There are countless thousands of online merchants these days, and they sell every imaginable product, item, thingamajig, and plant. Of course, you can buy strawberry plants online these days too. In fact, there are a host of sellers of strawberry plants just waiting for you to hit their homepage. Well, do you want to know where to buy strawberry plants? Look no further. You can use this page to purchase strawberry plants according to the specific variety or varieties you want at the best possible price. The work has been done for you! Just click the name of the strawberry variety in the table below for which you are looking, and you will jump to a table listing all the known merchants who offer that variety of strawberry plants for sale.

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How to Use the Buy Strawberry Plants Page
To make the most of this directory, you need to know which type of strawberry you need and which cultivar you want. To understand the differences, and to get an idea of varieties that will work for you and your circumstances, first visit the Strawberry Varieties page. If you don’t care much about learning the specifics, you can go with one or two of the Recommended Strawberry Varieties for Your Location. Once you know what you are looking for, come back here and find the best price for strawberry plants by comparing prices for each and every variety you want. Once you find a nursery, farm, or supplier with whom you are comfortable doing business, you can find all the varieties they offer by looking them up in the Strawberry Plants for Sale directory (they are in alphabetical order).
Buy Strawberries: Plant Varieties Available
This table includes all the known strawberry plant varieties that are available for purchase online. Our aim is to make this table exhaustive, so if you are aware of an error or of other sellers of strawberry plants or of other varieties, please let us know! And, don’t forget, all the information you need to be successful is available here: Growing Strawberries.
Disclosure: This article includes affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you make a purchase through my links, at no extra cost to you. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Best place to start your search for plants is They have many varieties for sale. If you don’t find what you’re looking for from, then take a look at the list below.
Buy Strawberry Plants by Variety
Ac Valley Sunset
Nourse Farms
Krohne Plant Farms
Ac Wendy
Krohne Plant Farms
Nourse Farms
Albicarpa (Alpine) [aka Albocarpa]
* no longer available
Suttons Seeds
Indiana Berry
Lassen Canyon Nursery Inc.
Strawberry Tyme
Krohne Plant Farms
D.T. Brown
Natural Gardening Company
Blackmoor Nurseries
Waitrose Garden
Carther Plants
Alexandria (Alpine)
Ali Baba (Alpine)
Thompson & Morgan
Welsh Fruit Stocks
Allstar [aka All-Star, All Star]
Hirts Gardens
De Groot, Inc
Greenwood Nursery
Farmer Seed & Nursery
Indiana Berry
Stargazer Perennials
Morgan County Seeds
Nourse Farms
Simmons Plant Farm
Harris Seeds
Stark Bro’s
Burgess Seed & Plant Co.
Bob Wells Nursery
Krohne Plant Farms
Alpine (Fragaria vesca)
Ali Baba
Baron Solemacher
Deesse des Vallees
Fragola di Bosco
Fragola Quattro Stagioni
Fraises des Bois
Golden Alexandria
Pineapple Crush
Red Wonder
Reine des Vallees
Ruegen Improved
White Delight
White Soul
Yellow Wonder
All Fragaria vesca Strawberries
Hirts Gardens
* no longer available
Indiana Berry
Jung Seeds & Plants
Strawberry Tyme
Summerstone Nursery
USA Seed Store
Nourse Farms
Krohne Plant Farms
Arkansas King
* no longer available
Stargazer Perennials
Lassen Canyon Nursery Inc.
* no longer available
Bakker’s Kingsize
Baron Solemacher (Alpine)
* no longer available
Beach Strawberry (see Chiloensis below)
Also, see the profile page for much more information on the strawberry variety ‘Benicia‘.
Also, see the profile page for much more information on the strawberry variety ‘Blakemore‘.
* no longer available
Blooming Direct
Pomona Fruits
Waitrose Garden
You Garden
Burgess Goliath
* no longer available
Indiana Berry
Johnny’s Selected Seeds
Jung Seeds & Plants
Stark Bros.
Nourse Farms
Vermont Bean Seed Company
Krohne Plant Farms
* no longer available
Bob Wells Nursery
Just Fruits and Exotics
Lassen Canyon Nursery Inc.
