Companion planting has a long, storied history. Individuals have noted benefits (and drawbacks) when certain plant species are grown in close proximity to one another for hundreds of years, and many books have been written on the topic. Interestingly, the scientific causes of many of these relationships are not fully understood. But, the principles work and the beneficial symbiotic relationships can be measured among many types of plants.

The increased biodiversity is usually beneficial, but the planting of various plants in close proximity often yields multifaceted benefits. Two of the primary benefits are pest control and increased yield. There are many resources available to help develop a garden (or even a permaculture) that thrives based on mutual assistance and inter-connectivity of well-planned companion planting layouts. The purpose of this post, however, is to deal specifically with companion plants for strawberry plants and what benefits can be achieved by companion planting strawberries in your garden.
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Companion Planting Strawberries
To begin, it is important to remember the nature of strawberry plants. They are prolific, can be somewhat invasive, and most varieties will quickly form a thick matted row made up of strawberry runners if left alone. Because of this, it is best to think in terms of which plants can help strawberries grow, not the other way around. While strawberry plants themselves hurt relatively few other plants (the exception will be discussed below) by being planted near them, their rapidly expanding range can end up depleting nutrients or competing with other plants if they aren’t actively monitored.
Strawberry Companion Plants
If there is a magic bullet of companion planting, it is likely the herb borage. Borage helps a vast number of other plants. To learn more about its interaction with strawberries, see this article on strawberry plants & borage. Aside from borage, however, there are several other plants beneficial to strawberry plants. They are:
Borage (Borago officinalis)
This herb is a virtual magic bullet when it comes to companion planting. To learn about its relationship with the humble strawberry, click the link just above for detailed information.
Bush Beans (Phaseolus)
The common bean is known benefactor of strawberry plants. It repels some beetles and hosts nitrogen-fixing bacteria which serve to fertilize the soil for better strawberry yields.
Caraway (Carum carvi)
Caraway is another herb that indirectly benefits strawberry plants by being nearby. The primary benefit of caraway is that it attracts parasitic wasps and parasitic flies that are voracious predators of many common strawberry pests.
Lupin (Lupinus)
This flower is actually a legume. Like the beans mentioned above, it also fixes nitrogen in the soil, thereby fertilizing for surrounding plants, including strawberries. It also attracts honeybees.
Strawberry Companion Planting: Danger!
Not all plants will even tolerate the presence of strawberries, however. The most notable garden plants that are harmed by the proximity of strawberry plants are those related to the cabbage.
Cabbage Family (Brassica oleracea)
Avoid planting strawberries near members of Brassica oleracea. The cabbage family plants will have their growth impaired by strawberry plants close by. The major members of the cabbage family include: broccoli, broccoflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, Chinese broccoli, cauliflower, collard greens, kale, kohlrabi, and Romanesco broccoli.
Verticillium-Susceptible Species
The most common of these plants are tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, and peppers. If these plants (or melons, okra, mint, bush or bramble fruits, stone fruits, chrysanthemums, and roses) have been grown in the same spot recently (within 5 years), it is best to grow your strawberry plants elsewhere. Otherwise, the strawberry plants may be infected and die themselves.
Companion Planting Strawberries: Conclusion
The strawberry companion plants listed here are the well-established ones that have consistently demonstrated the mentioned benefits or drawbacks. However, there are surely more plant species out there that will interact either positively or negatively with strawberry plants. If you are aware of other plants that interact with strawberries, share your knowledge! You can tell us about your experiences by leaving a comment below, and start companion planting strawberries today!
Leana Nicole Bickers
I am new to gardening and I’m trying to plan my next year’s garden for my summer and winter planting. I’m going to have 4×4 boxes raised beds about 8-12 in deep and I was thinking for the strawberries I would plant 12 and then 4 snap peas trellised along the last row then towards the end of their season to cover and mulch the strawberries and then grow acorn squash in place of the peas and just let the squash cover the bed over the straw with the strawberries underneath. Would this be something that could work? is this sustainable for the 3 years until I move the strawberry bed?
