Question: Are Bare Root Strawberries or Strawberry Plant Plugs Better?
An Vuong asked:
I want to know the diffirences between bare root plant, plant, bundle and runner. What kind of them that I should buy?
Answer to: Are Bare Root Strawberries or Strawberry Plant Plugs Better?
An Vuong,
Bare root plants are strawberry plants that are shipped without dirt on their roots. They are typically the least expensive. They are usually stored by the retailer or producer in a freezer to induce dormancy, shipped in a dormant state, and need to be planted right away upon arrival. The other main type of plants available commercially are the plug plants. These are produced from rhizomal division or tissue culture or from runner plants. They arrive in soil or other growth medium and are actively growing when they get to you. The also should be planted sooner rather than later, but can stay in their plug trays for a while until you are able to plant them. Plug plants typically have a better survival rate and are more vigorous quicker. I personally prefer plug plants, but both are a good option, and many varieties are only available in the bare root form from suppliers. Bundles are usually just bare root plants rubber banded together, so you get a certain number (often 25) in a bundle. Occasionally, strawberries will also be offered as potted plants with a single strawberry plant in a pot. You can find plug plants, potted plants, and bare root suppliers on the Buy Strawberry Plants directory. Good luck!
This is a question submitted to StrawberryPlants.org by a reader. See the Strawberry FAQ for more questions and answers.
Jimmy dykes
I purchased a no till vegetable transplanter and am looking for info on planting bareroot or plugs.igltlrecommended to use 72 count trays but all l I have seen is 50 count trays…will this work?or should I consider bareroot?I plan to start off with 10,000
Bart Buyck
My passion is taking care of my strawberry plants. I live in Belgium and it seems impossible to buy varieties such as Ozark Beauty, Chandler, Seascape, Honeoye,…These varieties are not just ordinary varieties. These varieties are top varieties. Lacking those plants in my garden make my hobby incomplete. Last week I was able to buy 25 bare root Seascape, Ozark Beauty and Albion on Ubuy website. Today my order was cancelled. I paste the reason :
Dear Bart Buyck
Greetings from Ubuy!
This email is in concern to your order#47076329122 placed on 21st of Aug 2023, we are truly sorry to inform you that the below product(s) is prohibited to import /export due to country customs regulation so we are going to cancel below given product(s) from your order.
Product 1. Everbearing Ozark Beauty Strawberry Plants 20 Bare Root Plants – TOP PRODUCER
Product 2. Seascape Everbearing Strawberry Bare Roots Plants, 25 per Pack, Hardy Plants Non GMO
Product 3. Albion Everbearing Strawberry Bare Roots Plants, 25 per Pack, Hardy Plants Non GMO
I am heartbroken and thinking about giving up yje chase for those varieties. I’m lost for words.
Kind regards
Bart Buyck