Companion planting has a long, storied history. Individuals have noted benefits (and drawbacks) when certain plant species are grown in close proximity to one another for hundreds of years, and many books have been written on the topic. Interestingly, the scientific causes of many of these relationships are not fully understood. But, the principles work and the beneficial symbiotic relationships can be measured among many types of plants.

The increased biodiversity is usually beneficial, but the planting of various plants in close proximity often yields multifaceted benefits. Two of the primary benefits are pest control and increased yield. There are many resources available to help develop a garden (or even a permaculture) that thrives based on mutual assistance and inter-connectivity of well-planned companion planting layouts. The purpose of this post, however, is to deal specifically with companion plants for strawberry plants and what benefits can be achieved by companion planting strawberries in your garden.
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Companion Planting Strawberries
To begin, it is important to remember the nature of strawberry plants. They are prolific, can be somewhat invasive, and most varieties will quickly form a thick matted row made up of strawberry runners if left alone. Because of this, it is best to think in terms of which plants can help strawberries grow, not the other way around. While strawberry plants themselves hurt relatively few other plants (the exception will be discussed below) by being planted near them, their rapidly expanding range can end up depleting nutrients or competing with other plants if they aren’t actively monitored.
Strawberry Companion Plants
If there is a magic bullet of companion planting, it is likely the herb borage. Borage helps a vast number of other plants. To learn more about its interaction with strawberries, see this article on strawberry plants & borage. Aside from borage, however, there are several other plants beneficial to strawberry plants. They are:
Borage (Borago officinalis)
This herb is a virtual magic bullet when it comes to companion planting. To learn about its relationship with the humble strawberry, click the link just above for detailed information.
Bush Beans (Phaseolus)
The common bean is known benefactor of strawberry plants. It repels some beetles and hosts nitrogen-fixing bacteria which serve to fertilize the soil for better strawberry yields.
Caraway (Carum carvi)
Caraway is another herb that indirectly benefits strawberry plants by being nearby. The primary benefit of caraway is that it attracts parasitic wasps and parasitic flies that are voracious predators of many common strawberry pests.
Lupin (Lupinus)
This flower is actually a legume. Like the beans mentioned above, it also fixes nitrogen in the soil, thereby fertilizing for surrounding plants, including strawberries. It also attracts honeybees.
Strawberry Companion Planting: Danger!
Not all plants will even tolerate the presence of strawberries, however. The most notable garden plants that are harmed by the proximity of strawberry plants are those related to the cabbage.
Cabbage Family (Brassica oleracea)
Avoid planting strawberries near members of Brassica oleracea. The cabbage family plants will have their growth impaired by strawberry plants close by. The major members of the cabbage family include: broccoli, broccoflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, Chinese broccoli, cauliflower, collard greens, kale, kohlrabi, and Romanesco broccoli.
Verticillium-Susceptible Species
The most common of these plants are tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, and peppers. If these plants (or melons, okra, mint, bush or bramble fruits, stone fruits, chrysanthemums, and roses) have been grown in the same spot recently (within 5 years), it is best to grow your strawberry plants elsewhere. Otherwise, the strawberry plants may be infected and die themselves.
Companion Planting Strawberries: Conclusion
The strawberry companion plants listed here are the well-established ones that have consistently demonstrated the mentioned benefits or drawbacks. However, there are surely more plant species out there that will interact either positively or negatively with strawberry plants. If you are aware of other plants that interact with strawberries, share your knowledge! You can tell us about your experiences by leaving a comment below, and start companion planting strawberries today!
Can you mix strawberries with flowers? In a garden or in a container?
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, you can! Just make sure that each plant has enough soil to thrive. Good luck!
I currently have three raised beds that are approximately 4 ft. x 16 ft. One of these is devoted entirely to strawberries that I planted last fall. They are doing well and have already started producing.
Since they are young plants, they have not put out many runners yet. I was hoping to take advantage of this and plant something else in between the plants this year. My hope was okra, but based on your information above, that might not be a good idea. What, if anything, would you recommend to plant along with the strawberries? I was thinking about a single stemmed plant that doesn’t spread out too much.
