For those strawberry enthusiasts who have an interest in the latest and greatest developments in the world of horticulture, I am pleased to spread the word about the latest strawberry cultivar released by the breeding program at the United States Department of Agriculture’s Agriculture Research Service at Beltsville, Maryland. ‘Flavorfest’ is the latest improved variety selected and subsequently released by the program at the end of 2012. It takes quite a bit of work and research and testing for a new variety to be developed, and Flavorfest shows considerable potential.

Flavorfest is well-suited for growing in the mid-Atlantic and northeastern regions of the United States, as well as bordering regions. It should perform well for growers using annual plasticulture methods or the more traditional matted row system, and trials have produced excellent results at various locations ranging from North Carolina into Canada.
The History of Flavorfest Strawberry Plants
Not just any strawberry plant variety makes it to final selection and release to the public. Most don’t. It takes careful planning and years of work to prove that a new variety significantly improves upon the present varieties available and is worthy to enter the market. Flavorfest is no exception. It’s development was initially planned by Dr. Gene Galletta in 1995 and executed the following year by Mr. John Enns. After surviving the screening regimen for red stele resistance, it was selected in 1998 and has undergone further evaluation since then by the team at the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center until its recent release. It was initially trialed as B1033, and was derived from the cross pollination of B759 and B786. Genetic material from this release now has been registered with the National Plant Germplasm System and is available for research purposes.
Benefits of the Flavorfest Strawberry Variety
Each new released variety from the USDA research programs will improve on some aspect of strawberry cultivation. Either disease resistance, fruit quality, or climactic adaptation and tolerance are typically shown to be better in the newly-released variety. Flavorfest looks to be ready to compete with the long-time stalwart Chandler variety. The notable features of Flavorfest are:
- High Yield – Flavorfest has consistently produced as a top-yielder in trials.
- Aesthetics & Taste – The strawberries produced by Flavorfest strawberry plants are striking. They are notably large (the strawberries are larger than those produced by Chandler), bright red, and distinctively plump. They also have an excellent flavor profile.
- Disease Resistance – After showing initial resistance to red stele, Flavorfest showed resistance or tolerance to most of the stem and leaf diseases during trials. Additionally, no susceptibility to anthracnose crown or fruit rot has been found. The percentage of fruits showing Botrytis fruit rot has been similar to or lower than other currently-available mid-season varieties when harvested from untreated fields.
- Growing Considerations – Flavorfest has a prolonged growing season when compared to most other commercial varieties. It is similar to Chandler when grown in plasticulture, but its yield is higher and berries larger. The plants are also vigorous, require less nitrogen than Chandler, and propagate well.
Kelly Rothrock
Thank you for producing such a great variety. They have been low maintenance, very resistant and have such an amazing taste. They are the sweetest strawberries I have ever had. We tried the matted-row system and seems to have worked quite well. We like to use natural meathods in growing our strawberries, so they were very resistant. So again, thank you for these delicious strawberries!!!
Heather Stone
These were cultivated and cross pollinated to create the varitey….GMO is an organism where its dna is combined with ANOTHER SPECIES dna….like in corn where they inserted DNA from the Bt bacteria….corn is a vegetable, Bt is a bacteria….2 different species. You develop improved plants by crossing them to other plants (same species) to get superior traits. Do not confuse the millennial practice of cultivation with a genetic modification combining DNA from different species.
Flavorfest is not a GMO food. Burpee does not sell GMO seeds or plants. Whether or not it is organic depends on how the gardener grows it.
I was under the impression that most varieties are developed through classic breeding programs, which in no way are classified as GMO. I would think every living thing in existence is technically a Genetically Modified Organism when using the term in its most literal sense. Your thoughts?
Mr. Strawberry
I consider something to be genetically-modified when scientific techniques are employed to alter the genetic code of a living organism from its natural state to a state that is impossible to achieve without human intervention at the molecular level. So, breeding programs do not automatically create genetically-modified organisms, unless they use recombinant technology or other modern splicing techniques or chemical treatments to rearrange or insert genetic sequences from other organisms, or to force an unnatural genetic hybridization that would never naturally occur under any other circumstances. Hope that helps!
Dirty J
I am with James, above. Please tell me that these strawberries are not GMO. Either way, would you be able to say which varieties are not GMO so those of us trying to go organic can make the right decision.
Mr. Strawberry
Dirty J,
According to the information that I have reviewed, neither these nor most available varieties are GMO. However, almost all strawberry plants are produced using techniques and chemicals that most organic eaters would not consider organic. So, the best way to think of most strawberry varieties is like this: neither GMO nor organic. Hope that helps!
James Whisenhunt
I would like to purchase some Falvorfest Strawberry plants and wish to know how and where I can do this. I would also like to know the price and if the plants are GMO?
Thank you
Mr. Strawberry
James Whisenhunt,
If you look just above in the conclusion to this post, you’ll see the contact information for Dr. Kim Lewers. At present, you have to get the Flavorfest variety by ordering through her. Just follow the above instructions, and you should be able to get some if they aren’t all sold out. Good luck!