If you are looking for guidance on which strawberry varieties will grow well where you live, you have come to the right place. Strawberry Plants .org has numerous resources that will help you find whatever it is that you need, as long as it is related to strawberries or strawberry plants. One of the most common problems a gardener encounters is finding an appropriate strawberry cultivar.

There are numerous strawberry varieties in existence. Finding the right one for your conditions can be difficult. The best place to start is likely to find which varieties are recommended for your state (see the recommended strawberry varieties page). But, if you want to just go with the flow, the varieties listed below are the most popular varieties offered by nurseries selling strawberry plants directly to the public.
Most Popular Strawberry Varieties
These strawberry varieties are the most popular strawberries sold nationwide in the United States. In order for a cultivar to be sold nationwide, it must be a tremendously hardy and adaptable plant. These varieties may not out-perform specific cultivars developed for and especially well-suited for your exact location. However, the chances of one of these top popular strawberry varieties doing well where you live is very high. The strawberries on this list should be safe bets for most locations. Without further ado, these are the top 10 broadly-adapted strawberry cultivars presently sold nationwide in the United States:
1. Honeoye
Honeoye strawberries are day-neutral June-bearing strawberries. They are early season producers and set large, firm, bright orange-red to red fruit. Strawberrieis from Honeoye plants tend to be of consistent size throughout the season. It is also one of the heaviest producers, which is why it ranks atop this list. Few, if any, strawberries can out-produce this variety for the average gardener. Honeoye is widely adapted, but its strawberries obtain their best flavor when grown in raised beds or lighter soils. Click here to buy Honeoye strawberry plants.
2. Earliglow
Earliglow is an aptly named June-bearing strawberry. It sets and ripens its fruit sooner than virtually every other strawberry variety available. It is the standard. The ripening times of other varieties typically are compared to Earliglow as reference (i.e. fruit from variety X ripens “five days after Earliglow”). Berry size is medium to large, although size tends to decrease toward the end of the season. The deep red berries themselves are very symmetrical, conical, and tough. They have excellent, sweet flavor and are a great choice for canning. They are also resistant to many common strawberry diseases. Click here to buy Earliglow strawberry plants.
3. Allstar
Allstar is a June-bearing strawberry that looks like the prototypical strawberry. Having an almost perfect strawberry shape, glossy red appearance, and good firmness makes it well-liked by gardeners far and wide. It also produces very large strawberries that only slightly diminish in size toward the end of its season. It is a late mid-season producer. It only takes 10-11 Allstar strawberries to fill a one-quart basket. Its mild but sweet flavor profile makes it ideal for fresh eating or freezing. Plants are vigorous and have good disease resistance. Click here to buy Allstar strawberry plants.
4. Ozark Beauty
Ozark Beauty is the most popular everbearing strawberry. Its popularity stems from its large yields of unusually large strawberries (for an everbearer). The red strawberries are sweet, but the most significant benefit of Ozark Beauty is its production profile. While June-bearers produce one early crop and then are finished, this everbearer produces a large early crop and a second crop later in the season with a few berries produced in between also. Click here to buy Ozark Beauty strawberry plants.
5. Chandler
For a detailed discussion of this June-bearing strawberry, see this profile page on Chandler strawberry plants. Click here to buy Chandler strawberry plants.
6. Jewel
Jewel strawberries are well-known as a good variety for both pick-your-own operations and fresh shipping due to its firmness and abrasion-resistant skin. Jewel strawberries are wide and large wedge-shaped berries. It is well known for its excellent flavor and high-quality. It is also a favorite for fresh markets due to its consumer appeal. It also has longer season yields. Click here to buy Jewel strawberry plants.
7. Seascape
Seascape is an everbearing strawberry variety that was initially developed for the California strawberry industry as a variety resistant to viral diseases common there. However, it has proven to be tolerant to early heat, requires less chilling, and even grows well on the East Coast. It is a dependable choice. Its fruit is large and conical to round with an attractive glossy red color. The strawberries are not just red on the outside, however. They are also bright red on the inside as well. It is one of the most reliable producers in the fall, and it even performs well in hot, dry climates. It produces fewer runners than the June-bearers. A drawback of Seascape plants is that it is patented. This means that it is technically illegal to propagate this variety. Click here to buy Seascape strawberry plants.