Note: I am in South Carolina where the climate is fairly hot.
Please answer via email. Thanks.
Mr. Strawberry
If you don’t plant every possible space with okra, it could work. The major issue with okra is that it can shade the strawberries. If you plant it at the edge furthest away from the sun, that could work. For other plants, you’d need to plant things that were relatively quick producers, short in stature, and that have a small “footprint.” You might want to try beets, greens, or carrots. Good luck!
Onions work well with strawberries!
I have an establiched strawberry row.
This year we have to rotate our potatoes to just above this row.
Could I plant an intermediate row of,say,spinach ,to create a better environment for them?
Any other suggestions as companions?
We are in SW France, just moving into spring proper now.
Wonderful site ?
Mr. Strawberry
Thanks for the kind words! It should be sufficient to have a barrier row, but the safest is to have a larger distance of separation. Good luck!
Good Afternoon Mr. Strawberry…this is my first time planting anything and I chose strawberries as one of the first things to plant. I also have mint. I have previously planted mint is a pot but am thinking of putting it in the ground. Are strawberries and mint plant companions? Will one choke out the other? Looking forward to your response. Thank you!
Mr. Strawberry
You picked two that are likely to succeed! However, BOTH strawberries and (especially) mint can be a bit invasive. You can plant them together, but both will want to take over the territory allotted for the other fellows. If nothing is done to protect the strawberries, the mint will eventually choke it out (in most cases). So, you can plant them together, but you will need to monitor them frequently and snip off strawberry runners so they don’t try to root in the middle of you mint, and you will need to maintain a firm boundary for your mint to keep it from encroaching and eventually taking over the strawberry portion of your bed. Good luck!
Erica E
Hello! Can I plant two different types of strawberries together? What about next to leek and spinach? How far from each other’s ?
Mr. Strawberry
Erica E,
Yes, and Yes! Planting different varieties of strawberry plants close to each other is a good idea since heavy pollination often makes the strawberries larger. You can also plant next to leek and spinach, but space them far enough apart so that they get adequate nutrients. Look at the spacing recommendations that come with each species, and use the largest spacing recommendation to be safe. Good luck!
Thanks Mr Strawberry for that. With all this new compost etc do I still need to feed/fertilise right after sowing everything which I am just doing now.
Thank you
Mr. Strawberry
If your soil is rich and adequate in nutrients, you don’t have to fertilize with synthetic fertilizers. Good luck!
I have a new large raised bed which is 7mtx 1mt x 0.5mt deep. It will have all new compost;bagged farm manure,moss peat and Ericaceous Compost/Soil Enricher in it. It get lots of sunshine and has a garden shed at the rear for shelter. Can I plant the following together. Strawberries, 3 types of blueberry,carrot, onion, lettuce, nasturtium, and a variety of herbs. I will be sowing a lot of the strawberries on the front vertical wall through small holes which will have support panels for the plants/fruit. Will that be ok. Thank you.
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, it should be ok, and it sounds like you have a good setup there! Just make sure the blueberries don’t shade your other plants or the strawberries. Good luck!
Amanda Lamb
I just purchased a patio tomato plant that has strawberries planted at the base. Both are producing so my question is can I transfer them to a larger pot to continue growing or do I have to seperate them?
Mr. Strawberry
Amanda Lamb,
If I were you, I’d just take my chances with them together. If the pathogenic fungus that can affect both is already present, it will get them eventually, even if you separate them. So, I’d let them cut loose and hope for the best! Good luck!
Marjorie Gilman
Lovely and very helpful post! I decided to try companion planting this year and surely needed some ideas what to plant along with my strawberries. Thank you for sharing all this nice info! Happy gardening!
Mr. Strawberry
Marjorie Gilman,
You are most welcome! I’m glad it helped. Good luck!
Iv planted stawberries in the same bed as a passionfruit just wondering if this will affect them? They get full sun and are about 2 feet from the base of the vine…
Mr. Strawberry
Both should do fine as long as they don’t invade each others’ nutrient network. Good luck!
