This page is a profile summary of the strawberry cultivar ‘Ozark Beauty’ (Fragaria x ananassa). At the end of the page is a directory of suppliers from which you can buy Ozark Beauty strawberry plants. Hopefully, you will find the details here that you need in order to make an informed decision regarding whether or not Ozark Beauty strawberry plants are right for you and your growing conditions and needs.

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- Where to Grow Ozark Beauty Strawberries
- Growing Ozark Beauty Strawberry Plants: Conditions
- Disease Resistance of Ozark Beauty Strawberry Plants
- Disease Susceptibility of Ozark Beauty Strawberry Plants
- Ozark Beauty Strawberries
- Notable Features of Ozark Beauty Strawberry Plant & Strawberries
- Additional Information about the Strawberry Ozark Beauty
- Purchase Plants from These Ozark Beauty Strawberry Suppliers
Where to Grow Ozark Beauty Strawberries
Ozark Beauty strawberry plants were developed in Arkansas and have proven to be one of the most popular and adaptable of the everbearing strawberry varieties. They generally grow extremely well in zones 4 through 8, and can even perform in zones 3 and 9. They are particularly well-suited for more northern climates and the higher elevations in the south. With appropriate care, Ozark Beauty strawberries can survive winter temperatures to -30 degrees.
Ozark Beauty strawberry plants have become one of the best-selling of all commercially sold everbearing strawberries in large part to its overall robustness and adaptability. For more specifics on the cultivation of Ozark Beauty strawberry plants, see the Growing Strawberries page.
Growing Ozark Beauty Strawberry Plants: Conditions
Like all strawberries, Ozark Beauty strawberry plants prefer full sun, about an inch of water per week, and slightly acidic soil. While a pH of 5.3 to 6.5 is ideal for this variety, they will still do well in soil with a pH anywhere from 5.0 to 7.0. At their full, mature height, they will be between 8 inches and 1 foot tall and spread to about a foot.
Since Ozark Beauty strawberry plants are everbearers, planting them can yield two crops of strawberries: one in the late spring/early summer and another in the fall. Most of the suppliers who offer strawberry plants for sale online will ship in the early spring for spring planting. For June-bearing strawberries, this generally means that flowers should be removed and fruit should be foregone in year one to maximize plant health and future yields. However, for everbearing strawberry plants like Ozark Beauty, the removal of the initial flush of flowers doesn’t preclude all harvests for the year. With appropriate care, they will produce a late harvest meaning the fruits of one’s labor can be enjoyed the same year as the Ozark Beauty strawberry plants were planted.
Since this variety of strawberry plants produces a fair amount of runners, they can be planted in either the hill system or matted row. (See the Growing Strawberries reference page for more details). However, during the first growing year, it is best to remove all but 2-3 runners from each Ozark Beauty strawberry plant to maximize the size and quality of the strawberries and to help the strawberry plants root more effectively.
Disease Resistance of Ozark Beauty Strawberry Plants
Ozark Beauty strawberries are not known to have strong resistance to any of the common strawberry plant pests such as root nematodes or spider mites. They are, however, resistant to both leaf spot and leaf scorch.
Disease Susceptibility of Ozark Beauty Strawberry Plants
Ozark Beauty strawberry plants are susceptible to infection with several common strawberry diseases. They are susceptible to red stele and Verticillium wilt. Additionally, Ozark Beauty strawberries also will succumb to anthracnose.
Ozark Beauty Strawberries
Ozark Beauty strawberry plants are vigorous, everbearing, and may be the overall best of all everbearing strawberry varieties (for more details, see the Strawberry Varieties page). While other cultivars may have superior quality ratings in a category or two, few (if any) are a match for Ozark Beauty’s overall profile. Ozark Beauty strawberry plants produce large, well-colored, tasty strawberries – and lots of them!
Of note, however, is that Ozark Beauty runner plants will typically not set fruit in their first year (or they will do so sparsely). So, be patient with the runners, and the second year should yield an even more abundant harvest.
The strawberry plants usually produce berries that are uniform in shape. Additionally, Ozark Beauty strawberries are only moderately firm making them less well-suited for shipping. Otherwise, the strawberries are a deep red color externally and red throughout when mature, very sweet (honeysweet but not sickly sweet) with excellent strawberry flavor, and an excellent choice for virtually every home use: fresh eating, canning, making strawberry jam or strawberry jelly, freezing, or use in other strawberry recipes.
Notable Features of Ozark Beauty Strawberry Plant & Strawberries
- Very Hardy and Adaptable
- Excellent (and Popular) Choice for Home Gardeners
- Considered by Many to Be the Best Ever-bearing Variety
- Good Choice for Canning, Freezing, Preserves, and Jams/Jellies
Additional Information about the Strawberry Ozark Beauty
The strawberry plant Ozark Beauty will produce runners, blooms, and fruit simultaneously at times. In fact, one large strawberry plant provider noted in a trial over 200 blossoms, buds, and strawberries on a single plant over the course of a season. That is production!
Due to their popularity, Ozark Beauty strawberry plants are sold by quite a few strawberry plant suppliers. Be sure to check the various suppliers to get the best deal, and always make sure they are a reputable nursery and guarantee disease-free plants. (Many additional varieties and suppliers can be found in our directory of Strawberry Plants for Sale, or you can shop by variety on the Buy Strawberry Plants page.)
Purchase Plants from These Ozark Beauty Strawberry Suppliers
If you are wondering where to buy Ozark Beauty strawberry plants, the following table contains reputable suppliers of Ozark Beauty strawberry plants.
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