Natural Gardening Company
Cambridge Favourite
Thompson & Morgan
Waitrose Garden
Marshalls Vegetable & Fruit Company
Pomona Fruits
Ashridge Trees
Blackmoor Nurseries
D.T. Brown
Cambridge Prizewinner
* no longer available
Cambridge Vigour
* no longer available
* no longer available
Camino Real
US Berry Plants
Lassen Canyon Nursery Inc.
Bob Wells Nursery
Candy Cane
Capron (Musk)
Also, see the profile page for much more information on the strawberry variety ‘Cardinal‘.
Farmer Seed & Nursery
Greenwood Nursery
Ison’s Nursery & Vineyard
Simmons Plant Farm
Cavendish [aka Cavandish]
Krohne Plant Farms
USA Seed Store
Indiana Berry
Jung Seeds & Plants
Nourse Farms
Summerstone Nursery
Strawberry Tyme
* no longer available
Also, see the profile page for much more information on the strawberry variety ‘Chandler‘.
Greenwood Nursery
Bob Wells Nursery
Simmons Plant Farm
De Groot, Inc
Aaron’s Creek Farms, Inc.
Willis Orchard Company
Indiana Berry
Ison’s Nursery & Vineyard
Lassen Canyon Nursery Inc.
Morgan County Seeds
Mountain Valley Growers
Nourse Farms
Peaceful Valley Farm & Garden Supply
* no longer available
Chiloensis (Fragaria chiloensis)
Island of Lernuy
Termas de Tolhuace
Marshalls Vegetable & Fruit Company
Van Meuwen
Thompson & Morgan
Ashridge Trees
D.T. Brown
Clancy [aka Clancey]
Nourse FarmsKrohne Plant Farms
Coastal Strawberry (see Chiloensis above)
* no longer available
* no longer available
* no longer available
Deesse des Vallees (French Alpine)
* no longer available
* no longer available
* no longer available
* no longer available
Dunlap [aka Senator Dunlap]
* no longer available
Earliglow [aka Earliglo]
Henry Field’s Seed & Nursery Co.
Harris Seeds
Indiana Berry
Johnny’s Selected SeedsJung Seeds & Plants
Hirt’s Gardens
USA Seed Store
Vermont Bean Seed Company
Krohne Plant Farms
Stark Bro’s
Nourse Farms
Morgan County Seeds
Pinetree Garden Seeds
Raintree Nursery
Simmons Plant Farm
Eater (Fragaria orientalis)
* no longer available
Éclair [aka Eclair]
Elan F1
Thompson & Morgan
Pomona Fruits
Marshalls Vegetable & Fruit Company
Pomona Fruits
Blackmoor Nurseries
Thompson & Morgan
* no longer available
* no longer available
* no longer available
* no longer available
* no longer available
* the specific branded ‘Everbearing’ strawberry is no longer available. Everbearing is a type of strawberry as well, and many varieties are of that type and still available.
De Groot, Inc
Stark Bro’s
Evie 2 [aka Evie-2]
Gardener’s Supply Company
Nourse Farms
Greenwood Nursery
Marshalls Vegetable & Fruit Company
Pomona Fruits
Welsh Fruit Stocks
D.T. Brown
Waitrose Garden
Fern [aka Crimson Fern]
* no longer available
Festival [aka Strawberry Festival, Florida Strawberry Festival]
Lassen Canyon Nursery Inc.
Burgess Seed & Plant Co.
US Berry Plants
* no longer available
Marshalls Vegetable & Fruit Company
Thompson & Morgan
Pomona Fruits
Ashridge Trees
Thompson & Morgan
Welsh Fruit Stocks
Pomona Fruits
Ashridge Trees
Blackmoor Nurseries
Fort Laramie [aka Ft. Laramie]
Nature Hills Nursery
Stargazer Perennials
De Groot, Inc
Farmer Seed & Nursery
Henry Field’s Seed & Nursery Co.
Jung Seeds & Plants
Gurney’s Seed & Nursery Co.
Stargazer Perennials
Vermont Bean Seed Company
Burgess Seed & Plant Co.
Fragola di Bosco (Italian Alpine)
Fragola Quattro Stagioni (Italian Alpine)
* no longer available
Fraises des Bois (Alpine) [aka Fraises des Boise, Fraises du Bois]
Nourse FarmsKrohne Plant Farms
Gasana Patio
* no longer available
* no longer available
Gem [aka Gem Everbearing, Gem Star]
Summerstone Nursery
USA Seed Store
* no longer available
Gerald Straley
* no longer available
Gigantella Maxim [aka Maxim]
* no longer available
Golden Alexandria (Alpine) [aka Gold Leaf Alpine]
* no longer available
Governor Simcoe [aka Gov. Simcoe, Governer Simcoe]
* no longer available
Guardian [aka Guardin]
Simmons Plant Farm
Summerstone Nursery
USA Seed Store
Gurney’s Whopper
Gurney’s Seed & Nursery Co.