Hello strawberry.
I am a first time planter of anything and trying strawberries. I have raised planters planned to be 8′ x 3.5′. How do I know how close plant non similar plants? For example there is info on how close to put 2 strawberry plants how however how close should you plant strawberries and blue berries?
I have about 3 planters of the same size going up with multiple kinds of veggies planned for each. Will this info be on packaging??
Mr. Strawberry
The information may very well be on the package. If the package says how far apart to plant them from other plants of the same kind, the safest thing to do is use that same distance when planting near strawberries. The main thing to ensure is that both the strawberry plants and other plants have adequate access to soil and light. Good luck!
Hello just planted some strawberries and they are close to a baby blueberry plant and near a sunflower plant… Wondering if I should do anything or is this bad ?
Mr. Strawberry
As long as each plant gets enough soil and sun, they will likely do fine. Good luck!
I’m putting together two large pots of plants: tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers in one, basil, parsley, cilantro and strawberries in the other. Is there a better combination for the strawberries?
Mr. Strawberry
That should be acceptable as you have it. Good luck!
Can onions and strawberries grow together?
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, they can. Good luck!
I have heard that male canine urine around the perimeter of a garden keeps rodents away. Personally, i have had good luck with human male urine.
Mr. Strawberry
I’m glad it is working for you! Good luck!
Any advice for a mom with a 10 year old daughter who wants to plant strawberries but never have would be greatly appreciated!
Mr. Strawberry
This should help: Growing Strawberries. Good luck!
What a wonderful Q&A! Thank you for the education. One more question for you, can sunflowers and strawberries grow in the same bed? It’s a brand new bed I’ll be creating this spring.
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, strawberries and sunflowers can grow in the same bed as long as enough soil area is available for each plant to thrive. However, one potential problem is the placement of each plant. Sunflowers tower above strawberry plants. Since strawberry plants require full sun for best production, you will need to plan a bit more carefully when planting. Just make sure that your bed is oriented so that the sun will come in at an angle that allows the rays to fall upon the strawberries first. If the order is reversed and the sunflowers take the light first, they will shade the strawberries and cause the berry production to be minimized. Good luck!
Strawberries do not like petunias at all. I have them growing together, and it is like a war between them. They stopped now, because of the hot weather, but will begin at Autumn.
Mr. Strawberry
Thanks for sharing your experience! Good luck!
Hi there,
Do you think lemon balm with be okay to grow next to strawberries?
Thank you!
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, lemon balm and strawberries can happily co-exist in the same bed. Good luck!
We have a dwarf lemon and a dwarf lime tree in a large deep pot. How will strawberries go being planted in the same pot as the dwarf citrus?
Mr. Strawberry
They shouldn’t cause a problem with the trees, but the trees will likely shade them and draw too many nutrients from the soil for the strawberry plants to produce well. I wouldn’t recommend planting them in the same pot for those reasons. Good luck!
Fiona w
I was wandering if strawberries can be companion plant to blueberries curious
Mr. Strawberry
Fiona w,
Yes, strawberries and blueberries can be planted together. However, as blueberries are much taller than strawberries, you’ll need to plant the strawberries far enough away so that they still receive full sun. Good luck!
Do the alpine strawberries (wild, forest variety) need the full sun as much as the regular ones? It seems that naturally they grow well in a shady forest…
Mr. Strawberry
They’ll grow well enough with limited light, but if you want those strawberries, it is better to make sure they are in full sun. They will produce many fewer strawberries if they are shaded. Good luck!
Due to limited space, I would like to plant strawberries in horizontal beds (layers) that are 2ft apart. Is this a workable solution?
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, as long as each plant has enough space and soil and sunlight, that should work fine. Good luck!
will strawberries grow ok next to lemon or lime trees?
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, as long as the lemon/lime trees don’t shade them and don’t pull nutrients away from the strawberry plants. Good luck!
Can I plant mint and strawberries together?
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, but both are somewhat aggressive growers. You’ll need to thin them to keep everything happy. Good luck!
