What do you think of when you hear the word “strawberry?” You think of springtime fun, the first harvest of the year, and, above all else, plump and juicy RED fruit with an exquisite taste, right? Strawberries are synonymous with the color red. However, what is not known by most is that there are numerous white strawberries as well. In fact, some entire species of Fragaria are white.

If you want to learn about the different types of white strawberries, grow them, or buy the plants quickly and easily, you will be able to do so quickly and easily with the information available on Strawberry Plants .org. This page is your gateway to everything related to the white strawberry and white strawberry varieties.
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Why Are White Strawberries White?
To understand why white strawberries are white, it is best to understand why red strawberries are red. In the life cycle of strawberries, the flowers turn into small, pea-sized green strawberries. They grow as small green strawberries until they reach a certain size and maturity. They then turn white. As they continue to mature, strawberries which are red when fully ripe make use of proteins to turn from white to red.
One of the primary ripening proteins is called Fra a1. Strawberries containing this protein redden into the familiar appearance as they reach full ripeness signaling their readiness to be consumed. Most white strawberries are either deficient or completely lacking this protein. So, even when they are ripe, they remain white instead of turning red. Their strawberry genetics don’t allow them to become red. So, the reason white strawberries are white is simply because they lack the ability to turn red.
White Strawberry Allergy?
The protein related to ripening (Fra a1) is more completely known as Fragaria allergen A1. This protein is thought to be the one primarily responsible for strawberry allergies. Consequently, it may be possible for an individual with a strawberry allergy to consume white strawberries without negative side effects or allergic reactions. Of course, if you have such an allergy, only try eating a white strawberry under medical supervision.
Types of White Strawberries (White Strawberry Varieties)
There are multiple types of white strawberries. White strawberry varieties include white subspecies of Fragaria vesca (more commonly known as the Alpine Strawberry); Fragaria chiloensis (more commonly known as the Beach, Coastal, or South American Strawberry); the Pineberry; and few others. A brief overview of each of the major types of white strawberries follows:
White Alpine Strawberries
Alpine strawberries are wild strawberries of the species Fragaria vesca. White alpine strawberry varieties include: Albicarpa, Krem, Pineapple Crush, White Delight, White Giant, White Solemacher, and White Soul. Most of these varieties are available for sale. You can order them from supplying nurseries by clicking the links in the next section.
White Beach Strawberries
White beach strawberries are also known as coastal strawberries, wild strawberries, Chilean strawberries (Frutilla Chilena) and South American strawberries. All of these white strawberries are members of Fragaria chiloensis. This species of strawberry was instrumental in the cross-breeding that resulted in the large, red, plump strawberry varieties available today. To learn the history of the development of the modern-day strawberry, read it on the Strawberry Plant page. These can also be purchased at the links below in the next section.
White Pineberries
Pineberries are also a type of white strawberry. However, if they are ripened in the sun, they will often gain a pinkish hue. Because of this, those with strawberry allergies should not risk consuming them as they likely still contain at least some quantities of Fra a1. The pineberry is Fragaria x ananassa hybrid, just as is the typical red garden strawberry. However, the genetics passed down in the cross have resulted in a unique pineapple-strawberry flavor and white fruit. Use the links below to purchase these also.
Other White Strawberries
Another commercially available white strawberry variety is ‘Keoki’ which is a Fragaria x ananassa hybrid like the pineberry, but without the pineapple taste. Offered for sale by Lassen Canyon Nursery, it can also be purchased by clicking the links in the following section. Fragaria virginiana white strawberris are also available from Edible Landscaping Online. If you are aware of any other white strawberries for sale anywhere, let us know!
Buy White Strawberries
You can buy white strawberries by clicking the following links. Each will take you a table of all the known sellers of that particular variety on the Buy Strawberry Plants directory. All strawberry varieties, not just the white ones, are also available there.
Alpine varieties: Albicarpa, Krem, Pineapple Crush, White Delight, White Giant, White Solemacher, White Soul
Beach varieties: Island of Lernuy, Termas de Tolhuace, Others
Pineberry varieties: White Carolina, White D, White Pine
Other white varieties: Keoki, Fragaria virginiana (Christina), Snow White
Benefits of Growing White Strawberries
There are several benefits of white strawberries. First, the Alpine varieties have an exquisite taste and aroma. Also, there are unique strawberry flavor accents that can be experienced with the pineberry. Also, the true species (Fragaria vesca, Fragaria chiloensis) will grow true from seed since they are not hybrids. You will not, however, be able to grow true plants from either Keoki or Pineberry seeds since they are hybrids.