Pomona Fruits
Welsh Fruit Stocks
US Berry Plants
* no longer available
Honeoye [aka Honeyoye]
Strawberry Island
Thompson & Morgan
Berry Island Farm
Ashridge Trees
De Groot, Inc
Harris Seeds
Johnny’s Selected Seeds
Gurney’s Seed & Nursery Co.
Nourse Farms
Pomona Fruits
Indiana Berry
Henry Field’s Seed & Nursery Co.
Jung Seeds & Plants
Simmons Plant Farm
Stargazer Perennials
Stark Bro’s
Vermont Bean Seed Company
USA Seed Store
Burgess Seed & Plant Co.
Farmer Seed & Nursery
Krohne Plant Farms
Blackmoor Nurseries
Waitrose Garden
Intensity (see Virginiana below)
Irresistible [aka EM1292]
Island of Lernuy (see Chiloensis above) [aka White Beach Strawberry]
* no longer available
Italian (Alpine)
* no longer available
USA Seed Store
Krohne Plant Farms
Hartman’s Plant Company
Henry Field’s Seed & Nursery Co.
Indiana Berry
Johnny’s Selected Seeds
Jung Seeds & Plants
Nourse Farms
Gurney’s Seed & Nursery Co.
Vermont Bean Seed Company
Stark Bro’s
Welsh Fruit Stocks
* no longer available
Kelly’s Blanket
Krem (Alpine)
* no longer available
* no longer available
Little Scarlet (see Virginiana below)
* no longer available
* no longer available
* no longer available
Madame Moutot
* no longer available
Malling Centenary
Marshalls Vegetable & Fruit Company
Pomona Fruits
Malling Opal
Malling Pearl
* no longer available
Dobies of Devon
Victoriana Nursery Gardens
Marshalls Vegetable & Fruit Company
Mara des Bois
Hirts Gardens
Pomona Fruits
D.T. Brown
Nourse Farms
Dobies of Devon
Jung Seeds & Plants
* no longer available
* no longer available
Marshalls Vegetable & Fruit Company
Maxim [aka Gigantella Maxim]
Mignonette (Alpine)
The Strawberry Store, LLC
Summerstone Nursery
USA Seed Store
Also, see the profile page for much more information on the strawberry variety ‘Mojave‘.
* no longer available
Krohne Plant Farms
Lassen Canyon Nursery Inc.
Moschata (Fragaria moschata)
Mount Everest [aka Everest]
Profumata di Tortona
Russian Male
Oikos Tree Crops
Northeaster [aka Northeastern, Noreaster]
Summerstone Nursery
USA Seed Store
Northern Star
Nature Hills Nursery
Farmer Seed & Nursery
Simmons Plant Farm
* no longer available
Ozark Beauty
Also, see the profile page for much more information on the strawberry variety ‘Ozark Beauty‘.
De Groot, Inc
Farmer Seed & Nursery
Greenwood Nursery
Gurney’s Seed & Nursery Co.
Harris Seeds
Henry Field’s Seed & Nursery Co.
Ison’s Nursery & Vineyard
Jung Seeds & Plants
Stark Bro’s
Simmons Plant Farm
Spring Hill Nursery
Burgess Seed & Plant Co.
Vermont Bean Seed Company
Strawberry Island
Summerstone Nursery
USA Seed Store
Welsh Fruit Stocks
Pineapple Crush (Alpine)
* no longer available
Also, see the profile page for much more information on the strawberry hybrid Pineberry.
J. Parker’s
Plantes et Jardins
You Garden
Hirt’s Gardens
Blooming Direct
Pink Panda [aka Frel]
* no longer available
* no longer available
Summerstone Nursery
USA Seed Store
Profumata di Tortona (Musk)
Raintree Nursery
Puget Reliance
Puget Summer
Raintree Nursery
Purple Wonder
Also, see the profile page for much more information on the Purple Strawberries.
Quinault [aka Quinalt]
De Groot, Inc
Farmer Seed & Nursery
Burgess Seed & Plant Co.