Debbie Boullion
i tried growing Asparagus with strawberry plants it did not work i had 8 asparagus root planted none of them came back this year
Mr. Strawberry
Debbie Boullion,
Thanks for sharing!
I put strawberries in, in a 4×8 bed with some lettuces and bush beans. I am going to put in some borage as well. Next door 2 feet away in another raised bed I just planted cauliflower and broccoli. My question is should I move those plants? Could the effect of the strawberries hindering their growth affect the bed next door?
Mr. Strawberry
If the beds are separated (i.e. they don’t share soil), it should be fine. Good luck!
We have planted four tomato plants with several strawberry plants and they are growing great. Will there be any issues for this combination that we should watch out for?
Mr. Strawberry
Tomatoes are a Verticillium-susceptible species. So, if your strawberry plants are planted near the tomatoes, cross contamination could occur. If there is no Verticillium there, both should do acceptably. Good luck!
Conventional Basil and Strawberries okay together in a whiskey barrel planter?
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, that should work. Good luck!
I know there was a previous question about planting strawberries and aspargus together. I’m planing a raised bed with cinder blocks. My idea is to put the aspargus in the larger area and plant the strawberries in the holes of the block. Is this a workable plan or will I be wasting time and money on plants.
Mr. Strawberry
That should be a workable plan. Good luck!
Last week I planted some new strawberry plants in a bed where I had brassicas growing last season….the strawberries aren’t doing well…is this because of brassicas there last season?
Mr. Strawberry
It is possible, but are a host of other things that can cause strawberry plants to do poorly as well. Regardless, good luck!
I think that my wild strawberry plants are totally competing with the mint that I wanted to get under control. Has anyone else had this experience? I’m elated !! If I don’t see another mint plant turn green in my garden, I will celebrate this wild strawberry planting. 🙂
Mr. Strawberry
Strawberries can be extremely competitive for space with other garden plants if left to their own devices. I’m glad it is working to your benefit! Good luck!
I just got a strawberry planter for two strawberry plants I picked up. I shouldn’t expect runners or daughter plants with this right? I’ve seen a lot about how new plants form when planted in the soil or on a flat surface but not much on this. If the other holes in the planter won’t be filled with wonderful strawberries, can I fill them with thyme, basil, cilantro, and the like?
Mr. Strawberry
You will likely have runner plants. Most varieties produce them after their roots are established enough to support the initial growth phase of the runners. You can direct the runner plants to root in the available holes in the planter if they will reach, or you can pot them and re-plant them there once they have established. Or, you can snip them off and plant the other planter holes with the herbs of your choice! Good luck!
Potted strawberry
I saw someone ask about cilantro with strawberries, but I did not see your response. Those are the 2 things I wanted to plant near each other in a long pot.
Mr. Strawberry
Potted strawberry,
You can plant cilantro with strawberries, just make sure the cilantro plants don’t shade the strawberries as they mature. Good luck!
Hi! I am planning to build a raised garden and was curious if planting strawberries in the same area as cucumbers would be a bad idea, or if they work well next to each other!
Mr. Strawberry
Strawberry plants can grow with cucumbers as long as the cucumbers don’t shade them and you give both adequate soil and water. Good luck!
I have a big (Costco size) pot that I planted strawberries in last year. I was pleased that the strawberries have returned this year. I’m wondering if there’s a companion plant I can plant in the center of the pot that wouldn’t deter the growth of the strawberries due to its shade? I feel a little silly taking one huge pot for just strawberry plants!
Mr. Strawberry
The strawberry plants will likely put out runners this year if they didn’t last year. You’ll be able to fill the entire pot rather quickly, and strawberries can grow to over a foot tall with the proper environment. Planting most other plants in the center of the pot will likely shade at least some of your strawberries and cause their production to decline. You could plant a borage plant in the center, however. Good luck!
Can I plant Mums in the same bed as strawberries?
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, you can plant mums in the same bed as strawberries, just be sure to give each enough space to thrive. Good luck!
Hi. I am trying a vertical planter and wanted to know if I can plant small cucumbers and strawberries together. Thank you
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, you can plant them together. Just make sure the strawberries aren’t shaded by the cukes! Good luck!
