This page is a directory of suppliers who offer strawberry plants for sale online. If you are looking to buy strawberry plants online, this listing should give you plenty of options. If you know of a supplier or are a supplier and would like to be added to this list, feel free to use the submission form on the Submit to Us page. Once verified, we will add you to this directory listing.

Strawberry Plants .org does not sell strawberry plants directly to the public and offers no guarantee or warranty on behalf of any of the sellers in this directory. While every effort has been made to include only reputable retailers and wholesalers, all transactions with any of the suppliers are between the buyer and seller alone. If you aren’t sure what type of strawberry you should buy, or if you want recommendations for specific cultivars that will grow well in your area, visit the Strawberry Varieties reference page. If you already know what variety you want and would rather compare prices between nurseries for the variety you want, go here.
How to Quickly Find a Variety of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online Using This Page
The online strawberry suppliers are listed alphabetically below. Each strawberry variety offered by the online strawberry supplier will be listed under their name. The quickest way to find the specific variety of strawberry plants for sale online that you are looking for is to go directly to the Buy Strawberry Plants page where every strawberry variety available for sale online is listed alphabetically. A longer, more tedious way to find a specific variety is to do this:
1. Press and hold the Ctrl key on your keyboard while viewing this page in your internet browser.
2. While holding the Ctrl key, press the F key. This will open your browser’s search function.
3. Type in the specific strawberry variety you are seeking, then press the Enter key. The browser will take you directly to the first supplier who has your chosen variety of strawberry plants for sale online. To compare prices, simply continue the search (usually by clicking “next”) and move to the next supplier who offers your desired strawberry cultivar.
Directory of Suppliers of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online
Disclosure: This article includes affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you make a purchase through my links, at no extra cost to you. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Best place to start your search for plants is They have many varieties for sale. If you don’t find what you’re looking for from, then take a look at the list below.
Aaron’s Creek Farms, Inc.
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Chandler, Sweet Charlie
A.D.R. Bulbs, Inc.
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: All Star, Chandler, Eclair, Eversweet, Fort Laramie, Honeoye, Ozark Beauty, Quinault, Tristar
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Albion, Alexandria, Earliglow, Evie, Golden Alexandria, Honeoye,Lipstick Ornamental, Mara des Bois, Pineberry, Seascape, Sweet Charlie, Tribute, Yellow Wonder
American Meadows
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Earliglow, Ozark Beauty, Quinault, Surecrop, Toscana, Tristan
Ashridge Trees [UK]
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Amelia, Cambridge Favourite, Christine, Florence, Flamenco, Rosie, Royal Sovereign, Totem
Backyard Berry Plants
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Alexandria, Annapolis, Cardinal, Cavendish, Eversweet, Fort Laramie, Fragola Quattro Stagioni, Guardian, Honeoye, Mesabi, Mignonette, Monterey, Northeaster, Record, Reine des Vallees, Red Chief, Seascape, Sequoia, Sonata, Sparkle, Tennessee Beauty, Valley Sunset, Vanilla, Wendy, Yellow Wonder
Berries Unlimited
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Ac Wendy, Albion, Allstar, Early Glow, Echo, Jewel, Surecrop, Seascape, Tribute, Tristar
Blackmoor Nurseries [UK]
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Albion, Aromel, Calypso, Cambridge Favourite, Elsanta, Florence, Honeoye, Mount Everest, Sonata, Symphony
Bob Wells Nursery
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Allstar, Blakemore, Camarosa, Camino Royal, Cardinal, Chandler, Honeoye, Ogallala, Ozark Beauty, Pocahontas, Quinault, San Andreas, Sequoia, Sunrise, Sweet Charlie
Brookside Nursery [UK]
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Loran
Burgess Seed & Plant Co.