Stargazer Perennials
* no longer available
Rambling Cascade [aka Senga Sengana]
Ranier [aka Rainier]
Red Chief [aka Redchief]
Not currently available
Red Gauntlet
Red Wonder (Alpine)
* no longer available
Regina (Alpine)
Not currently available
Reine des Vallees (French Alpine)
The Strawberry Store, LLC
Remontant (see Vesca below) [aka Tumbleberry]
* no longer available
Robinson [aka Giant Robinson]
Rodluvan (Alpine) [aka Red Riding Hood, Red Cap]
* no longer available
* no longer available
Rosea (Russian Musk)
* no longer available
* no longer available
Royal Sovereign
Ashridge Trees
Marshalls Vegetable & Fruit Company
Victoriana Nursery Gardens
* no longer available
Ruegen (Alpine) [aka Rugen]
Ruegen Improved (Alpine) [aka Rugen Improved]
* no longer available
Russian Male (Musk)
Raintree Nursery
Not currently available
San Andreas
Krohne Plant Farms
Lassen Canyon Nursery Inc.
Carther Plants
Thompson & Morgan
Pinetree Garden Seeds
Scarlet [aka Scarlet Beauty]
You Garden
Pomona Fruits
Lassen Canyon Nursery, Inc.
Berries Unlimited
Indiana Berry
Jung Seeds & Plants
Gardener’s Supply Company
Lassen Canyon Nursery Inc.
Natural Gardening Company
Nourse Farms
One Green World
Peaceful Valley Farm & Garden Supply
Willis Orchard Company
Krohne Plant Farms
* no longer available
Senga Sengana [aka Rambling Cascade]
Farmer Seed & Nursery
Willis Orchard Company
Burgess Seed & Plant Co.
Snow White
Van Meuwen
Dobies of Devon
Marshalls Vegetable & Fruit Company
Pomona Fruits
Not currently available
* no longer available
Johnny’s Selected Seeds
Farmer Seed & Nursery
Jung Seeds & Plants
Stark Bros.
Simmons Plant Farm
Vermont Bean Seed Company
Burgess Seed & Plant Co.
USA Seed Store
Krohne Plant Farms
Nourse Farms
Sparkle Supreme
Gurney’s Seed & Nursery Co.
Henry Field’s Seed & Nursery Co.
St. Pierre [aka Saint Pierre]
* no longer available
* no longer available
Strazzberry [aka Strasberry]
Surecrop [aka Sure Crop]
Nature Hills Nursery
Farmer Seed & Nursery
Krohne Plant Farms
Morgan County Seeds
USA Seed Store
Indiana Berry
Simmons Plant Farm
Burgess Seed & Plant Co.
Stark Bro’s
Sweet Ann
Sweet Charlie
Also, see the profile page for much more information on the strawberry variety ‘Sweet Charlie‘.
Greenwood Nursery
Aaron’s Creek Farms, Inc.
Bob Wells Nursery
Ison’s Nursery & Vineyard
Just Fruits and Exotics
Willis Orchard Company
Sweet Eve
Sweetheart [aka Sweet Heart]
Dobies of Devon
Thompson & Morgan
Waitrose Garden
Sweet Sensation
Pomona Fruits
Blackmoor Nurseries
Welsh Fruit Stocks
* no longer available
* no longer available
Tarpan [aka Tarpan F1]
* no longer available
Tennessee Beauty
Simmons Plant Farm
Summerstone Nursery
USA Seed Store
Termas de Tolhuace (Chiloensis)
* no longer available
* no longer available
* no longer available
* no longer available
Spalding Plant & Bulb
Harris Seeds
Morgan County Seeds
Stark Bro’s
Indiana Berry
Berries Unlimited
Hirt’s Gardens
Tristar [aka Tri Star, Tri-Star]
Indiana Berry
De Groot, Inc
Stark Bros.
One Green World
Jung Seeds & Plants
Harris Seeds
Morgan County Seeds
Not currently available
US 4808 (Virginiana)
* no longer available
* no longer available
Valley Red
* no longer available
Vesca (Fragaria vesca)
All Alpine Strawberries
Saratoga Seed Company
Marshalls Vegetable & Fruit Company
Pomona Fruits
Virginiana (Fragaria virginiana)
Also, see the profile page for Fragaria glauca, the Mountain Strawberry, a subspecies of Fragaria virginiana.