Is it ok to plant strawberries in the same bed that roses are planted in?
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, you can plant strawberries and roses in proximity to one another. They are actually not-too-distant relatives! They prefer similar soils as well, so you shouldn’t have to do any extra preparation for either. Do make sure you plant them so that the roses do not shade the strawberries, as strawberry plants prefer full sun. Good luck!
I’m having vole/mole problems around my strawberry plants. I use drip lines and black plastic on 3′ beds and planted 1′ apart both ways. I have two beds about 40′ long. Going to try planting onions around the strawberries, will this stop the vole/mole action? If not, what will. Thanks
Mr. Strawberry
Unfortunately, planting onions won’t likely deter the critters. These will, though. Good luck!
David Marinsik
can i put strawberries in the same raised bed with my blueberries?
Mr. Strawberry
David Marinsik,
Yes, as long as they aren’t spaced too closely together and the blueberries do not shade the strawberries. Good luck!
sheri noll
I planted tomatoes and peppers in a raised bed this spring. They did very well however I have never seen flies so bad. Baby flies hatching and hatching all over and around the raised beds. I went through 4 fly bags that caught them. More hatching as I speak. What else can I do or plant that would negate them. Help!! Thank you.
Mr. Strawberry
sheri noll,
You might want to try a liberal application of diatomaceous earth. Good luck!
Wayward Farms
Mr. Strawberry,
I’m in my second year with 4 12×4 raised beds of strawberries. We put in 200 plants last year. We planted Mitsuba with our strawberries, their first year, we were told this will help with the Verticillium wilt. The strawberries did great and the Mitsuba taste good and attracts honey bees when it flowers too. When we first planted we noticed, what we came to the conclusion as being, verticillium wilt. After we planted the Mitsuba the plants seemed to clear up and we dont have a problem with the vericillium or the white powdery mildew. Maybe we got lucky, maybe it will work for others too.
This year we are having problems with bugs. I know i need to thin my beds and this will help some. I also now plan to add some bush beans and maybe some borage to help as well.
Thank you for all the information you have provided.
Mr. Strawberry
Wayward Farms,
Thank you for the information! You’re welcome! And, good luck!
Jeff Garden
Mr. Strawberry, this is a terrific site! Thank you for putting so much authoritative information in one place. I intend to share your site with my plant propagation class.
I am in my third year of growing strawberries in a 4×8′ raised bed from 10 original plants. If I had seen your site earlier, it would have saved me a year getting to full productivity.
Now, I’m going back to try to find a recipe for strawberry-rhubarb jam, which is my absolute favorite taste combination!
Mr. Strawberry
Jeff Garden,
You are most welcome! Hopefully the information here will help your class, and, of course, thanks for sharing the site with them.
Can you tell me how this sounds: I just planted a new garden area this spring. I have lupine daylily and echinacae in the back with iris and columbine in middle and front. On the edge I have a hardy hibiscus in back and alpine non runner type strawberries on the border. I’m kind of a gardening newbie. Do you foresee problems with my plant choices?
Mr. Strawberry
As far as the strawberries go, they should do fine with those neighbors, as long as they have adequate soil/nutrients and sunlight. Good luck!
Just sent you a question regarding mint in my strawberry patch…and just now noticed that it is now longer there. Did you receive it?
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, indeed! It is right here, with my response just above it. Thanks!
Last year I planted some mint in a corner of my strawberry patch…and this year, argh, the mint seems to be taking over the patch. Obviously, I’m just a beginner learner, but a mistake I won’t be doing again. Is there any way I can get rid of the mint w/o ruining all my strawberries?
Mr. Strawberry
Mint, while pleasantly aromatic, can turn into a garden menace. It can be quite invasive. The best way to get rid of it is to carefully pull it all up by the roots. Good luck!
I would like to plant some Asparagus Beans(an asian long bean) in my 4×10 bed that is half filled with strawberries. Would those two things get along ok? I’m having a hard time finding info on it.
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, they should happily cohabit. Good luck!