8. Tristar
Tristar is a day-neutral strawberry variety that is excellent for both fresh eating and freezing. The berries are firm, red, very sweet, and solid with no hollow cores. They are conical in shape but only medium-sized. A big advantage is their production pattern. They begin producing with a bang early, will produce all summer long as long as conditions are tolerable, and will increase production again in the late summer to fall as they produce maximally at that time. Runners from Tristar plants will flower and fruit even before rooting. They are an excellent choice for hanging baskets. Click here to buy Tristar strawberry plants.
9. Sparkle
Sparkle strawberries are a classic favorite and have been a popular strawberry variety for over 60 years. It is widely considered the best strawberry variety for making jam. It is an extremely vigorous variety that produces a high number of runners, so the strawberry bed must be monitored to ensure it doesn’t get too thick. Sparkle strawberries are medium-sized and ripen late. Planting Sparkle with other earlier varieties extends the fresh fruit season. Strawberries from Sparkle plants are deep red and have excellent flavor. Click here to buy Sparkle strawberry plants.
T10. Surecrop
Surecrop strawberries are aptly named. They are the surest bet for producing a good yield compared to all other June-bearers. The fruit is medium to large with good firmness that holds up to shipping. It is deeply red throughout, has yellow seeds, and produces irregularly-shaped berries initially which are followed by more uniform, short and round, conical strawberries. They are ideal for canning and are sweet with a bit of tartness. As the name indicates, this variety will do well virtually anywhere, even poor or dry soils. Click here to buy Surecrop strawberry plants.
T10. Fort Laramie
Fort Laramie strawberry plants are everbearers. They produce large to very fruits that are scarlet on the outside and dark pink to scarlet on the inside. This variety will produce blooms, berries, and runners simultaneously and is very cold hardy. Its strawberries have an exceptional aroma and a firm, honey-sweet flesh that makes them a great choice for fresh eating or processing. Fort Laramie is also a very good choice for growing hydroponic strawberries. Click here to buy Fort Laramie strawberry plants.
Most Popular Strawberry Plants: Conclusion
All of the varieties listed here are tried and true producers and hardy little plants to boot. They have an excellent track record of satisfied customers. Otherwise, they would not continue to be sold by nurseries across the U.S.A. Happy gardeners are happy customers. Happy customers make happy businesses. These strawberries make everyone happy. If you want to purchase other cultivars from a nursery you trust, you can do so on the Strawberry Plants for Sale page. Or, if you want to browse or compare prices on specific strawberry varieties, see the Buy Strawberry Plants page. Happy hunting!
I have a suggestion: give some local sources would be MUCH better than a link to Amazon, which is a warehouse/“midddleman”/shipper with a gazillion products
Here is one: Nourse Farms, https://www.noursefarms.com/, has quality plants, will ship at the best planting time in your area and can be consulted online on specifics. Way better than getting a box of plants from a warehouse.
Different for every country, of course, but there are reasons for restrictions on shipping plant material, like one area might be struggling with a plant disease, etc. that other areas don’t want introduced to their region.
Strawberries can be grown from seed as one work-around.
Good luck to all with their starwberries!
randy dotzenrod
Can I plant strawberries with horse manure??
randy dotzenrod
Can I use horse manure for my base for strawberries? I may purchase Honeoye as that looks the best for me. Thanks.
Mary Ward
Yes, you can. It needs to be aged manure. Fresh would be too hot and would burn the plants, but if you have a good, aged pile go for it. One note–some gardeners and growers report issues in their gardens when using manure from animals that ate hay treated with certain herbicides (aminopyralid, which has several trade names like Grazon). It’s not really clear if strawberries are very negatively impacted. Members of the nightshade family and legumes are most negatively affected. You can find more about this substance here: https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/publication/AG416
The bottom line is, see if you can find out if there was aminopyralid in the horses’ hay before you use the manure and decide if you are comfortable spreading it on your strawberry patch.
Happy Growing!