Oh NO!!!! I planted tomatoes last year around the perimeter of an area that I was hoping to use for strawberries this year. While they would not be directly in the soil where the tomatoes were planted, they would be fairly close to where they were. And, at least one tomato overwintered (Sweet 100). Are the pathogens likely to travel? I don’t have another prepared spot. This would mean that I don’t get to plant strawberries. I suppose I could plant New Zealand and Malabar spinach there, instead… but not at all a good substitute. 🙁
Can I plant strawberries around my rose bushes and spearamint plants
You can try… especially as your comment was written last summer. I’m curious as to how things turned out for you, if you did. 🙂
(I was going to say check out the paragraph in the above article regarding “Verticillium-Susceptible Species.” But then I noticed your time stamp.)
Willow kennedy
How big of an area do onions need to grow with strawberries???
By: Willow Kennedy
Wolfgang mozart
strawberries are runners, onions like that 4 inch by 4 inch area so they can grow good bulb, you need a good area of your garden . What size of garden do u have because you should plan on paper what you are planting what needs to be spaced out and companions
Can strawberries and sweet grass thrive together?
Hi! I have a Meyer Lemon tree in a half-wine barrel and I’m wondering if strawberries can be planted successfully around the perimeter in the same barrel with the lemon tree. Any thoughts? Thanks!
Yes, it is recommended as the strawberries will act as a kind of natural watering reminder and when ever the strawberry plant starts to wilt(they will do so easily, and always recover) you will need to water. For more info look up IV Organics on YouTube and it is one on the older vids on companion planting.
Can I plant strawberries close to zucchini?
Carol Hebert
Hi, I planted strawberries around my 4 year old blueberry bushes and they have done very well but now the blueberries aren’t looking so good. Could it be because of the strawberries? I fertilized them, added a little peat moss and coffee grounds to beef up the PH.
Wolfgang mozart
I’d advise you to keep the squash and melons far away from the strawberries they use the same minerals in the dirt. Plant garlic and onions or leeks by strawberries they are the masters of keeping some bad bugs away. Marigolds and nasturtium are the kings of the garden. Northern alberta here and I’ve grown strawberries that were so big and juicy three could take up a breakfast plate. Black manure and peatmoss mulched into the dirt, DONT place fish under stuff because the wildlife and neighborhood dogs will have a feast and terrorize the plants.. nasturtium flowers are fardrn saved because all the bad bugs are horny to eat them. Especially if you plant brassica family plant a full row of nasturtium you’ll thank me when you end up with 15 lb cabbage heads 😋
Oops! I think you responded to the wrong comment…
For what it’s worth, I had a friend who’s squash vines ran over into her strawberry plants. Those strawberry plants that had the vines running next to them did best, because they were shaded by the big squash leaves from our super hot summer sun (Phoenix, AZ). But, please note, the actual plant/root ball was a significant ways away from the strawberries, so that there wasn’t any competition between the two for nutrients. Just something to think about. 🙂
Patricia Legrand-Hamilton
Hi I’ve accidentally planted carrot seed in my strawberry container. Will this kill the strawberries? Will the carrot still grow?
From what I know, this shouldn’t kill the strawberries unless the roots get messed up by the carrot, but I don’t think the carrot will do well. They need unhindered space for the carrot itself to grow, and the strawberry roots might interfere with it. I’m not sure what kind of carrot you planted nor what size of container, but if the carrot is too big for the container, it might become stunted or deformed.
Wolfgang mozart
the carrots will still grow just they will compete for space as carrots are rooted veggies. Plant lupin flowers with your strawberries if container planting, just one veggie or fruit in each pot 😋
Gary Hummel
What is a safe distance to plant cauliflower from strawberries…..considering each would be in completely different plots separated by approximately 30 inches if sod.