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Allstar, Eversweet, Festival, Ft. Laramie, Honeoye, Ozark Beauty, Pineberry, Quinault, Sequoia, Sparkle, Surecrop, Tristan
Burnt Ridge Nursery & Orchards
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Hood, Puget Summer, Ranier, Shuksan, Totem, Tristar
Carther Plants [Canada]
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Albion plugs, San Andreas plugs
Dobies of Devon [UK]
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Cambridge Favourite, Flamenco, Malling Centenary, Malling Opal, Malwina, Mara des Bois, Snow White, Sweetheart, Vibrant
D.T. Brown [UK]
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Albion, Cambridge Favourite, Combaille, Elegance, Fenella, Finesse, Flamenco, Florence, Fresca, Gariguette, Golden Alexandria, Mae, Mara des Bois, Mount Everest, Reine des Vallees, Royal Sovereign, Tarpan F1
Exciting Gardens
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Festival, Fort Laramie, Ozark Beauty, Quinalt, Tristan
Farmer Seed and Nursery
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Allstar, Bargain, Cardinal, Fort Laramie, Honeoye, Ogallala, Ozark Beauty, Quinault, Robinson (Giant Robinson), Sequoia, Sparkle, Surecrop, Strazzberry
Four Seasons Nursery
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Festival, Fort Laramie, Ozark Beauty, Quinalt, Sequoia
Gardener’s Supply Company
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Seascape
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Cavendish, Earliglow, Honeoye, Jewel, Sparkle, Surecrop
Gardening Express [UK]
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Cambridge Favourite, Elsanta, Hapil
Greenwood Nursery
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: All Star, Chandler, Cardinal, Ozark Beauty, Sweet Charlie, Tennessee Beauty
Gurney’s Seed & Nursery Co.
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Earliglow, Eversweet, Fort Laramie, Gurney’s Whopper, Honeoye, Jewel, Ozark Beauty, Sparkle Supreme
Harris Seeds
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: All Star, Chandler, Earliglow, Eclair, Eversweet, Fort Laramie, Honeoye, Ozark Beauty, Quinault, Surecrop, Tribute, Tristar
Hartman’s Plant Company
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Albion, All Star, Earliglow, Fraises des Boise Strawberry, Monterey, Pineberry, Seascape
Henry Field’s Seed & Nursery Co.
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Eversweet, Fort Laramie, Honeoye, Jewel, Ozark Beauty, Sparkle Supreme, Wendy
Holland Bulb Farms
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: All Star, Alpine, Ozark Beauty
Indiana Berry
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Ac Valley Sunset, Albion, Allstar, Annapolis, Cabot, Cavendish, Chandler, Earliglow, Flavorfest, Honeoye, Itasca, Jewel, Monterey, Red Chief, San Andreas, Seascape, Sparkle, Surecrop, Tribute, Tristar
Ison’s Nursery & Vineyard
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Cardinal, Chandler, Ogallala, Ozark Beauty, Sweet Charlie
J Lynn Nursery
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Roman
Jekka’s Herb Farm
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Fragaria vesca Wild Strawberry, Fragaria vesca White Delight
Johnny’s Selected Seeds
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Cabot, Earliglow, Honeoye, Jewel, Seascape, Sparkle
Jung Seeds & Plants
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Ac Valley Sunset, Ac Wendy, Albion, Annapolis, Cabot, Cavendish, Earliglow, Ft. Laramie, Honeoye, Jewel, Mara des Bois, Ozark Beauty, Seascape, Sparkle, Tristar
Just Fruits & Exotics
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Camarosa, Sweet Charlie
Krohne Plant Farms
Varieties of Fall Strawberry Plants for Sale: AC Valley Sunset, AC Wendy, Albion, Allstar, Annapolis, Cabot, Cavendish, Clancy, Earliglow, Honeoye, Jewel, L’Amour, Monterey, Noreaster, Rubicon, San Andreas, Seascape, Sparkle, Surecrop, Winona
Kube Pak
Varieties of Fall Strawberry Plants for Sale: Alexandria, Berri Basket, Fragoo, Fresca
Lassen Canyon Nursery Inc.