Little Scarlet
US 4808
TN Nursery, Wholesale Nursery Co.
Edible Landscaping Online
Oikos Tree Crops
White Carolina (Pineberry)
White D (Pineberry)
* no longer available
White Delight (Alpine)
The Strawberry Store, LLC
White Pine (Pineberry)
White Soul (Alpine)
The Strawberry Store, LLC
* no longer available
Wild Strawberry
Fragaria chiloensis
Fragaria moschata
Fragaria orientalis
Fragaria vesca
Fragaria virginiana
* no longer available
Yellow Wonder (Alpine)
Hirt’s Gardens
Raintree Nursery
Buy Strawberry Plants Today!
With the resources on, you need not worry about finding success, even if you have never grown strawberries before. Use this site to research any question you have (try the search option at the top right of this page), and feel free to contact us or leave a comment. The hardest part is finding a supplier of strawberry plants, and we have helped with that! There are no excuses now that you know where to buy strawberry plants.
I was hopeful to find some Tribute or Tristar strawberry plants but none of the vendors seem to have them. Any recommendations?
Amateur Andy
I only started growing strawberries last year but might I suggest people check places like craigslist and facebook marketplace in spring and early summer. I was able to get a dozen varieties, multiple plants of each from a local farmer for the price of what a handful of plants would’ve cost at a big box store. Finding someone with so many different kinds was pretty lucky, but I saw plenty of different people selling plants at low prices compared to local stores.
I have a 5 gallon bucket with three plants in it. Planted last spring outdoors. I didn’t do a good job this fall covering them for winter. The runners are sporting green leaves but the main plant isn’t looking very well. Could the runners be rooted since they have green leaves since there partly covered with leaves?
Hi! Why can’t I find “Florida Sensation” AKA “Sweet Sensation” AKA “FL-127” for sale anywhere?
Just looking for gaviota strawberry plants. Do you know any place I can order them from. Looking for 40-50 of them. Can’t seem to find any.
Hi, great website! Is there a way I can search for a nursery / supplier by location, so that if I want to go pick up plants in person, I can see which places are in my area?
Patrick Junn
Do you know any reputable seller that can ship internationally, specifically in Philippines?
Mr. Strawberry
Patrick Junn,
There are usually restrictions on importing and exporting living plants across national borders. You might have better results trying to have seeds shipped to you. Good luck!
Hi Danny here: several years ago I purchased some straw berry plants 25 or so I planted them on a mound 4 ft high and 8 ft across at the base, the mound was quickly covered by the plants the next May we were picking about a quart and a half to three quarts of berries every day. And that continued into September. If we quit picking daily the production would slow down till the next year. The Berries, were large and very sweet. Unfortunately, we moved and didn’t take any plants with us. We lived in Sumner, WA. By the description , can you guess as to the variety, or give us an idea as to a good replacement variety thank you for your time. Danny
Mr. Strawberry
I can’t tell you what variety that was, but the recommended varieties for each state can be found here. Good luck!
Alfred Carl Keeling
Mr. strawberry do you know of any sellers shipping presently
Mr. Strawberry
Alfred Carl Keeling,
Your best bet will be the suppliers who ship fall strawberry plants. Good luck!
I have come across a dark red berry that is red and sweet all the way through the inside, no white at all. I’m in south east Michigan…all the store berries are white inside. I bought these at a farm and they don’t know what kind they are. I want to grow this kind. Can you help?
Mr. Strawberry
Unfortunately, I’m not able to identify it based on just that criteria. I’m sorry!
Howard Vermont
Jason Inch, Carther Plants in Thamesford, Ontario, Canada is just starting to sell strawberry plugs.
Mr. Strawberry
Howard Vermont,
Thanks for letting me know. I’ve included them in the directories.
Silk River
Does Earliglow Junebearing strawberries grow well in the Portland, OR climate in a regular home garden? If not, what are a few varieties you might recommend for this area that are delicious and easy to grow (and if possible can come back next year in this area)? Thank you and blessings!
Mr. Strawberry
Silk River,
You can see the official recommended varieties for where you are here. Although Earliglow isn’t on the list, it actually should perform reasonably well there. Good luck!
Nick Perez
Great tool, I was able to find all the varieties I needed in a snap. I wish I would have found this site much sooner. Now if I only had a similar tool for grapes…
Mr. Strawberry
Nick Perez,
Thanks for the compliment! I’m glad we could help!