Wolfgang mozart
I would say the other end or your garden spot, just don’t plant near each other and you’ll end up with cauliflower:) I had cauliflower a few years back planted a couple ft away from strawberries and the heads were golfball size.. last year planted cauliflower beside green beans and wham , huge cauliflower bigger than what you buy in the store . I’ve kept a journal of my own companion planting for thirty years and the best neighbors to strawberries are onions garlic leeks LUPINS
Hi. I would like to grow strawberries and herbs on my balcony. I face south west so I get full sun in the morning. I was wondering if I could plant basil in the centre of a large hanging basket with strawberry plants surrounding it. I would also like to do another basket with parsley and strawberry’s surround. Would this work?
Teresa Moore
Can you grow strawberry next to banana and hot pepper?
hi, i have read this entire page, thanks for this resource. one thing i do not see addressed is substitutes for the listed companions. i have borage, but none of the others, would fenugreek or peas (or other legumes) be a suitable replacement for bush beans or lupine? would dill/fennel/cumin/ajwain be as good as caraway or is that one particularly good? these umbifers just attract predatory insects and pollinators to the area and don’t need to share the same soil, right? both fenugreek and fennel/cumin/ajwain seed are readily available in indian grocery stores.
Toni McQuitty
I’m okay ting a big garden for the first time. I’m wondering can strawberries be planted next to peppers? As it stands I have my garden set out in rows corn, then green beans and snap peas, next row potatoes and sweet potatoes, then my strawberries, and I’m wanting the next row to be mostly peppers with a few green onions, lastly a row of two of several types of tomatoes.
Any problems with this? Thanks so much!
Two questions: I live in Idaho and have a full sun garden spot I want to plant my strawberries. It would be in a garden bed that has daffodills in it already.
1. Can I plant strawberries with daffodils?
2. Can I plant alpine strawberries so I will not get so many runners? Or another type that does not produce runners?
I am planning my spring garden. I plan to plant strawberries, romain lettuce, borage, chamomile, mint, ginger, canteloupe, and marigolds intermixed in a ten foot long bed that runs along side the house. Do you think any of these plants would have problems as companions?
I have a herb garden in it I have sweet basil,Italian basil, chives, chervil,lemon thym,apple mint,orange mint,and a pigeon pea plant. What I want to know is can I plant pine-
berries with these herbs and how far apart should I plant them.
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, you can plant strawberries of any type with them. I’d give them at least 6 inches on either side of the pineberry plants. Be careful, though, as both strawberries and mint plants like to invade the space of their neighbors! Good luck!
i made a strawberry tower out of a big rubbish bin, can i can plant radishes and onions on top?strawberries are only growing on the sides
Mr. Strawberry
Yes. Good luck!
I have a couple of question:1.I have bought some pineberries for the first time I was going to put some in a strawberry jar and some in the ground but I have read that if you plant them in a strawberry jar that they only last for 1 season so I was wondering if I plant some in the jar could I transfer them in the ground later on and when would it be the right time to do that I live in Springfield,Ma . 2.what are the best companion plants to plant with the pineberries in the jar and also in the ground.
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, you can transplant to the ground. September is usually the best time to transplant. Pineberries are just a variety of strawberry, so all the information above applies! Good luck!
Awesome advice above. I didn’t see where anyone asked about poppies.
We live in Vermont and have raised beds we hope to use for strawberries this fall. My daughter has planted poppies in various places. If the poppies survive the winter will they be okay with the strawberries?
She also planted various types of squash along one row. They will die we know, will it be okay for strawberries to go into the same mound.
Thank you!
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, the poppies can happily live with strawberries! And, you can plant the strawberries where the squash was. Good luck!
Can strawberries be planted near elderberry?
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, as long as the elderberry doesn’t shade the strawberry plants. Good luck!
I am going to attempt to plant strawberries with mint plants in a controlled garden space we have behind the house. Is this a good idea, or are these two plants which shouldn’t be planted together?