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Albion, Benicia, Camarosa, Camino, Chandler, Diamante, Florida Strawberry Festival, Gaviota, Jewel, Keoki, Mojave, Monterey, Portola, San Andreas, Seascape, Sweet Charlie, Valley Red, Ventana
Marshalls Vegetable & Fruit Company [UK]
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Albion, Amelia, Buddy, Cambridge Favourite, Christine, Elsanta, Fenella, Flamenco, Malwina, Malling Centenary, Mammoth, Mara des Bois, Marshmello, Red Gauntlet, Royal Sovereign, Snow White, Vibrant
Morgan County Seeds
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Allstar, Chandler, Earliglow, Honeoye, Northeastern, Surecrop, Tribute, Tristar
Mountain Valley Growers
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Organic Chandler Strawberry Plants and Crowns
Natural Gardening Company
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Organic Alpine Mignonette, Elan
Nourse Farms
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Ac Valley Sunset, Ac Wendy, Allstar, Annapolis, Brunswick, Cabot, Cavendish, Chandler, Clancy, Daroyal, Darselect, Earliglow, Eros, Evie 2, Galletta, Honeoye, Idea, Jewel, L’Amour, Mara Des Bois, Mesabi, Northeaster, Ovation, Record, Seascape, Seneca, Sparkle, Winona
One Green World
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Alexandria, Gerald Straley, Gold Leaf Alpine Strawberry, Hood, Italian Alpine, Rugen Improved, Seascape, Shuksan, Tristar
Peaceful Valley Farm & Garden Supply (Grow Organic)
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Allstar, Chandler Strawberry Plants, Eclair, Eversweet, Fort Laramie, Honeoye, Ozark Beauty, Quinault, Seascape, Sequoia
Pinetree Garden Seeds
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Allstar, Earliglow, Jewel, Mara des Bois, Ruegen, Sarian, Temptation, White Soul, Yellow Wonder
Raintree Nursery
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Albicarpa, Alpine White, Alpine Yellow, Benton, Capron Musk Strawberry, Earliglow, Eversweet, Firecracker, Jewel, Lipstick, Mignonette Alpine, Profumata di Tortona Musk Strawberry, Puget Summer, Ruegen Improved, Russian Male Musk Strawberry, Seascape, Shuksan, Tri Star, Wild Strawberry, Yellow Alpine
R.H. Shumway’s
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Cavendish, Earliglow, Everbearing, Ft. Laramie, Honeoye, Jewel, Ozark Beauty, Sparkle, Tristar
Richters Herb & Vegetable
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Alpine Strawberry (Fragaria vesca ‘Ruegen’), Hecker (climbing strawberry), Wild Strawberry (Fragaria vesca), White Soul
Scenic Hill Farm Nursery
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Albion, Allstar, Benton, Cabot, Cavendish, Chandler, Eclair, Eversweet, Fort Laramie, Honeoye, Hood, Ozark Beauty, Puget Crimson, Quinault, Rainier, Seascape, Sequoia, Shuksan, Sweet Sunrise, and Totem.
Simmons Plant Farm
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Allstar, Blakemore, Cardinal, Chandler, Earliglow, Eversweet, Fort Laramie, Guardian, Honeoye, Ogallala, Ozark Beauty, Quinalt, Sequoia, Sparkle, Surecrop, Sunrise, Tennessee Beauty
Spring Hill Nursery
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Ozark Beauty, Sweet Giant
Stargazer Perennials
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Allstar, Alpine Strawberry Mignonette, Alpine Strawberry Vesca, Aromas, Fort Laramie, Honeoye, Hood, Ozark Beauty, Shuksan
Stark Bro’s
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Allstar, EarliGlo, Eversweet, Jewel, Ozark Beauty, Stark Crimson King, Stark Red Giant, Surecrop, Sweet Charlie, Tribute, Tristar
Strawberry Tyme [Canada]
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Albion, Annapolis, Cavendish, Governer Simcoe, Jewel, Kent, Mira, Mohawk, Sable, Sapphire, Seascape, Serenity, St. Pierre, Tribute, V151, Wendy
The Strawberry Store, LLC
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Fragaria moschata, Mignonette, Reine des Vallees, Ruegen, White Soul, Yellow Wonder
TN Nursery, Wholesale Nursery Co.
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Chandler
Tripple Brook Farms, Inc.