Mary Ward
Yes, you can. It needs to be aged manure. Fresh would be too hot and would burn the plants, but if you have a good, aged pile go for it. One note–some gardeners and growers report issues in their gardens when using manure from animals that ate hay treated with certain herbicides (aminopyralid, which has several trade names like Grazon). It’s not really clear if strawberries are very negatively impacted. Members of the nightshade family and legumes are most negatively affected. You can find more about this substance here: https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/publication/AG416
The bottom line is, see if you can find out if there was aminopyralid in the horses’ hay before you use the manure and decide if you are comfortable spreading it on your strawberry patch.
Happy Growing!
I am from the UK and used to grow Cambridge Favorite strawberries. Now living in the USA, what would be a good equivalent over here?
Dear Strawberry,
I plan to establish a strawberry farm in the Saudi Arabian kingdom in the city of Riyadh, due to the lack of water availability and high air temperature, which may reach 50 degrees Celsius in the summer during the day, so I thought about the PFAL system( plant factory with artificial light ) , and my question is which variety that is grown in this closed system and how much each plant yield per year ?
Dear Ahmed,
did you start your farm?
I live in Jos Plateau, Nigeria. There’s a local variety of strawberry here (nobody knows the name) which has been introduced since the eighties (we usually plant runners by August /September).
However, I’m thinking of introducing Chandler variety now because of its potential to thrive in warm temperatures.
The temperature here between July – October is 19°c low, 23°c high; November – late January is 17°c low, 23°c high; late January – March 22°c, 27°c; April – June is 20°c low, 25°c high.
Our rain starts from April/May – September (October has few showers sometimes).
Can you advise which variety best suits these temperature and it’s rains and yet maintains it’s sweetness.
Veronica Garcia
We are interested in the pajaro variety of berries. However we cant find a place to purchase them? Are there any nurseries that sell pajaro, or are they a different name now?
Margarit Poghosyan
Hello, we have a greenhouse with hydroponic system of growing strawberries. Could you, please, advise the best matching type of strawberries to this system. We would prefer ever bearing and sweet type. We live in Armenia and we have her all four seasons.
Thank you in advance.
I live in Corpus Christi and have never grown strawberries before. After checking online, I have found many places that say it would be better to plant mine in the fall. Is that because it is mostly in the high 90s for three months of the year?
We have mild winters usually with mosquitoes; however, we have had two freak snow storms in the 17 years that I have lived here. We always know ahead of time when it is going to be that cold, so is covering the plants with mulch enough to protect them or should I look for something else or use newspaper?
I am also planning on planting them below beans. Are they good companion plants?
My final question is if I can plant them in the fall, when will they be able to produce fruit? We start to see bees here as early as February. Any help you can give me would be appreciated.
how large will Quinault strawberries be? are they good?
I am starting a NFT aquaponic system fed from my existing pond, this Spring. Zone 5B. It is a hobby. After reading your site, I’m leaning towards Tristar. One of my biggest concern is over-wintering maintenance. How do I care for it? Trim leaves, but leave stems til replant? Remove root ball mass? Dry and keep with vermiculite or peat moss in paper bag til next year? How would a higher nitrogen cycle (fish waste) affect growth, health and harvest of plants?
Hi Do, I’m also in the aquarium hobby so I get the high nitrogen part with aquariums.
Nitrogen will encourage leaf growth only and discourages flowing so try adding phosphorus and potassium to balance it out.
I’m looking for the best day neutral strawberry variety to grow in a NFT hydroponic system (clay) in Tunisia (mediterranean climate), in a climate-controlled multi-chapel greenhouse. I saw in many comments that you recommend Tristar and Tribute. Are they suitable to such climate?
Thanks a lot! love your web site!
Mr. Strawberry
Unfortunately, the question you ask is impossible to determine due to variables. The sugar content of strawberries of the same variety will vary drastically depending on the sunlight, nutrients in the soil, and water that it has. Additionally, the stage of maturity affects sweetness. Strawberries of the same variety picked a day apart will often vary noticeably in their perceived sweetness. And, on top of that, every individual person has slightly different “taste buds” for sweetness. What you perceive as “sweetest” may not be optimal to your neighbor’s evaluation of the same. I know that probably doesn’t help much, but that is the best answer I can give to your question! Good luck!