Raye Skerritt
I want to attempt to grow strawberries in the Caribbean. Can you please suggest the best varieties for this region and make any suggestions that you think will help.
Mr. Strawberry
Raye Skerritt,
Unfortunately, the Caribbean isn’t the best place to try and grow strawberries. It is generally too hot. You might want to give Chandler a try, however, if you do try to grow them. Good luck!
John Gallagher
Where can I find Delmarvel Strawberries? I live in Southeastern Pa and saw at both Penn St and Rutgers recommend these varieties for this area……….
Mr. Strawberry
John Gallagher,
Delmarvel strawberries are a good choice, but they have been out-performed by more recently released varieties. You can probably find them at local nurseries in your area, but they aren’t available for ordering online (as far as I am aware). You can find a host of others here. Good luck!
Marjorie McCausland-George
To Whom It May Concern, I have no idea how to buy strawberries. I don’t know what kind I should get or what they should cost. Please educate me-when you have a chance. I am sure you are very busy, I am just too ignorant about them. Am sorry about this. Also, in cases where people may have verticillium, is there some kind of powder or spray to combat that sort of thing? What can anyone use? Thank you already.
sincerely, Marjorie McCausland-George.
Been looking through here at the vendors. Most don’t specify the age of these plants. I am interested in fall planting and spring harvest ,then plow them and start over again in the fall with new plants. Am not interested in establishing a plant for 18 months . Also price for these plants is a big factor . If when its done it cost me as much as it would to buy the fruit retail + plus the work I am not interested . The prices look go for the most part with these vendors . Can anybody recommend one that sells mature plants at a reasonable price ?
Mr. Strawberry
For what you are wanting to do, check the vendors that offer Fall Strawberry Plants for sale. Good luck!
Jason Inch
I am hoping to find strawberry plugs for May, 2014.
Anyone know a Canadian Supplier of strawberry plugs?
or.. A company who can ship plugs into Canada?
Desperately seeking plugs!!
Straw Berry
Jason Inch,
You should find several here who can ship to you in Canada: Strawberry Suppliers. Good luck!
barbara Doss
I am looking for Sweet Ann organic strawberries to grow in central texas. Can you tell me if they are available and at what price Ican buy them if I buy 100.
Straw Berry
barbara Doss,
I am not aware of anyone selling Sweet Ann strawberries in your area. If you discover them for sale, please do let me know, and I will include them in our directory. Good luck!
Hello I live in Michigan. What variety of plants would you recommend I like the day neutrals.
Mr. Strawberry
The recommeded varieties are here for Michigan. Tribute and Tristar are the day-neutrals. Good luck!
Looking for Noreaster strawberry plants.
Do you have a list of the best plants for each state or zone?
I live in Orlando Fl. and want to add strawberries to my garden.
Thanks for your time,
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, indeed! It is here: Recommended Strawberry Varieties by State.
I need some early, middle, and late plants for Missouri. Could you recomend the best sort? Sweetest? biggest? biggest yielding? Thank You.
Mr. Strawberry
I’d recommend reviewing the recommended varieties for Missouri. Good luck!
Russell O
I live in the southern part of Alabama. Can you recommend an everbearing or day-neutral strawberry that will produce fruit in the fall as well as spring for my area? Thanks.
Mr. Strawberry
Russell O,
You could try Ozark Beauty (everbearing) or Tribute/Tristar (day-neutral). For other recommendations, see the listing for Alabama here: Recommended Varieties by State. Good luck!
Doreen T
I live in Parkersburg, WV. I am looking for an everbearing strawberry that will grow well here. Several years ago I found a local supplier that sold bare root plants that performed wonderfully and were very prolific. I have been unable to locate them again. What do you suggest?
Mr. Strawberry
Doreen T,
I would recommend Ozark Beauty. It is a tried and true everbearing variety and should should do well where you live. You can find suppliers here: Ozark Beauty. Good luck!
bonnie muzylouski
can you tell me how big an area I will need for 1000 strawberry plants?
Mr. Strawberry
This should be of assistance: Strawberry Plants per Acre
Could you suggest a strawberry plant variety that would do well in Connecticut?
Mr. Strawberry
The following two varieties should do well for you in Connecticut: Earliglow, Jewel. Good luck!
