This page is a directory of suppliers who offer strawberry seeds for sale online. If you are looking to buy strawberry seeds online, this listing should give you plenty of options. If you know of a supplier or are a supplier and would like to be added to this list, feel free to contact us. This listing is alphabetical. If you want to purchase live or dormant strawberry plants instead of strawberry seeds, visit our directory here: Strawberry Plants for Sale Online. Or, shop by variety here: Buy Strawberry Plants. And, prior to buying any seeds, be sure you understand the nuances of Strawberry Seeds and Growing Strawberries.

Disclosure: This article includes affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you make a purchase through my links, at no extra cost to you. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
Varieties offered for Sale: Yellow Wonder Wild Strawberry, Alexandria Strawberry, Atilla Strawberry, White Soul Alpine Strawberry
Varieties offered for Sale: Strawberry Mignonette (Alpine)
Cherry Gal
Varieties offered for Sale: Alpine Strawberry
Chiltern Seeds [UK]
Varieties offered for Sale: Wild Strawberry
Cornucopia Seeds & Plants [Australia]
Varieties offered for Sale: Baron Solemacher (Alpine Strawberry)
Dobie’s of Devon [UK]
Varieties offered for Sale: Regina, White Soul
D.T. Brown Seed Merchants [UK]
Varieties offered for Sale: Fresca, Toscana
Garden 4 Less [UK]
Varieties offered for Sale: World Kitchen (Alpine) Baron Solemacher
Gardening Express [UK]
Varieties offered for Sale: Stagioni Four Seasons
Grimes Horticulture
Varieties offered for Sale: Temptation
Varieties offered for Sale: Temptation
Hirt’s Gardens
Varieties offered for Sale: Everbearing Picnic, Delicious, Yellow Wonder Alpine, White Strawberry, Woodland Wild, Fragissimo, Patio Temptation
Idaho Seeds
Varieties offered for Sale: Ogalalla
Johnny’s Selected Seeds
Varieties offered for Sale: Tarpan (F1), Sarian (F1)
Kitchen Garden Seeds
Varieties offered for Sale: Fresca Strawberries, Red Wonder Alpine, Yellow Wonder Alpine
Local Harvest
Varieties offered for Sale: White Alpine Strawberry
Moles Seeds [UK]
Varieties offered for Sale: Alexandria, Fresca, Loran, Roman, Tarpan, Temptation
N E Seed
Varieties offered for Sale: Temptation
Nichols Garden Nursery
Varieties offered for Sale: Berri Basket Pink
Orchard House Heirlooms
Varieties offered for Sale: Alexandria, Mignonette
Organica Seed Company
Varieties offered for Sale: Red Alpine, Yellow Wonder
Park Seed Company
Varieties offered for Sale: Rainbow Treasure, Toscana
Pinetree Garden Seeds
Varieties offered for Sale: Ruegen, Sarian (F1 hybrid), Temptation, White Soul, Yellow Wonder Strawberry
Princess Tiffany’s Home and Garden
Varieties offered for Sale: Sarian, Tarpan
Reimer Seeds
Varieties offered for Sale: Alexandria, Sarian, Temptation
Renee’s Garden
Varieties offered for Sale: Alpine Mignonette Heirloom
Richters Herb & Vegetable
Varieties offered for Sale: Alpine Strawberry, Wild Strawberry
Sand Mountain Herbs
Varieties offered for Sale: Fragaria vesca (they note that they consider Fragaria vesca to be the same as the: Woodland Strawberry, Wood Strawberry, Wild Strawberry, Perpetual Strawberry, Fresa, Fraisier, Fraises des Bois, Erdbeer, Cilek, Bosaardbei, and Alpine Strawberry)
Seed Bank (Canada)
Varieties offered for Sale: Alpine, White Apline, Wild Strawberry
Seeds & Things
Varieties offered for Sale: Alexandria
Seeds from Italy
Varieties offered for Sale: Alpine (Fragola Quattro Stagioni)
Seemnemaailm (Russia/Estonia)
Varieties offered for Sale: Remontant Strawberry F1 ‘Moscow delicacy’, Alpimaasikas ‘Zolotoi Desert’ Fragaria vesca var. alpina, Aedmaasikas F1 ‘Home dainty’ Fragaria ananassa, Others
Stokes Seeds, Inc.