Another added benefit of the pale relatives of red strawberries is that our feathered friends don’t pay them as much attention. Birds can decimate a strawberry patch. As soon as they start turning red, they start turning birds’ heads too. Birds will often ignore white strawberries so that you get more fruit with less fight!
Drawbacks of the White Strawberry
Unfortunately, there are also drawbacks to growing white strawberries. They typically produce fewer and smaller strawberries. Especially compared to the most popular commercial varieties for sale today, white varieties of strawberries simply produce less. That is the most significant drawback for a gardener looking to maximize harvest from a given garden space.
Also, some critics claim that both the Beach Strawberry and the Pineberry have a less than stellar taste profile, with many berries tasting bland or watery. Don’t put too much stock in the critics if you are interested in trying to grow your own white strawberry plants, however. There are many more anecdotal reports of delicious harvests than displeasing ones.
White Strawberries: Conclusion
Why not take the plunge for your garden this year? Research the various types of white strawberries, map out some garden space, and take the plunge! Planing new fruits might just allow you to find a new favorite. Taking a chance on some of the varieties listed on this page will most likely turn out to be a good decision…a very good decision indeed!
Andre Moore
Hello I would like to know more about the white ones and planting them in Germany.
Mary Ward
To plant in your location, I would figure out which USDA growing zone is the same as yours. This is a matter of determining which USDA zone your winter temperatures are the same as. There is a great article here that will help you figure this out:
Once you know the zone, you can use it to decide if these strawberries are good for your location. It’s really just a matter of temperature and winter survivability!
I have a grown quite a few white Strawberries here in New Zealand, from tiny seeds I was given. No idea what type but white. I have a question: Mixed into the white plants are some red Strawberries, is there anyway to identify these red ones before they fruit? Same with the White. To distinguish them from each other before fruiting. Darker leaves on the red? Please do let me know as I would like to sell these in the local Farmers market. But would hate to sell white ones which eventually give red fruit. That would be uncomfortable.
Mary Ward
Hard to say. There’s a possibility you have some cross pollination going on, too. If you can identify features of the plant that hold true, then that is the best indicator. The only real way to know is to separate into posts, grow until they produce, and then label. Keep them away from each other to prevent/reduce pollination.
Robert Sellers
White Strawberries produce long Runners earlier than the Reds. Whites will overrun the Reds denying them the Sun and other necessary items. Whites have tall stems with small fruit coming out. Never mix them into the same Patch…Reds will lose.
Berry Happy
My local market is selling white strawberries now, but I suspect they will not have the same nutritional profile of polyphenols and all, any word on that? Thanks.
Debra Recollet
Hi, I am cultivating wild red strawberries, so I transplanted them from the field into a garden with topsoil. But when the strawberries came out they were white strawberries. Do you know what happened? How do I get them to give red strawberries? Or do I have to start all over again with the red strawberries. Thank you.
I planted my pineberry strawberries end of April and it’s now mid July and not one plant has produced any blossoms. They are producing many runners though and the plants are healthy and green. Curious as to why no blossoms???
Strawberries need a strong root system to produce fruits. Therefore, I plant my strawberries (or replant them if I want to change their bed) in autumn (September), so that they are strong and rooted in the spring. All the fruit potential is built up in the roots. The spring planting works only if you have nice strong plants in pots and do not disturb their roots, then there is a harvest too, because honestly there would be fruits even if you would leave them untouched in the pots. But in a case of young plants or runners without proper roots, the autumn works better.
OR: You planted them in the shadow. They need sun to put on many blossoms, without it, you get myriads of leaves with minimum of fruits.
That is at least my experience with strawberries.
Sherry Moller
I planted one or two white strawberry plants last year. this year I had to take a bunch out as they spread so much. I just picked a bunch and they do go bad very fast. they taste like pineapple and strawberry mix. I am going to try strawberry jam from them. I sure hope it works well. thanks for all the info.