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: White-fruited Woodland Strawberry (Fragaria vesca albicarpa), Wild Strawberry (Fragaria virginiana), Rugen Improved (Fragaria vesca)
Vermont Bean Seed Company
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Cabot, Earliglow, Fort Laramie, Honeoye, Jewel, Ozark Beauty, Sparkle
Victoriana Nursery Gardens [UK]
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Royal Sovereign
Welsh Fruit Stocks [UK]
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Alice (organic), Cambridge Favourite (organic), Christine (organic), Elegance (organic), Fenella (organic), Florence (organic), Hapil (organic), Honeoye (organic), Judibell (organic), Malling Pearl (organic), Pegasus (organic), Sophie (organic), Symphony (organic)
Willis Orchard Company
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Chandler, Seascape, Sequoia, Sweet Charlie
James Schram
Been searching for years for Fairfax. here there everywhere. None of your vendors list them though you make big hype that you now have them. Is there a simple way to simply buy them in any quantity?
Does anybody actually have them for sale?
Mary Ward
They are extremely limited, almost non-existent. One grower has been working to bring the variety back, but has run into problems with low runner production, and therefore low supply. He’d stopped but in 2021 decided to reinstate his nursery license to offer Fairfax strawberries on a very limited basis. You might find some leads in our article about Fairfax here: or you might be able to contact The Strawberry Store to see if they have any available:
Dean Fournier
I am looking for Tristar bare root plants. I live in Ontario. What country are you in? What state if US? How is a person to know if they should order from you when they don’t even know where you are located? You lost a possible customer, and likely a lot more who don’t bother to contact you.
Patricia Bryant
I am Australian, Blue Mountains NSW. In 2007 I relocated to Tasmania. There I discovered a small flavoursome Tasmanian strawberry, one could smell as soon as walked into grocery shop. The grower called them Ichigo… Which I now know is Japanese word for strawberry , so am none the wiser as to which variety /strain they were. Current ‘ down -under ‘ growers do the huge, very red, tasteless type
Similarly, in the 1950’s in Sydney my English grandmother grew blackberries, calling them dewberries.. I think now, to distinguish them from our bush wild tyoe. Again her ‘dewberry ‘ was so sweet as well as prolific, we couldnt eat them wuick enough hence lots of jam, pies to be eaten … Still looking for its type. Nothing commercially grown has the flavout of either of these two berries. Any guiding thought????
WIndy Hill
I am planning to start a u pick strawberry farm to add to our CSA. Can you recommend varieties ? Also what are the advantage and disadvantages of planting bare root vs starts?
mark h
i looking for catskill strawberry plants in the usa, my late grand parents had some from the 1950s to the 1990s me and my father replanted 50 back in the 1990s by the 3r year we was getting 80 quarts off them most when into jam , i tried the guy in the uk HE Will not ship to the usa, i have called every place on here no one has catskills but the uk
Mr. Strawberry
mark h,
I’m sorry, but I don’t know of any suppliers currently offering the Catskill variety. If you do find a source, let us know! Good luck!
Seems they’re from Appalachia, maybe ‘quinalt’ has some heritage from it?
Bartosz Piwowarek
one key question, does *no longer available mean its gone for good, and you cant buy anymore? or just temporarily unavailable, Ive been looking back and forth on this site, realising that many more are becoming *no longer available 😮 I have Aromel, which apparently says this, are you serious that its already gone, just coincidence, or is it really dissapeared from sales?
Mr. Strawberry
Bartosz Piwowarek,
No, it doesn’t mean they never will become available again. Virtually all of the strawberry genetic material for varieties that have existed are stored in various banks to prevent their extinction. What the designation * no longer available means is that there are currently no online retailers selling the plants. That could change at any time. Good luck!
Wild Strawberry Plants
The wild strawberries are a great seller. Great for teaching children about gardening and healthy too.
Debbie Boullion
I have been seeing on youtube the commercial strawberry growers are planting strawberry plants in plastic where do the runners root themselves if grown in plastic
Mr. Strawberry
Debbie Boullion,
The commercial growers that use the plasticulture method do not allow the runners to root. They treat the strawberry plants as annuals and re-plant each year.