Varieties offered for Sale: Fresca, Milan (F1)
Suttons Seeds [UK]
Varieties offered for Sale: Regina
Swallowtail Garden Seeds
Varieties offered for Sale: Alexandria Alpine, Fresca, Loran
Territorial Seed Company
Varieties offered for Sale: Italian Alpine
The Strawberry Store, LLC
Varieties offered for Sale: Fragaria vesca ‘Atilla’, Fragaria vesca ‘Bowlenzauber’, Fragaria vesca ‘Alexandria’, Fragaria vesca ‘Alexandria’ (Organic), Fragaria vesca ‘Mignonette’, Fragaria vesca ‘Baron Solemacher’, Fragaria vesca ‘Etoile Jaune’, Fragaria vesca ‘Yellow Wonder’, Fragaria vesca ‘Red Wonder’, Fragaria vesca ‘Pineapple Crush’, Fragaria vesca ‘Fragola di Bosco’, Fragaria vesca ‘Fragola Quattro Stagioni’, Fragaria vesca ‘Ivory’, Fragaria vesca ‘Ruegen’, Fragaria vesca ‘Vanilla’, Fragaria vesca (Runnerless wild-type), Fragaria vesca ‘Regina’, Fragaria vesca ‘White Soul’, Fragaria vesca ‘Ali Baba’, Fragaria vesca ‘Reine des Vallees’, Fragaria vesca ‘White Solemacher’
Vegetable Seeds UK [UK]
Varieties offered for Sale: Italian Alpine Strawberry (Quattro di Stagione), European Woodland Strawberry (Fragola di Bosco)
Varieties offered for Sale: Rainbow Treasure
Whatcom Seed Company
Varieties offered for Sale: Early Everbearing, Fragissimo, Improved Rugen (Alpine Strawberry)
Albion Seeds needed, preferably live, sterilized and non GMO, amount: 10 000 seeds,
if anyone knows a decent seller please let me know🌷
my email is: [email protected]
Mary Ward
Not sure about seeds, but Nourse has bare root plants. They are a certified nursery.
One of our local farmer’s market vendors sells Gaviota strawberries. In researching them the comments are “no longer available”. Why? Are they a hybrid which won’t grow true, or could I harvest the seeds and try growing them?
Sandra Willis
I garden in SW Ontario. The recommended all-season variety here is Albion. I have been warned that much
plant stock is susceptible to fungus or already contaminated. To avoid that it was recommended that
I start from seed. Is this true?
Thank you
David Chalkley
“Unfortunately, governments can be fairly strict when it comes to what enters…. the country.” Unfortunate for those who would import anything without care. The purpose of government controls on plant/seed/animal imports is to PROTECT the agriculture and environment (and even health) of the country. There are too many examples of invasive plants, animals, and their disease-causing organisms in the history of the world (see Australia & Hawaii & Florida) to suggest that there is anything wrong with government controls on importation of living plants & animals.
Viet Anh
Hi, I’m looking for Japanese Strawberry (Tochiotome) seeds, Do you have any? Or do you have any simirlar recommend for me?
Hi do you have Rubygem Strawberies seeds?
Luciano Mirabitur
Hi do you have fortuna Strawberies seeds???
Mr. Strawberry
Luciano Mirabitur,
I believe Fortuna is a hybrid and, consequently, won’t grow true from seed. I’m sorry!
Is the Variety of Rainbow Treasure really?It’s beautifull and rare, but why so few peaple to grow it?