Oregon Hood is the sweetest strawberry. Bright red all the way through. Very short season and pack up quickly. Season is happening now, so you have to eat lots and daily! I think Unger Farms has the best. Unger Farms are at many farmers’ markets.
Evelyn Acosta
where can I buy strawberries seeds? my brother in Dominican Republic wants to grow them.
Mr. Strawberry
Evelyn Acosta,
Unfortunately, strawberries are unlikely to grow well where your brother lives. Strawberries are temperate by nature and typically don’t do very well in extreme heat. Good luck!
I used to live in Oregon and i was obsessed with strawberries, in my front yard it was large and had only dirt, no grass, so one day i don’t remember how or why, i planted i think 3-4 strawberry plants, and over the years the spread like wild fire, soon my entire yard was covered in strawberries, all stemming from 4 original plants, they were medium sized, hollow and mildly sweet, i got id say 3 harvests over a good summer, what variety of strawberry were these? But i also soon spread them to a location in my backyard, they also spread like crazy, i think i had at least 500 sq feet of strawberries, if not more, sadly i had to move away and i assume the new owners ended my strawberry dynasty, but maybe not,just a fun story from my childhood, a childhood filled with this wonderful plant.
Mr. Strawberry
There is no way to say specifically which variety those were. It sounds like they were everbearing, and might have been Quinault. Good luck!
Eugene J Wong
Dear Mr. Strawberry,
I once ate a large red strawberry that was sweet and deep red throughout the middle. What type of strawberry might that be? Most strawberries have a light pink or white core, but this one was virtually all one color.
Mr. Strawberry
Eugene J Wong,
Very hard to say! It might have been a Fairfax. Good luck!
Howdy, I have strawberries growing in window boxes I constructed and have Whopper, Sequoia,Ozark and Quinault. I tried to keep one variety to a box, but unfortunately got a couple mixed up. I was lucky to get one strawberry that was sweeter than cotton candy and do know the variety. What would you recommend as the sweetest strawberry out there?
Mr. Strawberry
The sweetness of strawberries varies tremendously depending on a host of factors. If the plants are planted in poor soil, or don’t get a lot of sunshine, or are grown in too hot or too cold climates, the resulting fruit sweetness will be diminished. So, to get the sweetest possible strawberries, make sure they are cared for well and happy in their patch. Good luck!
NV Balkrishna.
I am starting Strawberry Farming in Ethiopia nearby Addis Ababa which enjoy climate between 15-28 Celsius.
Rain is for three months around 1100mm.
Rest months have lights rain sometimes.
Which varieties I should grow for commercial production in open field and Greenhouses.
Mr. Strawberry
NV Balkrishna,
Your best option is to find a local supplier of plants that are adapted to your climate. Good luck!
wanda lanham
where can i find Goliath strawberry plants ?
Mr. Strawberry
wanda lanham,
If I recall correctly, Burgess was the nursery that used to carry the variety they named ‘Goliath’. However, I believe that they stopped carrying them. You should check there to confirm that! Good luck!
Mr Strawberry,I live in Venezuela and in my City have a temperature all year around of minimun 4 Deg C. and Maximun 18 Deg C. which variety will you recoment.Thanks a Lot.
Mr. Strawberry
You might want to try the Chandler variety, if you can obtain some plants. Or, you may want to check with local plant providers to see if they have native species that will grow in your location. Good luck!
Maria Eby
Hello Mr. Strawberry I would like to grow some strawberries hydroponically, but I would like to know which are the sweetest and best for growing this way. Thank you very much.
Mr. Strawberry
Maria Eby,
Usually, hydroponic systems do the best with a day-neutral variety like Tribute or Tristar. Good luck!
I bought a few plants from Walmart and so far they are doing just fine. However, the label shows them to be 5″ Bedding Strawberry (white flower). Do you have any idea what the real variety of these plants might be? Walmart won’t answer me (what a surprise)! I live ourside Hilo Hawaii, at 2000′ elevation on red clay soil with a lot of rain. I put the plants in a planter to avoid the clay soil and feral chickens.
Corbett Coburn
Just to let you know, the patent on SEASCAPE has expired and you may freely propagate that variety.