This is such an informative site! Kudos for helping so many people! I am wondering which strawberry variety is the absolute sweetest with the best flavor. I am not too concerned with having enormous berries or a high yeild, I would rather have fewer berries that are decadent. Also, if it halps, I live in the Portland, OR area. Thank you!
Mr. Strawberry
If taste and aroma are your primary concerns, go with an Alpine variety. This one is excellent. Good luck!
Hello Mr Strawberry, unfortunately the link to your reply re best alpines no longer exists. Which alpine were you recommending? Cheers.
dear mister,
This year i will be planting strawberries in my garden… i was looking at some varieties such as the Earliglow strawberry and i was wondering what you thought about them i am from Kentucky so we have very fertile ground…
Mr. Strawberry
Earliglow is a good variety, but these may do better in Kentucky: Camarosa, Chandler, Jewel, Northeaster, Sweet Charlie. Good luck!
Sukin Oh
Dear sir,
We are planning to plant strawberry plants in South Korea this early spring, and would like to harvest the fruits this late spring and early summer. Whis varieties are suitable, and where can we buy young strawberry plants?
Thank you
Sukin Oh
Mr. Strawberry
Sukin Oh,
Unfortunately, I am not familiar with the South Korean climate. However, I can tell you that you will likely have much happier plants and much bigger long-term yields from your strawberry plants if you modify your plans slightly. Planting strawberry plants in the spring and hoping to harvest just a few months later usually is not a very successful approach. You might get a small harvest, but the plants will do much better in the long run if you snip or pinch off the blooms throughout the first growing season to allow the plants to establish themselves and develop hearty and powerful root systems. See the Growing Strawberries reference page for more details. As for buying the plants, I don’t know of any Korean suppliers at present. You could try contacting some of the suppliers listed in the directories on this site to see if they are able to ship internationally. Good luck!
I live in near Philadelphia, and am wondering if I can plant several kinds of strawberry plants together in one conatiner to expand the growing season, with some ripening at various points in the season? Thank you!
Mr. Strawberry
As long as your container is large enough to accommodate multiple plants, you can most definitely extend the growing season and harvest. If you look at the chart near the top of the Strawberry Varieties reference page, you can get approximate ripening times. If you plant early season, mid-season, and late season varieties, you’ll accomplish your goal, if all goes and grows well. Good luck!
I live in new york and I would like to grow strawberries hydroponically. Which variety would you recommend for hydroponics?
Mr. Strawberry
You need a day-neutral variety for best results using hydroponics (see the Strawberry Varieties page for details on day-neutrals). The varieties that most hydroponic growers do the best with are Tribute and Tristar.
Good afternoon, tell me what kind of strawberries to choose to grow year-round in greenhouses for commercial sale. Also interested in the variety to be grown in hydroponic setup.
Mr. Strawberry
Usually, day-neutral strawberries do best for year-round and hydroponic growing. For more information on day-neutrals, see the Strawberry Varieties reference page. Two of the best varieties are Tribute and Tristar. Good luck!
I live in Boston MA — it is now oct and I would like to plant some fall strawberries-I have a 15 x 25 foot bed of strawberries that my husband weed sacked since the bed did not produce well this year. It is about 5 years old – is it too late to order and plant for a spring harvest in 2012
Mr. Strawberry
You are definitely pushing it as far as planting a strawberry bed that will successfully make it through the winter since you live in a northern climate. But, it can’t hurt to try! See the Fall Strawberry Plants page for more information. You may want to establish a new bed as old plants can harbor diseases that can be passed easily to new plantings. And, to keep your beds vital on a sustainable and long-term basis, see the system on the Transplanting Strawberries page.
Can you recommend a source for the strawberry variety ‘Charlotte’ in the US?
Mr. Strawberry
I am unaware at present of any suppliers of the ‘Charlotte’ variety in the U.S.A. Sorry! If you discover one, please do let me know.
Mrs. M.J.Gardner
Am trying to find a source for strawberry plants this fall to plant in the garden, most only do spring planting.
Mr. Strawberry
Mrs. Gardner,
For retailers who offer fall shipments, see here: Fall Strawberry Plants.
Jeff Martin
Which types of strawberry plants would you recomend for Kentucky
Mr. Strawberry
For recommended strawberry varieties for Kentucky (or any of the other 49 states), see here: Recommended Strawberry Varieties by State