This page is a directory of suppliers who offer strawberry seeds for sale online. If you are looking to buy strawberry seeds online, this listing should give you plenty of options. If you know of a supplier or are a supplier and would like to be added to this list, feel free to contact us. This listing is alphabetical. If you want to purchase live or dormant strawberry plants instead of strawberry seeds, visit our directory here: Strawberry Plants for Sale Online. Or, shop by variety here: Buy Strawberry Plants. And, prior to buying any seeds, be sure you understand the nuances of Strawberry Seeds and Growing Strawberries.

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Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
Varieties offered for Sale: Yellow Wonder Wild Strawberry, Alexandria Strawberry, Atilla Strawberry, White Soul Alpine Strawberry
Varieties offered for Sale: Strawberry Mignonette (Alpine)
Cherry Gal
Varieties offered for Sale: Alpine Strawberry
Chiltern Seeds [UK]
Varieties offered for Sale: Wild Strawberry
Cornucopia Seeds & Plants [Australia]
Varieties offered for Sale: Baron Solemacher (Alpine Strawberry)
Dobie’s of Devon [UK]
Varieties offered for Sale: Regina, White Soul
D.T. Brown Seed Merchants [UK]
Varieties offered for Sale: Fresca, Toscana
Garden 4 Less [UK]
Varieties offered for Sale: World Kitchen (Alpine) Baron Solemacher
Gardening Express [UK]
Varieties offered for Sale: Stagioni Four Seasons
Grimes Horticulture
Varieties offered for Sale: Temptation
Varieties offered for Sale: Temptation
Hirt’s Gardens
Varieties offered for Sale: Everbearing Picnic, Delicious, Yellow Wonder Alpine, White Strawberry, Woodland Wild, Fragissimo, Patio Temptation
Idaho Seeds
Varieties offered for Sale: Ogalalla
Johnny’s Selected Seeds
Varieties offered for Sale: Tarpan (F1), Sarian (F1)
Kitchen Garden Seeds
Varieties offered for Sale: Fresca Strawberries, Red Wonder Alpine, Yellow Wonder Alpine
Local Harvest
Varieties offered for Sale: White Alpine Strawberry
Moles Seeds [UK]
Varieties offered for Sale: Alexandria, Fresca, Loran, Roman, Tarpan, Temptation
N E Seed
Varieties offered for Sale: Temptation
Nichols Garden Nursery
Varieties offered for Sale: Berri Basket Pink
Orchard House Heirlooms
Varieties offered for Sale: Alexandria, Mignonette
Organica Seed Company
Varieties offered for Sale: Red Alpine, Yellow Wonder
Park Seed Company
Varieties offered for Sale: Rainbow Treasure, Toscana
Pinetree Garden Seeds
Varieties offered for Sale: Ruegen, Sarian (F1 hybrid), Temptation, White Soul, Yellow Wonder Strawberry
Princess Tiffany’s Home and Garden
Varieties offered for Sale: Sarian, Tarpan
Reimer Seeds
Varieties offered for Sale: Alexandria, Sarian, Temptation
Renee’s Garden
Varieties offered for Sale: Alpine Mignonette Heirloom
Richters Herb & Vegetable
Varieties offered for Sale: Alpine Strawberry, Wild Strawberry
Sand Mountain Herbs
Varieties offered for Sale: Fragaria vesca (they note that they consider Fragaria vesca to be the same as the: Woodland Strawberry, Wood Strawberry, Wild Strawberry, Perpetual Strawberry, Fresa, Fraisier, Fraises des Bois, Erdbeer, Cilek, Bosaardbei, and Alpine Strawberry)
Seed Bank (Canada)
Varieties offered for Sale: Alpine, White Apline, Wild Strawberry
Seeds & Things
Varieties offered for Sale: Alexandria
Seeds from Italy
Varieties offered for Sale: Alpine (Fragola Quattro Stagioni)
Seemnemaailm (Russia/Estonia)
Varieties offered for Sale: Remontant Strawberry F1 ‘Moscow delicacy’, Alpimaasikas ‘Zolotoi Desert’ Fragaria vesca var. alpina, Aedmaasikas F1 ‘Home dainty’ Fragaria ananassa, Others
Stokes Seeds, Inc.
Varieties offered for Sale: Fresca, Milan (F1)
Suttons Seeds [UK]
Varieties offered for Sale: Regina
Swallowtail Garden Seeds
Varieties offered for Sale: Alexandria Alpine, Fresca, Loran
Territorial Seed Company
Varieties offered for Sale: Italian Alpine
The Strawberry Store, LLC
Varieties offered for Sale: Fragaria vesca ‘Atilla’, Fragaria vesca ‘Bowlenzauber’, Fragaria vesca ‘Alexandria’, Fragaria vesca ‘Alexandria’ (Organic), Fragaria vesca ‘Mignonette’, Fragaria vesca ‘Baron Solemacher’, Fragaria vesca ‘Etoile Jaune’, Fragaria vesca ‘Yellow Wonder’, Fragaria vesca ‘Red Wonder’, Fragaria vesca ‘Pineapple Crush’, Fragaria vesca ‘Fragola di Bosco’, Fragaria vesca ‘Fragola Quattro Stagioni’, Fragaria vesca ‘Ivory’, Fragaria vesca ‘Ruegen’, Fragaria vesca ‘Vanilla’, Fragaria vesca (Runnerless wild-type), Fragaria vesca ‘Regina’, Fragaria vesca ‘White Soul’, Fragaria vesca ‘Ali Baba’, Fragaria vesca ‘Reine des Vallees’, Fragaria vesca ‘White Solemacher’
Vegetable Seeds UK [UK]
Varieties offered for Sale: Italian Alpine Strawberry (Quattro di Stagione), European Woodland Strawberry (Fragola di Bosco)
Varieties offered for Sale: Rainbow Treasure
Whatcom Seed Company
Varieties offered for Sale: Early Everbearing, Fragissimo, Improved Rugen (Alpine Strawberry)
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