I accidentally bought Ozark Beauty this year, to restart my beds after being long absent – so I’m happy to read your blub on them. I also (and always,_ got Sequoia, and (I intended to get Quinalt. someone mixed Ozark in the wron bin. Sequoia & Quinalt are large, everbearing, and “fairly upright.” This can asist newbies who have trouble planting the crown at the right depth, or those with poor air flow, or whio want an easiy time adding straw below – though with upright fruits, it is somewhat less required, unless it is cold.
Dear Mr. Strawberry,
I live in southern Idaho and I am looking to start a small u-pick strawberry patch. I want some june bearers but I cant decide between Honeoye, Earliglow, Jewel, or Surecrop. The pH of our soil around here is 7-8, what strawberry plant do you recommend?
Mr. Strawberry
You may want to maximize your ripening time so that more people can pick and your farm can be more profitable. Typically, a lot of U-Pick operations choose several different varieties to extend the harvest: an early season, mid-season, and late season (or some variation on that theme). If you are serious about starting a pick-your-own farm, I would definitely recommend contact the agriculture extension agent for your county. They will be able to walk you through each step of getting started and provide you with area-specific variety recommendations based on your needs and desires. Good luck!
Hi Mr.Strawberry,I live in Florida so can you tell me what type are good for Florida and are highly productive strawberry’s.Thank you.
Mr. Strawberry
Find Florida on this list, and it will tell you! Good luck!
Mr. Strawberry, I live here in Sacramento were in (zone 9b). I grew the Sequoia Variety for the past two years. The plants themselves looked great but I wasn’t impressed with the size of the berry. Which are the Varieties that are very large and sold in stores dipped in Chocolate.
Mr. Strawberry
Many different varieties are used to make chocolate covered strawberries. Chandler is a good option. Good luck!
Was thinking of planting Honeoye strawberries this fall in Kentucky. First, will they do ok by planting in the fall and should I expect to harvest a full crop of berries next spring?
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, they should do fine; yes, you can expect a full crop! Good luck!
We live in South Central Alabama (Zone 8) so the days are hot and Winter comes and goes……Some Decembers you wear sweaters and other Decembers you wear short sleeves. Looking for a sweet Strawberry that can be picked and eaten by grandchildren. Not looking to freeze or do jams. I don’t particularly have a green thumb and our ground is hard are rock (literally rock under the top layers). Will do either raised beds, containers, or even raised rain gutters over the raised beds. Raised beds currently has veggies in it. Suggestions please that will satisfy sweet taste buds?
Mr. Strawberry
With your climate, I’d recommend you try Chandler. Good luck!
i bought an planted strawberries 2 years ago when I bought my first house. The problem is.. I can remember the kind I planted.. Aaahhh!
How can I figure it out? It doesn’t matter to me but am now getting embarrassed when I’m asked what mind they are and I say I can’t remember.
They are wonderful small to medium size.. With an occasional large one..
Mr. Strawberry
Unfortunately, there is no easy way to identify the variety. If you can remember the location where you purchased them, you might try calling there and seeing if they have records of which types they sold you or what varieties they stocked that year. I’m sorry!
I know straw goes with strawberries, but is it absolutely necessary to cover strawberries over the winter months? I live in the Great Lakes area. I’ve been growing Cavendish berries for personal use and have not been covering them because they are labeled “winter hardy”. I have had very good luck with them. I want to put in some Jewels and start a U-pick patch. I find if I don’t use a winter covering, the weed control is much easier the next season. What kind of success will I have with Jewel if I don’t use straw? What would you recommend?
Mr. Strawberry
It basically depends on how cold it gets. Different varieties handle the cold differently. You want to avoid cold injury to your plants, so mulching is the safest way to go. However, if you have mild winters and your plants can handle the cold, it is fine not to mulch. Jewel is a well-adapted and popular cultivar, so it too might do acceptably without extra covering. However, I would hate to see you invest money in a U-pick and then have your plants die or become damaged with an unexpected cold snap. Good luck!
Hi, what is your recommendation for type of strawberries that would last have the longest lasting quality? I want to export them to another country and seeing what would be the best strain. Thank you for your help.