Thank you,
Mr. Strawberry
It is okay to plant them together in the sense that they don’t have negative influence on one another by being in proximity. However, both mint and strawberries like to spread, and, if left untended, the mint will usually win out and choke out the strawberry plants. So, if you plant them together, just make sure you space them appropriately and keep them trimmed back. Good luck!
Heather C.
I want to plant strawberries as groundcover between/in front of my daylilies. It’s a South-facing foundation garden. Do you think they’ll do OK together?
Mr. Strawberry
Heather C.,
Yes, they should do okay together. Good luck!
I have a small section of garden where I’m nursing 8 – 1 1/2 yr old apple trees I’ve grown from seed in grow bags. The tree-bags were 3/4 buried to over-winter them. Can I put strawberry plants between the trees? I’m guessing I will probably move the trees in a year or two to their permanent location, they’re about 12″ tall and approximately 4′ apart.
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, you can intersperse strawberry plants between the apple trees, but they will likely be shaded too much to produce well, if they (the apple trees) are well-branched and leafed out. Good luck!
John story
I have a ten foot circular planter in the front of my house. I planted one tomato plant in the center, then skipped a two foot radius and planted bare root strawberries around that for two to three foot. then a circle row of beans and peas. then I finished with a circle of pansies. not gonna change anything , I just like to share. Busy with my grand daughter.
Mr. Strawberry
John story,
Okay, keep us posted! And, good luck!
Can strawberries and watermelon be grown with each other?
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, but it is generally not worth the effort. Watermelon vines tend to go every which way and will often invade or shade your strawberries. So, if you don’t want to be constantly monitoring and re-positioning the watermelon vines, it is best to plant them away from each other. Good luck!
Luana Hiebert
I am about to plant blueberries in very large pots, over 25 gallon size. I plan to plant one blueberry plant in the center of each pot. I wonder if I could plant strawberries around the edges for a few years until the blueberry bushes get too big. I plan to mix potting soil half and half with peat moss in order to lower the pH.
Mr. Strawberry
Launa Hiebert,
Yes, you could probably do that for a year or two depending on the size of the blueberry. You might run into some problems with the soil drying out at the edge of the container, so be sure to check it often! Good luck!
Strawberry planter with bush beans in the top? the planter i have is 10″ tall and the ledges for the strawberries is half way up
Mr. Strawberry
Should be okay. Good luck!
June C
I have a small patio and would like to grow tomatoes and strawberries but in different pots. Would this be okay or would the tomatoes still interfere with the strawberries growth?
Mr. Strawberry
June C,
As long as the strawberries and tomatoes are in different pots and are far enough away from each other so that rain doesn’t splash soil from the tomato pot into the strawberry pot, you should be ok. Good luck!
Can i plant strawberries next to potatoes?
Mr. Strawberry
Unfortunately, it is not a good idea to plant strawberry by potatoes. Potatoes have a problem with verticillium susceptibility, which can cross-contaminate and kill strawberry plants. Also, since potatoes do best growing up from the eye of the seed potato, you have to mound soil upwards in order to get a decent yield of potatoes. Strawberry plants can’t have their crowns buried under the soil, so they are best planted separately. Good luck!
Mama Bear
Hi, I was unaware thati couldn’t grow my strawberry’s near the potato plant… When both plants harvested this year they were both relatively small.. I’m assuming due to their incompatibility. However they were both still delicious! I think I have removed all of the potatoes, and the strawberries are growing new leaves that are looking beautiful and healthy. Curious now because I’m not sure if I should uproot the strawberry plant or replace the soil? New to gardening and any help is appreciated.
Can I plant strawberries with cucumbers? I am using a Topsy Turvy this year and I have enough to fill my third one with cukes and strawberry plants. I have pepper plants also, wondering if they can be thrown in too?
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, they can be planted near each other as long as the cukes don’t shade the strawberries. I don’t recommend the topsy turvy planters, however. Good luck!
Mandy C
Mr. Strawberry,
Would it work to plant a small strawberry patch near bee balm?
Mr. Strawberry
Mandy C,
Yes, they should not interfere with each other unless they are planted too close together. Good luck!
