Just about everyone loves the sweet taste of ripe strawberries. But, sometimes recipes have been devised that require just the right amount of just the right form of strawberries. It can be confusion trying to juggle numbers and equations in one’s head while juggling berries, measuring cups, and other kitchen implements with one’s hands.

To simplify the process of cooking with strawberries, we are going to break it down for you. You can even print this post out and stick it with your favorite recipes that call for strawberries if you’d like. Here is what you need to know when measuring strawberries, doing strawberry conversions, or working out strawberry equivalents for your culinary creations:
Strawberry Measures – Strawberry Conversions – Strawberry Substitutions – Strawberry Equivalents
1 quart = 4 servings
1 small basket = 1 pint
1 pint = 3.25 cups of whole strawberries
1 pint = between 1.5 and 2.25 cups of sliced strawberries
1 pint = between 1.25 and 1.67 cups of pureed strawberries
1 cup = approximately 4 oz of strawberries
1 cup whole strawberries = 0.5 cup pureed strawberries
1 pint = 12 large strawberries
1 pint = 24 medium strawberries
1 pint = 36 small strawberries
1 pint = 2.5 cups whole small strawberries
1.5 cups = 10 oz package of frozen strawberries
1.25 cups = 10 oz package of frozen strawberries in syrup
4 cups = 20 oz package of frozen whole strawberries
2.50 cups sliced = 20 oz package of frozen whole strawberries
2.25 cups pureed = 20 oz package of frozen whole strawberries
Virtually all berries are interchangeable in recipes, measure for measure. If you want raspberries or blueberries or blackberries in your raspberry, blueberry, or blackberry pie, just swap them. But, really, why would you want to do that?! Additionally, this chart of approximate metric equivalents may help you:
Enjoy your strawberry culinary creations, and hopefully these strawberry measures, conversions, substitutions, and equivalents will help you convert strawberry measurements so that you get it just right.
Alice Jacobson
How many pounds of strawberries do I need to serve 75 people?
Mary Ward
It will depend on how they are prepared. We have a chart here https://strawberryplants.org/strawberry-serving/ that will help. Find the closest measure, then just multiply times 75. Hope this helps!
Susan Ridgway
Surely it would be so much more accurate if strawberries (and many other fruit or vegetables) were given by weight instead of volume? One pound of strawberries is the same regardless of whether whole, chopped, diced, pureed etc. Volume is not actually easier, digital scales are cheap and widely available.
Bert LoGuercio
A pints a pound the world around.
Guy Smith
Are you kidding me? A pint in the UK is 25% more than a US pint. Most countries don’t even recognize a pint because they use the litre.
Juan Garcia
How do I convert 3 tablespoons of strawberry preserves into actual fruit?
Nansi Sparks
Shelley Kaye Nunez,
I believe those oblong boxes of frozen strawberries available in the 70’s were 10 oz. packages.
Charlotte Thompson
I too would like to know how many ozs were in the old rather oblong frozen strawberry containers. They had a metal top and bottom and a cardboard center. The strawberries were in a sugary syrup. I have a recipe that calls for 3 of those containers. Does anyone know? If so, please respond. Thanks!
10oz. Pkg. Birds eye
Sherri Deal
How many flats of strawberries would it take to make 20 quart jars of jam. Ballpark information requested. Going to u-pick
Mr. Strawberry
Sherri Deal,
It completely depends on the recipe you are using and the size of the flats. Many recipes call for whole strawberries that puree down to 1/2 the volume. So, if you get a gallon-sized flat, each one should do roughly two quarts. So, you’d need a ballpark of 10. Good luck!
Shelley Kaye Nunez
I have a question reguarding frozen strawberries. In the 1970s frozen strawberries came in rather oblong containers. They had a metal top and bottom and a cardboard center. They are no longer made that way. I have a recipe for a cake that calls for 3 of those containers. I do not know how many ounces each contained. Does anyone know?
Mr. Strawberry
Shelley Kaye Nunez,
I’m sorry, but I don’t! Good luck!
They were 10 0z containers
Elvia Chivers
Can you substitude 4 cups fresh strawberries for 4 cups of frozson strawberries?
Mr. Strawberry
Elvira Chivers,
Yes, as long as they are in the same form (i.e. whole vs chopped vs pureed, etc). Good luck!
Maxine Ferris
You had the answer, thank you for this site. I needed to know how many strawberries make a quart.
Mr. Strawberry
Maxine Ferris,
I’m glad you found the answer for which you were seeking!