Mr. Strawberry
Most of the popular strawberry varieties are well-adapted. I’d try one of them. Good luck!
Jibran Khan
Hi, Is Chandler the best variety for very hot climate e.g. 45C in summer?
Mr. Strawberry
Jibran Khan,
You could try Chandler, but that temperature will make it difficult for most strawberry varieties, including Chandler. Good luck!
Paul Carroll
I have seen some new varieties at the nursery in Southern California: Quinault and Loran. I also have seen listings of University of California developed varieties such as Fern and Sequoia. I believe that these were developed more for commercial farms and therefore have taste as a lower priority. What do think?
Mr. Strawberry
Paul Carroll,
Thanks for the information! Quinault and Loran, as well as Fern and Sequoia, have been around for a while now, but the nurseries in California may have recently started or re-started offering them to the public. Taste is still a significant factor for commercial operations, but other factors, such as durability, are prioritized a bit more highly than for the home gardener who takes the berry straight from the garden to the kitchen. Good luck!
Is it unusual to get 2 strawberry’ from 1 bud?
I have just fond this on my little plant
Mr. Strawberry
It is common to have two strawberries that are pressed firmly against each other when small and green form into one large fused one. Good luck!
Do you have any knowledge about heat resistant strawberry plants? like how to grow it properly and etc. thanks
Mr. Strawberry
Strawberries are by nature temperate plants and struggle in very hot weather. The Chandler variety is know to do ok in warmer weather, and there are a few varieties that can grow in Zone 9. However, if you get much hotter than that, the plants often only produce in climate-controlled environments. Good luck!
Made Uli Bali
I plant 2 kinds of strawberry. The one is sweetcharlie, and I don’t know the other one, but my friends call it ROSALINDA. Is it true that ROSALINDA is name of one of strawberry varieties?
Mr. Strawberry
Made Uli Bali,
I believe Rosalinda was a somewhat popular variety a while back, but it is likely only available locally.
I have a very healthy strawberry plant bed with lots of runners but I don’t know what variety, its now July and I have blossoms on some can anyone tell me how I can tell which one I have? Thank you!
Mr. Strawberry
Unfortunately, strawberry varieties are nearly impossible to identify without more information! I’m sorry!
dave f.
i have raised beds with honeye and jewel strawberries. they are 32’by 6′(two beds).jewels did great,the honeye plants grew to be afoot tall with very few berries.i am thinning the honeye plants out right now to a foot apart in this bed.this was the first season with the strawberry beds and i got about 35 quarts of berries.my question is after i thin out the plants to one foot apart,do i cut the plants down and if so to what height before i mulch them in for winter.(i live in maine).
Mr. Strawberry
dave f.
Once the plants go dormant, you should remove the wilted vegetative matter from the tops and then mulch them. When your temperatures have dropped into the upper 20s for several straight nights, your plants should go dormant. Good luck, and congrats on your harvest this year!
Dear Mr Strawberry,
We are planning to start a comercial hydroponic business, we want to have year-around strawberry production particulary fall and winter and early spring. do you think we have to go with everbearing cultivars? which vareity do you suggest to have high yield and firm strawberries? We decided to buy Albion, what do you think?
Mr. Strawberry
Albion could be a good choice. The everbearing varieties typically don’t produce as well for pick-your-own growers as do the June-bearing varieties. However, if you are planning on growing year-round, they could do fine. Ozark Beauty is also a popular choice for everbearing. Good luck!
I have 22 beautiful sparkle strawberry plants which still have blossoms and have set some fruit. We are supposed to get a late season frost tonight. Do I have to cover them?
Mr. Strawberry
To protect the the blossoms, it would be a good idea to cover the plants. They can and do die if they suffer frost damage.
I have had Tristar Strawberries for many years. You just can’t get the flavor with store bought berries. I used to replace them every couple of years. I have had the last batch for 4 or 5 years. They are in a separate raised bed along my back patio. I dug them up and thinned them out this winter/spring, getting rid of the old woody plants. At least 10 plants have pink flowers on them this year. I assume they were from a cluster of plants I separated. I don’t remember any pink flowers last year but they were ignored last year and tightly packed. I am interested to see if they have the nice sweet berries of the original Tristar. Are they reverting to a wild form? I never planted pink flowering strawberries.