Hi, can strawberries be companion planted with melons on trellises? The melon vines won’t be allowed to shade the strawberries. It sounds like there might be a Verticillium issue but I’d be doing this in big pots and would rotate both the strawberries and melons out each year.
Mr. Strawberry
If you are using separate pots, you should be fine. Good luck!
I have a OutSunny 15x 7 greenhouse. We are in a new location this year but previously at our old house I battled DEVIL squirrels and DEMON bunnies and never harvested a single strawberry! I have 2, 3.5 x 6 foot beds in my greenhouse and have seen one lone squirrel here, but was hoping to grow strawberries in one bed and tomatoes or squash (to protect them from the damp humid weather here and thus avoiding the dreaded fungus and powdery mildew that we frequently get in a season here in OHIO). I was going to trellis squash in the same beds with the strawberries, will it work?
Mr. Strawberry
It is worth a shot. Be sure to put the trellis northward of the strawberry plants so that they aren’t shaded. Good luck!
Holly Carter
Is it good or at least not harmful to plant strawberries next to cilantro plants?
Mr. Strawberry
Holly Carter,
It is not harmful. Good luck!
Great site, I planted onions and strawberries together in a raised bed amazing results. And leeks and strawberries in the other, again good results but not as good as onions. Now it’s too hot and they are stopping producing and I want to protect them for next year. What can I plant to give shade? I was thinking if summer squash is ok can I try watermelon?
Mr. Strawberry
Thanks! I’m glad your strawberries are doing well for you. You don’t need to plant anything to give the strawberries shade. They love full sun. This page should help you know what to do next: Growing Strawberries Guide. Good luck!
My hydroponics system has numerous plants of many varieties. Is there a risk to having tomatoes and peppers near and sharing fertilized water with strawberries? There is no direct contact. Any other specific tips to hydroponic strawberries you have to offer would be appreciated.
Thank you
Mr. Strawberry
The contagious plant disease Verticillium Wilt is common with tomatoes and peppers. It is for that reason you don’t want to plant strawberries where those others have been planted. If you purchased disease-free tomato and pepper plants, however, and have maintained a clean system, you can plant them in the same hydroponics system. If the pathogens are present in the system, however, you will likely lose your strawberry plants to infection. Good luck!
I want to plant blueberries in my raised bed, with blueberries. I read something somewhere that they are a good match, but I haven’t seen overwhelming information to feel confident about it. What do you think?
Mr. Strawberry
As both blueberries and strawberries are perennial, you can run into problems with the blueberry bushes growing and shading the strawberries (that prefer full sun and need it to produce well). But, apart from that, you can try it and see how it goes. Good luck!
New to Vertical
Hi! I’m starting a vertical pallet bed of strawberries and a vertical pallet bed of kale, lettuce, spinach, baby carrots, and radishes. I’d intended for them both to stand next to each other. Will I need to put a significant amount of space between them, even though they aren’t sharing soil?
Mr. Strawberry
New to Vertical,
If they are in their own contained pallet beds, you should be fine. You do want to space them far enough apart so that rain splash from one can’t land on or in the other, however. Good luck, and let us know how it goes for you!
We currently have an 8×16 raised strawberry bed. This spring we plan to expand it to 24×16. Then, we’ll rotate each half back and forth to plant strawberries in at 3 year cycles, giving a side a year off before replanting. For that year off, I was thinking of planting borage or white clover as a cover crop to try to get the soil back in shape for planting the next year. Would you recommend one over the other, or is there something else I should do? I suppose replacing the soil altogether would be an option too, but I’d rather not do that.
Straw Berry
That could work! Here is another system you might want to consider: Transplanting Strawberry Plants. As for renovation, adding aged manure or compost to increase the organic matter in the soil helps. You can also add organic or conventional fertilizers depending on your preferences. See the Growing Strawberries reference page for more. And, good luck!
Hi, crop rotation means my brassicas should be next to the strawberry bed this year. How large a space should I leave between them please?
Straw Berry
It is best to avoid putting them in close proximity, if possible. If it must be done, try to space them by 3 feet, or more. Good luck!
