Question: Do Deer Eat Strawberries?
Tom Waddell asked:
The deer have just eaten all the tops on my everbearing strawberries. Is this going to be a problem and will this hurt the runners?
Answer to: Do Deer Eat Strawberries?

Forgive me for chuckling when I read that. But, to answer your question, it should not hurt your strawberry plants for the deer to eat the leaves. Unless you just bought and planted strawberry plugs or strawberry plants, the roots should be well-established on the mother plants and sufficiently established on the runner plants. So, see the information on the Growing Strawberries page, as well as the specific information about overwintering the plants, and you should have healthy plants again next spring when the warmer temperatures call them forth from dormancy. And, if some were trampled by the hooves of the four-legged garden invaders, you can always find a host of replacements on the Buy Strawberry Plants directory page. Also, when it comes to deer in your strawberry patch, be careful. E coli contamination of Oregon strawberries occurred in August of 2011. The culprits? Deer. Naturally, if you’ve got deer problems, make sure you wash your strawberries well so that you don’t have health problems too.
This is a question submitted to StrawberryPlants.org by a reader. See the Strawberry FAQ for more questions and answers.
rita morris
i have deer in my garden every summer they never eat my strawberry but they will eat everything else.
What is required here is a recipe for strawberry jam-glazed roast of venison!
I recently bought a new hanging strawberry basket. It already has a few strawberries. I will pick the flowers off the plant to prevent more berries from growing.
There are a lot of hanging runners. Should I cut the runners and plant them?
Mr. Strawberry
You can do either! If you’d like more plants, root the runners, then separate them from the mother plant. If you don’t, just snip them off and throw them away. Good luck!