Mr. Strawberry
No, they aren’t reverting to the wild form – all wild strawberries have white flowers. The strawberry varieties that have pink flowers are usually hybrids. My guess is that you had a hybrid variety in the mix somewhere.
Bought Honeoye and planted them after what I thought was the first freeze. After 1 week in ground, we’re freezing again! I’m in very dry *drought currently* West Texas Panhandle and put them in my front garden close to my house for a windbreak. All I had was some Miracle Grow Gardening Soil so I dumped it over them and raked it even. Think they’ll survive? They were still mowed when I planted and just had a couple stems sprouting on 2 or 3 of the 10 plants. I’ll clear them back off when we stop getting below freezing. Any other tips to try??
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, there is a good chance your strawberry plants will survive. Strawberries will do fine with temperatures just below freezing, usually, as long as the temps don’t get down into the twenties. Good luck!
Hi Mr strawberry,
I have just recently buy the quinalt strawberry plant, is there anything you can tell me about it
Mr. Strawberry
Probably the best way to get an idea about the strengths and nature of that variety is to read what the nurseries who sell it have to say about it. You can find them all here: Quinault.
Linda F.
I am trying to find out what variety of strawberry has red in the green leaves on the top of the berry. I used to go pick small round berries that had the best flavor Id ever tasted. I have not been able to find plants, or the type it was. Would you happen to know?
Mr. Strawberry
Linda F.,
Most strawberry plants have a red pigment in their tissues. In the stems and calyxes (the caps with the small green leaf-like edges), less green pigment (chlorophyll) is often produced allowing the red color to show through. So, it is impossible to say which variety it was based only on some red pigmentation like you mention. For more on that, you can see this: Red Stems and Leaves. Sorry I can’t help more!
joyce hanna
I bought one strawberry plant at a flower greenhouse in a section for hanging baskets. I bought it because it had pink flowers. I put it in a tall planter, and it produced berries all season long, with those beautiful pink flowers. I’d already tried several other varieties in that planter, so at the end of the season, I found several identifying markers, one of which was Tristar. I want more pink flowers and the fruit, which was sweet – could it have been Tristar?
My math has always been poor, so solving a math problem really doesn’t prove I am human…
Mr. Strawberry
joyce hanna,
The pink-flowered strawberry varieties are hybrids, but not Tristar. If you’d like more, look at the hybrid seeds available on the Buy Strawberry Seeds page. Many of those will produce pink flowers. Most of the normal June-bearing types and wild strawberries will produce white flowers. Sorry about the math problem; it’s intended to keep out the spammers. Good luck!
Katherin Enns
We live in Manitoba and are thinking of starting a commercial strawberry u-pick(not using a greenhouse)east of Winnipeg, Manitoba. We have very black soil, called chermeson soil, and are wondering what strawberry you recommend for our type of soil.
Mr. Strawberry
Chernozem is very fertile soil and produces a high agricultural yield, so your soil will likely grow any strawberry type that is suited for your climate as long as there is proper drainage. I would recommend selecting climate-appropriate early season varieties, mid-season varieties, and late season varieties to extend your picking season.
I eagerly await June and head to the strawberry farm as soon as I find out the Earliglow berries are ready to pick. I’ve picked through the rows even after the farmer says there are none left happy to find just a few. This season the Earliglow field was wiped out by too much rain, I had to pick Seneca instead and am still pining for my Earliglow. The Seneca was much to firm for my liking so I’m headed back to the farm to beg permission to crawl through the Earliglow fields in hopes of gathering the survivors of my favorite variety!
Mr. Strawberry
I don’t doubt it! Earliglow has long been a favorite of many.
I bought 2 varieties this season. One is Ozark Beauty (everbearing), the other is Sequoia. I don’t see the Sequoia variety listed. The tag on my Sequoia plants don’t specify if it is June bearing or everbearing. Can you tell me?
Mr. Strawberry
Sequoia strawberries produce over a longer period than regular Junebearing varieties. In that way, they are like Ozark Beauty. However, they are Junebearing by official classification. Despite that, because of their production profile, some people consider them everbearing. Hope that helps!