Am I to understand that, I may have planted my strawberries (plants,late last fall)in the wrong place due to it being where I had previously been growing tomatoes? I also want to companion plant with bush beans and some tall type sunflowers?
Straw Berry
Yes, technically, you planted the strawberries in the “wrong” spot. Since tomato plants are susceptible to Verticillium infection, it may be that the soil in which you planted your strawberries harbors the organism. If so, it may affect your strawberries, depending on the resistance of the varieties you purchased. However, it may be fine if Verticillium isn’t present. At this point, it would probably be best to just see what happens. If they do fine this season, great! If not, you’ll need to replant in a different area next season. Bush beans can be planted near strawberries with benefit as discussed above. Sunflowers can shade strawberries, which prefer full sun, so be careful with their placement. Good luck!
I was considering planting some nasturtium in my strawberry bed. nasturtium seems to be listed as a good companion plant for just about anything. Thoughts?
Straw Berry
It should be fine as long as you plant them far enough apart so that each plant has enough soil from which to draw nutrients. Good luck, and let us know how it goes!
I had some strawberrys that did well with lavender. But the lavender grew so big I thought that I should move the lavender. After this the strawberrys and the lavender both died. A mole might have helped the lavender die. I will plant strawberries in a raised bed this year and try some companion plants with them.
Straw Berry
Thanks for the information. I’m sorry your strawberry plants died, but good luck this year!
mid east gardener
hey guys , i have a raised bed and am planning to plant in it strawberries ,carrots ,cos lettuce , and onions ! do these 4 plants go well together , i would really appreciate it if you answered me ASAP ! because am planning to sow the seeds in 3 days ! thanks .
Straw Berry
mid east gardener,
As long as each plant has enough space to draw the nutrients it needs from the ground, they should do fine in close proximity. Good luck!
Zone 9: I have 20 plugs of Camarosa strawberries arriving on Thursday. Can I plant these in a 4×4 raised bed with a small pineapple (very small plant at this point in its life) located in the center of the bed. Also, I have some onions planted throughout….these will be harvested before the strawberries start sending out runners. In the meantime, will the onions and pineapple be good companions while the strawberries over winter?
Thank you!
Straw Berry
I am not aware of any negative interactions with either pineapples or onions. So, give it a shot! Come back and let us know how things turned out. Good luck!
This spring I stuck two leftover kale plants in ten corner of my strawberry patch. The kale did well but all the strawberry plants for 6 feet around disappeared! Glad to have found your site!
Mr. Strawberry
Thanks for the info!
Would planting strawberries with cucumbers be ok or not recommended?
Mr. Strawberry
It should be ok to plant your strawberries alongside cucumbers as long as their is enough soil and space for both to flourish. Good luck!
Hi, what about planting strawberries close to blue/black/raspberries and tansy an rue?
Mr. Strawberry
You should not plant them with the bramble fruits. The others shouldn’t pose any problem. Good luck!
I’m a bit perplexed by the advice to plant raspberries and strawberries separately. Why are they separate?
I see this advice in multiple places, but no reasoning. I’d really like to know why.
I thought they maybe good because:
1. They both prefer acidic soil and have similar fertilizer needs.
2. One grows vertical, the other prostrate.
3. Both are fairly aggressive in propagation.
4. Both have similar watering needs.
5. Mulching techniques are mutually beneficial.
I planted strawberries (one June bearing and one everbearing) for the first time this year in between eggplants and tomatoes but was later told not to plant them near either of those. How far away should I transplant them from where the tomatoes and eggplants and when can I transplant? Both have daughter plants that have come off the parent plant.
Mr. Strawberry
You should plant them in a different location altogether. The other Verticillium-susceptible plants (eggplant, tomatoes, etc.) can easily spread the pathogen if planted too close. I’d recommend a minimum of 5 feet away. Good luck!
I would like to transplant some strawberries and put them under my lemon tree, would you recommend this?