I bought twice from eBay, but none of them germinated
Mr. Strawberry
The Rainbow Treasure strawberries are a hybridize cross that has colored blooms. Few people grow it because it produces small strawberries, and not very many of those. Most people who grow it do so for the color of the blooms, not the fruit. Good luck!
None of the listed suppliers provide quinalt strawberry seeds, which perform magnificently in NE Texas. I can get actual strawberries. Are there additional concerns in saving seeds directly from the fruit?
Mr. Strawberry
Unfortunately, Quinault is a hybrid variety and won’t grow true from seed. You’ll need to order the plants. Good luck!
Nina Maden
Is it possible to purchase the seeds of Fragaria anaschata “Купчиха”?
Nina M.
Mr. Strawberry
Nina Maden,
It may be, but I am unfortunately unaware of any suppliers of that species of strawberry seed. I’m sorry! If you find a source, please do let me know, and I will include it in this directory! Good luck!
I’m looking for‘Tochiotome’, ‘Nyoho’in Japan.
DO you know where I can buy them?
Mr. Strawberry
Mr. Ichigo,
Unfortunately, I do not. I’m sorry!
I’m looking for AVA Scottish seeds i believe are grown here in Scotland. Is the name variety correct and do you know where I can buy them?
Mr. Strawberry
Unfortunately, I am not sure where to obtain those. I’m sorry!
Cliff Whit
Is it possible to purchase Tribute, Allstar and Fort Laramie strawberry seeds?
Thank you,
Mr. Strawberry
Cliff Whit,
Unfortunately, no. At least not from a reputable seller. All three of those varieties are hybrids and will not grow true from seed. You can, however, buy dormant plants in each of those varieties here. Good luck!
Hi.I am looking for Albion strawberry seeds, but I can’t find them? Is Albion hybrid too?
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, Albion is a hybrid and will not grow true from seeds. You can, however, buy Albion plants! Good luck!
Hi am looking for chandler strawberry seeds in bulk where can I find them
Mr. Strawberry
Unfortunately, Chandler is a hybrid. That means you can’t get seeds that will grow true. If you want Chandler strawberries, you’ll have to order plants, not seeds. Sorry!
I’d like to plant some strawberries here in Philippines… What variety would be okay? Where can I buy them? 🙂
Mr. Strawberry
From what I remember about the climate in the Philippines, it isn’t optimal for strawberry cultivation. It can also be difficult to get live plants through customs in just about any country. Your best bet would be to buy seeds and grow plants from seed. However, as I mentioned, It will likely be difficult to find success due to your climate. Good luck!
Does he have a place in Canada that we can buy Pinneberry plant. Or does somebody can ship to Canada.
Thank you
Mr. Strawberry
Unfortunately, I am not aware of anyone who sells Pineberries in Canada. You’d need to check with your customs officials to see if they can be brought or shipped into Canada. Good luck!
Sua Sunitatai
Please Forward The Samples & Rates Per Kg Of The strawberry Seeds To be used in Soap Industry.
Please comunicate the Availability Of the seeds in Pune/Maharastra/ India.
Thanks With the regards.
Raju Gandhi
Sheti Udyog Bhandar
Swargate Corner
Pune 411042
020 24473615
Mr. Strawberry
Sua Sunitatai,
Unfortunately, I am not familiar with the Soap Industry. Also, does not sell strawberry seeds directly. But, if you check out the directory of seed suppliers on this page just above these comments, you might be able to contact one or more of them and have prices quoted and some seeds shipped to you. Good luck!
Can pineberry seeds be shipped to America and/or Germany?
Mr. Strawberry
Unfortunately, they cannot. Pineberry plants are hybrids and, consequently, won’t grow true from seed. See this post for the details: Pineberry Seeds.
Why doesn’t anyone carry Cardinal variety seeds?