Can i plant violas with strawberries?
I have mint growing through my strawberries. It doesn’t seem to be bothering anything yet. Strawberries are blossoming although there isn’t any fruit yet. Will the mint strangle or damage the strawberries over time?
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, the mint will eventually choke out the strawberries if left to grow unchecked. If you maintain mint in its place, however, strawberries can happily co-exist with mint. Good luck!
I have a lilac tree planted in the flower bed and 2 feet below I wanted to plant a couple of strawberry plants. Will the sent of the lilac tree overpower the strawberry plants?
Mr. Strawberry
No, they will be fine. However, if the lilac tree is too tall or interrupts the sunlight for the strawberries, they won’t produce as well for you. Good luck!
Mr. Strawberry
Can I plant cucumbers with my strawberries?
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, just make sure to give the cucumbers and strawberries plenty of space so that the cucumbers don’t shade the berry plants. Strawberries do best in full sun. Also, if you are going to use a trellis for the cucumbers, be sure to position it so that it doesn’t shade the strawberries also. Good luck!
Hello, i have limited space but i would love to plant some lavender, mainly to keep mosquitos off the patio. Can i plant these together with strawberries? What else would be a good insect repellant plant i could plant with my strawberries? maybe even some which keeps insects away from the berries. Thank you.
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, you can plant lavender with strawberries. The best insect repellent plant is probably the Mosquito Shoo Geranium, but you need to have pollination by bees and other creepy crawlies for the best harvest. Good luck!
The strawberry bed that I planted last year has millions of what I think are wild garlic coming up. What should I do? I have tried to dig up some of them that are not too close to the berry plants but I don’t want them to overtake the whole area.
Mr. Strawberry
Strawberries definitely do better without competing with adjacent plants or weeds. So, the best thing to do for strawberry production is to pull them up. Good luck!
Dave McG
Can you advise proximity of blackcurrent and red current, are the beneficial, neutral or a problem, Thanks,
Advice and thread have been really helpful, THnakyou.
Mr. Strawberry
Dave McG,
Currants are significantly taller than strawberry plants, so they need to be positioned far enough away to not throw shade upon them. Otherwise, as long as they have adequate space, they can co-exist happily. Good luck!
will strawberries and garlic grow together?
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, they should be able to grow in proximity without negative effects. Good luck!
Sue Van Der Heijden
I have planted spring onions next to strawberries with great success. The spring onions actually lean towards the strawberries and grow at twice the rate they normally do
In have been growing fuchsias in pots by my back door and need to replace the planters .my wife would like to grow some stewberrys .can I buy a pair of strawberry planters with the small pots on the side.put the strawberries in their. And my fuchsias on the top
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, that should work! Good luck!
jennie- san luis valley-COLORADO
strawberries and rhubarb planted near each other seem happy and both grow very well
Mr. Strawberry
Thanks for the tip! Good luck!
Morning! Thank you for an interesting article. I was wondering about your views of underplanting organic rose bushes with wild strawberries. I have some herbs and alliums interplanted with them to attract beneficial insects but would like something more substantial to prevent soil/manure erosion/leeching in winter when the roses are cut back. Thank you for any advice.
Mr. Strawberry
The root systems of rose bushes are typically much deeper than the root systems of strawberries. The rose root systems can go down to 3 feet, depending on the type you have planted, while most of the root system that nourishes the strawberries will be in the top 3 inches of soil. If your sun is at an angle that will allow the strawberries to receive full sun, they should do well in close proximity to roses as long as the soil also has adequate drainage. Good luck!
Great article thanks. I have heard that you can’t plant certain things where you have previously planted potatoes,but I can’t remember if strawberries are one of those plants. And can strawberries be planted near asparagus or rhubarb?
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, strawberries can be planted near both asparagus and rhubarb. Good luck!
Thank you very much for your previous prompt answer.
I know this is not the right page for this question but I will give it a shot.
