Question: Growing Winter Strawberries?
Gerard Caron asked:
What an interesting site. I am not clear on your descriptions of June bearing/shortday ? June bearing happens to be during the longest day of the year while shortday descrtiption is used for winter strawberries mainly grown in Florida.
Answer to: Growing Winter Strawberries?
June-bearing strawberries are generally considered to be the type of strawberry plants that produce one crop of large strawberries per year. This was traditionally a late May to early June occurrence in most parts of the Northern Hemisphere where strawberries are grown. However, as the strawberry industry developed and strawberry cultivars were refined through breeding programs and selection, several varieties proved to grow quite well with fewer daylight hours. These have allowed farmers to grow strawberries in winter more effectively. The winter varieties were still considered June-bearers due to their traditional production characteristics, but due to the fact that they were able to be grown during seasons with less daylight (namely winter), they earned a new moniker: short-day. So, the varieties that do well in Florida and California during the winter months are called short-day June-bearing strawberries, even though they are producing strawberries outside of the months of May/June. Growing winter strawberries in warmer regions (that are sometimes too hot to allow highly productive growing during the peak heat of summer months) keeps folks supplied with strawberries virtually all year ’round! Some other links that might be helpful or informative on this topic are: short-day june-bearing strawberry plants, growing strawberry plants commercially, plasticulture strawberries. I hope that helps!
Learn more on how to grow strawberries in cold weather.
This is a question submitted to by a reader. See the Strawberry FAQ for more questions and answers.
Tracy Dreyer
Mr Strawberry
My 4 year old daughter and myself planted a strawberry plant in March this year, shes so excited about having to eat them as she loves strawberries, when will they bear fruit so that she can enjoy?
Can Strawberries be grown in a pot indoors during the winter months in a northern climate?
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, they can be, but it is usually better to allow the plants go go dormant during the winter months. This will help their production and keep them vigorous longer.
What type of strawberries grow best in Northern Indiana?
Mr. Strawberry
Try one of these: Strawberry Varieties for Indiana. Good luck!