Mr. Strawberry
Cardinal strawberries are hybrids and will not grow true from seed. So, no one sells them. You can buy the plants here, if you’d like: Cardinal Strawberry Plants
david emerick
why are fairfax SBs no longer available? I used to grow those back in the 50s and 60s and they were an excellent berry. Any chance of those coming back or someone selling them somewhere? thanks
Mr. Strawberry
Ahhh, the legendary Fairfax strawberry cultivar. To answer your question, I do not know why no one sells Fairfax. I get regular inquiries for them, but none of the commercial suppliers of which I am aware carry them. Fairfax has long been touted as having some of the best-tasting fruit of all time. However, the plants themselves went out of vogue many years back, and it is possible that they had a poor disease resistance profile or other such negative quality that countered their great taste. But, there still is quite a bit of interest in them, so if you hear that they are still available somewhere, please do let me know!
You might try Eversweet, a fairly new variety I think, it is being touted as holding up well to “the heat of the South”, and is supposed to tolerate temps of 100 degrees fahrenheit or more with no loss of fruit quality. It is an everbearing variety. It is also said to tolerate humidity well.
I think that if you made sure your strawberry bed was on well drained soil, you might have a fair shot at getting a crop with Eversweet. Good luck.
deepak v salunkhe
i need
strawberry seed for plantation in india at hillstation area mahabaleshwar can you please help me which is your distributer in india
Mr. Strawberry
deepak, does not sell any plants or seeds directly. Instead, we link to retailers who do. We don’t have any distributors in India, but you can check with the nurseries that offer Strawberry Plants for Sale to see if any of them can ship to you. Good luck!
Kari Vorster
Good day
I am from South Africa and looking for a supplier of Strawberry Seeds or plants, do you know of someone who can assist me please? what is the best way to plant the seeds regarding feeding (suplements) water sun or shade best time of the year ext.
Mr. Strawberry
I don’t know of any suppliers in South Africa. You can contact sellers at these links for Strawberry Seeds and Strawberry Plants, but they are predominantly American and European suppliers. For help getting the plants up and vibrant, see the Growing Strawberries reference page. Remember to adjust the months so that they are seasonally appropriate for the Southern Hemisphere and your climate in South Africa. You may benefit from this post on Shipping Strawberries as well.
Do you know of any strawberry variety that can resisist tropical heat (Puerto Rico)? If so how/where can I buy seeds or plants? I know its a long shot but I just want to experiment.
Mr. Strawberry
By nature, strawberry plants are temperate. All varieties will have difficulty growing in tropical heat. One you might try is ‘Chandler’ for the heat there. But, it is likely to die or do poorly, even though it is somewhat more heat-tolerant than most other varieties.
Dear Madam/Sir
I would like to buy any available spider mite- resistant cultivars, if it is possible (including: Diamante, Aromas) and also some other popular cultivars including Ovation, Delmarvel, Northeaster, Primetime, latestar, Alnion, Fern, Hood, Jewel and Kent.
Please Guide me.
Mr. Strawberry
You can quickly find sellers of those strawberry varieties here: Buy Strawberry Plants
Michael Wellik
I ship to many countries and have not had any problems as long as the package label includes a standard customs form. The key is to check with country and local officials whether there are restrictions on Fragaria entering. I cannot know all regulations, so I rely on the customer to check with officials. To date I have had no trouble but I have not shipped to South Africa yet. (The Strawberry Store)
Carl Maree
I need strawberry seeds to plant in South Africa. Can you please help?
Mr. Strawberry
Unfortunately, governments can be fairly strict when it comes to what enters and exits the country. I am not familiar with South Africa’s import/export policies regarding seeds. My best suggestion is to contact some of the strawberry seed suppliers on this page and see if any of them are willing to ship to you in South Africa. There are probably some regional suppliers of strawberry seeds within your country, but I am not aware of them currently. If you do discover them, let me know, and I will include them on this page for future visitors. For an idea of what you will need to do to get strawberry plants or seeds shipped to you, view this: Shipping Strawberry Plants. I hope you are successful in your search for strawberry seeds in South Africa!