Runners take away from fruit production so they cut off all runners.
It’s March 30th and snowing here…we had 50 bare root strawberries arrive today. Unfortunately, not only is there about 9 inches of snow still on the ground, but I need to leave town for 10 days beginning next week….HOW do I care for my new plants until I return…and hopefully the ground is thawed out???
Thanks you!
Mr. Strawberry
Hopefully this will help: Storing Bare Root Strawberries. Good luck!
I just want some good plants for my garden I live in micco fl I don’t want to drive to plant city. Can you help me
Mr. Strawberry
You can have most commercially-available varieties shipped right to your door for garden planting. Just contact the suppliers listed on this page, and each will be happy to ship directly to you. Good luck!
Betty Jo Caldwell
I just purchased the Every Berry Strawberry plants from a nursery. I am trying to find information on how to plant and care for this variety. I live in Jacksonville Fl.
Thank You,
Betty Jo
Straw Berry
Betty Jo Caldwell,
You can get that information right here! Good luck!
Nancy Williams
Twenty plus years ago I ordered strawberry plants from a catalog we received in the mail. It was a popular catalog at the time and one could order anything from seeds to trees. I didn’t know anything about strawberries except that I wanted some so I ordered half ever-bearing and half early-bearing; or that’s the way I remember it. At any rate, one kind choked out the other so we ended with berries early in spring and they stopped producing fairly early. They were fabulous strawberries and I ended up with almost more than I could keep up with. Can you give me any tips on what I might have been growing or what might be a good plant for me? I want the best, sweetest taste I can find that will also do well for jams and freezing. Thank you for any tips you can give.
Straw Berry
Nancy Williams,
You probably ended up with an early season June-bearing variety. They are very prolific over a relatively short period of time. Which variety will do best for you depends largely on where you live. I’d start here: Recommended Strawberry Varieties. Good luck!
Mark B
Looking for a variety we used to grow in the 70’s & 80’s call “Early Sunrise”. The plants were very tall, with big leaves and very fast growing vines. The berries were large to very large with a great taste. It was good for fresh eating, freezing, & jam/jellies/preserves. Usually one of if not the 1st berries of the year to ripen – late May to early June.
Straw Berry
Mark B,
I am not familiar with any retailers offering that variety any longer. If you discover one, please let me know! Good luck!
shafter kling
I am looking for the OLD KLONDIKE plant of the 40s and 50s also clinemoore variety.
Mr. Strawberry
shafter kling,
Unfortunately, I am not aware of any suppliers of those varieties. It is likely that, since you had those, there have been newer varieties released that are considered superior. Consequently, the older ones aren’t offered any longer. All of the varieties that are readily available at this time, as far as I know, are available here. Good luck, and if you find them, do let me know!
I have tried for years to find the old-fashioned AROMA strawberries that were popular many years ago. I sell berries U-Pick and havve had many request for the AROMA berry I am located in S W Missouri that was the Strawberry capital at the turn of the century 1900 to 1940 Thanks for any help.
Mr. Strawberry
Unfortunately, I do not know of any supplier of Aroma strawberry plants. All of the ones that I am aware of can be perused by variety here. Good luck!
yummy strawberries!
hello, this is just a question to ask, is it ok if my strawberries can rest on the soil bed? about 3 strawbs of mine are touching the soil, for the vines have lowered down down so suddenly ( they aregrowing a lot though ). my strawbs are doing really well, but i don’t want the to fail at the last very moment. They are june-bearing strawbs. thankyou. 🙂
Mr. Strawberry
yummy strawberries!
No, you should place some sort of mulch on the ground for the strawberries to rest upon. Most commonly, straw is used. Good luck!
Another question also, is there a good crop rotation for strawberries to replenish the soil? Or do you suggest to just change the soil? I really am interested in crop rotation, but I want to know the best combination for strawberries.
Mr. Strawberry
For the ins and outs of growing strawberries, check out the Growing Strawberries reference page. It is packed with information! Also, be sure to see the links at the end of the article. They will take you to more and more specific information that will most likely help you. Good luck!