Mr. Strawberry
You can do that, but strawberries do best in full sun. Placing them under your lemon tree might stunt their growth and diminish their productivity somewhat.
francoise smith
Will rhubarb and strawberries do well together? Maleny, Qld hinterlands
Mr. Strawberry
francoise smith,
Yes, they will grow together. Good luck!
Bradley J
I want to plant both asparagas a d strawberries in my garden. Are they comparable if planted together?
Mr. Strawberry
Bradley J,
Yes, you can plant both strawberries and asparagus in your garden.
I’m thinking of planting strawberries with chocolate mint (contained in a pot) and stevia in a raised bed, and then with a summer squash and borage in another bed. Should either of these combinations be discouraged?
Mr. Strawberry
They shouldn’t interact harmfully with one another. Good luck!
Sharolyn Schuler
I’m wondering whether or not it would be beneficial or harmful to plant Echinacea in the same raised bed as my strawberry plants?
Mr. Strawberry
Sharolyn Schuler,
Echinacea should be neutral to strawberry plants. So, it should be ok to plant it alongside strawberries (as long as there is enough room for both), but there shouldn’t be any notable benefit or detriment from doing so. Good luck!
I am going to transplant some strawberries to make room for a potato patch. I can either transplant them to a bed that currently has Rosemerry and Sage, or another bed that has Oregano and Chives. Which would be better?
Mr. Strawberry
Ron S,
Either should be ok, but I’d go with the Rosemary/Sage bed personally. Good luck!
I have a two part question
1) This spring my husband and I are planning on making a raised bed out of cinder blocks for our strawberries. Some of the plans I have seen online have the holes in the cinder blocks used for smaller plants like herbs or flowers. Would the companion plants be okay if planted in the cinder block holes? I know ideally the lupines would be better if they were actually in the bed so they can share the wealth of nitrogen fixation.
2) I’ve noticed a mixture of violets and wild strawberries growing together in different areas of our lawn. Would violets also be a good companion plant for our raised strawberry beds?
Mr. Strawberry
Typically, companion plantings do better when the plants are both in contiguous soil. But, it can’t hurt to try your method and see how they do! As for violets and strawberries, I am not sure. Are you sure your wild strawberries are actually strawberry plants? If they have yellow flowers, they are a weed that often grows alongside violets. If they have white flowers, they probably are indeed strawberries. Either way, good luck!
I planted bush beans and strawberries in the same container. I wound up with lovely plants but not much produce, some beans and a strawberry every now and then. Advice?
Mr. Strawberry
There are a host of factors that affect strawberry yields. In your case, the size of the container might have played a part, or the variety of strawberry might have been to blame for the poor production. This might be helpful: Strawberry Plants Producing Runners But No Strawberries. Good luck!
When we talk about companion planting and people say ” Don’t plant these plants ‘close’ to these ones.” What does “close” mean? A foot? Six feet? How far away should strawberrys be from the cabbage family? What about other “bad Companions”? How far away is far enough when they shouldn’t be together?
Mr. Strawberry
“Close” varies. Generally, plants that have a negative impact on one another need to be spaced far enough apart so that the ecosystem effect of each plant remains virtually completely separate from each other. And, to get the benefit of complimentary plants, they need to be close enough to ecologically influence the neighbor plant. So, for something with a wide reach like cabbage, several feet would be needed at minimum. For plants like carrots that have a much smaller ecological footprint, less space would be required. In other words, the spacing varies for each plant in question.
I have found spinach to be a great companion for strawberries. They take nutrients from different levels of the soil, so they don’t compete with one-another, plus, the spinach grows taller quickly and provides extra shade for the strawberries. I have found my strawberry harvest continues later into the heat with the addition of spinach right in the same bed of my strawberries.
Nemo -- N'rn WI
I have a fifteen-foot wide space betwixt the road and my fence. Six-or-so years ago, I planted a few lupine plants in it. They have done very well. I was just out clipping the green seeds off today, and noticed all the wild strawberries underneath the lupine. The berries were generally half-an-inch, the biggest I’ve seen wild strawbs. As I clipped and munched, I decided I should move a couple lupine into my strawb patch in the garden.