I planted the afforementioned 10 bare root runners I received last Saturday and after only two days, for two consecutive nights the temperature touched -4 C overnight.
I know that strawberries are quite cold hardy, however I am worried because after only two days in the ground, the ground froze to stone! At least the top layer.
What are realistically the chances of the strawberries staying alive?
I have already cloches on the way, but I hope it is not too late…
Mr. Strawberry
If only the very top layer of the soil froze, the plants should still do fine. You do want to protect them as soon as possible, however! Good luck!
Good afternoon from UK.
You have persuaded me big time to use borage amongst my strawberries.
I have 2 rows of 5 plants each (very small bed, however I need to plant a whole world of other vegetables as well!!).
Row to row 70cm
Plant to plant within a row 40cm.
I want to put some borage plants between the 2 rows.
1. How many borage plants?
2. Will the borage plant create shade to impair strawberries development?
3. What could I use supplementary between the straberry plants? WOuld onions or french mariglds offer any practical help for example?
Mr. Strawberry
You could plant the borage between rows, equidistant from each of the rows (35 cm from each row). One plant every 30 to 40 cm should be adequate. The borage shouldn’t grow so tall as to significantly impair the strawberry plants’ production. I wouldn’t plant anything between the plants within the rows. They should produce runners which you can allow to root for more strawberries! Good luck!
Just a FYI – borage will self seed throughout your garden. Not a bad thing as it is so beneficial and attractive to bees, but you may need to be aggressive with control. It is not a small plant.
Has anyone had any luck companion planting red flowering annuals with strawberries to confuse the birds? I am trying this with red verbena this year because as soon as my strawbs start to colour up the blackbirds are having a nibble. I thought maybe the bright red verbena flowers dotted through the bed might help to camouflage the fruit so they can’t easily see it. Or is this wishful thinking?? Haha : )
Mr. Strawberry
I haven’t heard of that working, but the principle can sometimes work. See this, and good luck!
Hello… I am in FL, and have started a fall/winter garden that includes 6 tomatoes and 6 peppers all in separate containers. Prior to reading about non-companions, I recently started a separate 5 tiered planter with strawberries. The strawberries are located a couple feet from the tomato containers, and 6-8 feet from the peppers. Due to space and sun limitations, I really don’t have alternative locations, (I can maybe get an extra foot from tomatoes). With the exception of potential splashing do you think that being in separate containers will protect verticillium transfer? Thank you!
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, having them in separate containers should help prevent verticillium transmission. As a soil-borne pathogen, contiguous soil is the primary concern (although splashing can also transmit). Good luck!
I read somewhere that planting horseradish in the corners of strawberry bed would protect from pests, do you recommend this?
Mr. Strawberry
It is an acceptable practice, but I haven’t heard of any success with keeping the bugs away. Good luck!
Hi, I am growing hazelnuts trees and strawberries but I am running out of space. My trees are still small only two years old. Space between trees is 12ft. And I have around 2000 trees. So my idea is to plant strawberis between on beds. Like two lines in a midle of each row. I was wondering if those two can grow together. Also I grow strawberries and tagetes (flower) together. On that way you can grow them for many many years on the same spot. Thanks a lot.
Mr. Strawberry
As long as the hazelnuts don’t shade the strawberries, they should do fine in close proximity. Good luck!
Im putting up a raised bed and planning to transfer my strawberries. Is it okay to plant it beside egyptian onion and garlic? Thank you
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, as long as each plant has enough soil, they should all do fine. Good luck!
a takke
how we can have fragrance to strwberry plants?
Mr. Strawberry
a takke,
I’m not exactly sure what you mean by your question, but you can get artificial strawberry fragrances and essential oils online. I hope that helps!
I want to plant strawberries and citronella together in a big pot on my balcony. I wonder can this b done? Ive little room as i live in a unit. But would love to have a lil strawberry garden!! ? Plz help…
Mr. Strawberry
To my knowledge, there are no negative interactions between strawberry plants and citronella, as long as both have enough soil to thrive. Let us know how it goes, and good luck!
