberry Plants: Introduction
This page is a profile summary of the strawberry cultivar ‘Blakemore’ (Fragaria x ananassa). It will provide details on Blakemore strawberry plants and Blakemore strawberries so that an informed decision can be made regarding its suitability for varying growing locations and uses. Blakemore strawberry suppliers are also listed.

Jump to:
- Blakemore Strawberry Plants: Introduction
- Where to Grow Blakemore Strawberries
- Disease Resistance of Blakemore Strawberry Plants
- Disease Susceptibility of Blakemore Strawberry Plants
- Blakemore Strawberries
- Notable Features of Blakemore Strawberry Plant & Strawberries
- More Information about the Strawberry Blakemore
- Where to Buy Blakemore Strawberry Plants
Where to Grow Blakemore Strawberries
Blakemore strawberries were once very popular across much of the United States. At one time, Blakemore strawberry plants were even the most common strawberry cultivar grown in the state of North Carolina. Since its heyday, newer strawberry varieties have been developed that exceed most of Blakemore’s positive traits while avoiding its negative traits. Consequently, few commercial suppliers exist and few nurseries still maintain Blakemore strawberry plants for sale. At their peak, Blakemore strawberry plants were grown optimally in Zone 3, Zone 4, Zone 5, Zone 6, Zone 7, and Zone 8, and they can survive winter temperatures as low as -35 degrees F, with proper care. For more specifics on the cultivation of Blakemore strawberry plants, see the Growing Strawberries page.
Growing Blakemore Strawberry Plants: Conditions
Blakemore strawberry plants like full sun. And, while they prefer a well-drained, sandy loam, they are one of the few strawberry varieties that can tolerate moderate drought conditions and resists rotting during hot, humid weather. Blakemore strawberries prefer a soil pH of 5.6 to 6.5, but will establish in a wide pH range.
Disease Resistance of Blakemore Strawberry Plants
Blakemore strawberry plants do not have exceptionally good disease resistance. This is one of the primary reasons that this cultivar has become increasingly less popular over the years. It is resistant only to root knot nematodes, leaf blight, and the two-spotted spider mite.
Disease Susceptibility of Blakemore Strawberry Plants
On the opposite end of the spectrum, the Blakemore strawberry plant is susceptible to several of the common strawberry pathogens. It is susceptible to leaf spot, leaf scorch, and red stele. Additionally, it has an intermediate reaction to anthracnose and verticillium wilt.
Blakemore Strawberries
Blakemore strawberry plants produce medium-sized strawberries initially and berries that tend to be small by the end of the production period. Also, Blakemore strawberries tend to be tart. This makes them more suitable for processing into jam or jelly than eating fresh, although some individuals prefer their taste to the sweeter varieties. The strawberries themselves are a bright red color at maturity and firm.
Blakemore strawberry plants are June-bearing, and they produce their moderate harvest over the span of 2 to 3 weeks during Early Season (see the Strawberry Varieties page for more information). Blakemore strawberries are an excellent choice for processing, but only fair for fresh eating, shipping, or freezing.
Notable Features of Blakemore Strawberry Plant & Strawberries
1. High Number of Runners Produced
2. Good Choice for Jams and Jellies
More Information about the Strawberry Blakemore
Blakemore strawberry plants produce high numbers of runners and will fill a matted row relatively quickly. The plants often grow to a foot or more in height. The vegetative production of the plants is one reason for smaller strawberries. However, due to the high number of runners, pruning them throughout a matted row in an effort to increase berry size would be a time consuming endeavor. .
Blakemore strawberry plants are an older variety developed by the United States Department of Agriculture in Maryland.
Where to Buy Blakemore Strawberry Plants
If you are wondering where you can purchase Blakemore strawberry plants, look no further! You can get them from the Blakemore strawberry suppliers listed below. The following table contains reputable suppliers of Blakemore strawberry plants:
Simmons Plant Farm
11542 N Hwy 71
Mountainburg, AR 72946
Phone: 479-369-2345
Fax: 479-369-2345
For many other varieties of strawberry plants, you can visit our directory of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online.
Ronald Poindexter
Would like to know if you will sell 50 Blakemore Strawberry plants and if so how much would the cost be. Also can we set them out this fall or do we have to wait until spring.
Waiting to hear reply.
Ronald Poindexter
Mr. Strawberry
Ronald Poindexter,
I don’t personally sell strawberry plants, but you can get Blakemore plants here. Good luck!