I have strawberries and bush beans in a 3×3 raised bed. The bush beans have been rather prolific, and my strawberries are not getting a lot of direct sun all day. They do however seem to be fruiting; I wonder if I should just keep them there, or try to transfer mature, already-fruiting strawberries to an adjacent raised bed of their own?
Mr. Strawberry
I would recommend leaving them where they are. Transplanting during the middle of the fruit production is not a good idea as it puts extreme stress on the plants. Good luck!
Can I grow a Gerbera flower plant with my strawberry plants?
Just want to let you know your site is awesome. I know the Gerbera flowers aren’t listed as compatible, but alot of other plants aren’t either listed throughout your page. Thank you for all your Q&A expertise. I have researched my previous question sent in every wording that I can think of without bothering you. You have taught me a ton about growing strawberries. Thank you so very much.
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, you shouldn’t have any direct compatibility issues with those two. Good luck, and thank you for the kind words!
lynne boudreau
Can I grow strawberries in a bed that is 4 feet away from tomato/potato plants?
Mr. Strawberry
lynne boudreau,
Four feet of distance should be sufficient if there is a barrier between the two. If the soil is contiguous, it poses a remote threat. Good luck!
Hi, i would love to use strawberry plants as a cover crop to suppress weeds in my veggie garden. The garden is big enough that there will be plenty of plants, so if they are only 50% productive, I should still get plenty of strawberries. The problem is that I’d like to plant tomatoes and peppers. I was also hoping to grow it under blueberry bushes. If those plants will hurt the strawberries in a small area around themselves, that should be okay. Will diseases transfer through Runners to otherstrawberry or other even non strawberry plants nearby?
Mr. Strawberry
If you have verticillium in your soil, it will kill the strawberries, eventually. The shade from blueberry bushes will also impair strawberry production if they are planted beneath them. Also, unfortunately, strawberry plants are a relatively ineffective weed suppressor, which is why you have to mulch them to keep the weeds out of your strawberry bed. I’m sorry!
One of my Cub Scouts told me his grandfather taught him not to plant strawberry plants next to tomato plants. The reason was tomato plants have a natural insecticide, and if you slightly bend a fruitless branch just until it snaps, it produces a natural insecticide that kills the tomato worm. But it will also kill the strawberry plants if they are close by.
Mr. Strawberry
I’ve never heard of that; it is interesting! The main reason they should be kept separate, however, is to prevent cross-contamination with a pathogen they commonly share. Thanks for sharing!
Jill Taylor
Thanks! So even though a tomato plant is vertical growing it shouldn’t be planted in an already established strawberry bed?
Mr. Strawberry
Jill Taylor,
It isn’t so much the plant itself that can harm the strawberry plants, it is the pathogens that can be lurking with them. To be absolutely safe, you should keep tomatoes and strawberries away from one another. Good luck!
I bought 25 bare roots strawberry plants without knowing that they shouldn’t be planted where I’ve had tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant. My garden plots have all have those plants in them and are the only areas I can plant. Is there anything I can do to the soil to minimize the risk? I plan on tilling, but do you have any other suggestions? Thanks!
Mr. Strawberry
It is very difficult to rid the soil of the causative organisms, if they are in fact present. You may just want to risk losing the plants and plant them there anyway. If the soil isn’t contaminated, they’ll do just fine. Good luck!
I built a 3 story tower with 3 25 lb container and filled it with strawberries. On the top I added bib lettuce, chives, stevia, gynura and everything is going awesome so far.
Mr. Strawberry
Thanks for sharing! That sounds great!
Will earth worms live in total peat(no soil added)?
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, earth worms can live (for a while) in total peat. However, if you leave earthworms in 100% peat for more than a couple of weeks, they will start to succumb to protein poisoning and will die. So, if you want to use pure peat, you have to completely change out the bedding every 2 weeks without fail to keep the little fellows alive. Good luck!