Jeremy Stack
Hi! I live in the Midwest, and we tens to have rather harsh cold winters. Is there any hope for me to plant and maintain the white strawberry plants? If so, when should I plant them to make sure they last through the winter? I should also add that I have to plant them in pots as my lease doesn’t allow direct planting
Mr. Strawberry
Jeremy Stack,
Yes, just follow the regular instructions for growing strawberries. Read all the material here for help! Good luck!
When will you sell the White Jewel variety from Karatsu, Japan which are the biggest and best tasting?
Mr. Strawberry
Thanks for your inquiry, but we actually don’t sell ANY strawberries directly! If you find a supplier of the strawberries you mentioned, be sure to let us know, and I will add the supplier to our directories. Good luck!
They’re good, but they’re only ripe for about 12 hors before they go bad.
Toni ( Mr )
We have several small plants of white strawberries, contained in a round garden. There are no runners, just little bushes that fruit for a long time. The plants seem to multiply , and we don’t know how the first one got there, because we’ve never heard of them before . Very tasty , and glad they are here.
Mr. Strawberry
Toni (Mr),
Great! I’m glad they are growing for you, and they are probably one of these varieties. Good luck!
I planted my white strawberries I got at home Depot about 5 months ago. When will they start producing and how often?
Mr. Strawberry
It often takes a full year before strawberries start producing. If they are planted now and well-cared for, the perennating buds that will produce next year’s strawberries will be forming now. So, next spring should see them laden with berries. Good luck, and try to be patient with the little fellows!
I bought my berries at home depot… they all had long hanging runners. Are these to be cut off? How do I encourage berry growth?
Mr. Strawberry
To get the biggest berries, you should snip the runners. Good luck!
Aubrey Steedman
I let the runners go, press them a bit into soil and clip them once they root well. In this way, you get free plants!
Hi! My friend and I both have white strawberries that taste identical– very floral. However they are different. Hers does NOT have runners. Mine does. Hers are a bit larger than my tiny ones. How do we identify our berries more closely, since there are so many? Thanks!
Mr. Strawberry
Very likely you both have Alpine strawberries. Hers is probably one of a couple of varieties that produce few-to-no runners, and yours is a more typical variety. You may want to contact Mike Wellik of The Strawberry Store (just google: mike wellik strawberry store). He specializes in gourmet strawberries and would better be able to identify which you have based on a description, if anyone can. Good luck!
Thankyou so much, I have a small patch of red strawberries and one of them was slightly bigger and white with red seeds, so I decided to come here since I’m a new strawberry farmer. I’ll tell you later if this one stays white with a patch of reds (If this is even possible >33< )
Mr. Strawberry
Thanks! And, good luck!
I saw them today at Home Depot but didn’t get them as they’re $12 a pack and I never heard of them before.
Mr. Strawberry
Thanks! They are at Home Depot and other big box stores this year. The Wal-Mart in my area was even carrying them this spring!
Hi I’ve bought strawberry seeds of eBay. The seller claims that the array of strawberry seeds are red green purple orange. He claims it is true! But I’ve heard they are fake.
Mr. Strawberry
Unfortunately, they are probably fake. The only colors other than red that are legitimate are: white, yellow, and purple. Good luck!
Julie in Olalla
I have white strawberries growing wild all over my barked rose garden. The plants are good size have lots of flowers and fruit a small white berry that tastes like a creamcycle. They multiply every year. This is the first year I tasted them ’cause the bunnies usual eat them first. How do I Identify them?
Mr. Strawberry
Julie in Olalla,
They are quite likely a variety of Alpine Strawberries. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to identify which specific one! I’m glad you got some before the bunnies this year. Good luck!
Can I make jam from my white strawberries and can I use the same recipe as for red strawberries?
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, you can! You can also use the same recipe, just make sure that you use the correct amount of strawberries by volume, as the white strawberries are usually smaller. Also, send me a picture of your finished product, if you go through with your jam making! If you use a recipe from this site, I’ll add your pictures to it, or I’ll make a whole new recipe page with your recipe and finished product, if you’d like! Good luck!
I’ve tried 2 plant the white strawberry seeds. I can’t figure it out. What can I do 2 get them grow
Mr. Strawberry
These resources should help: Germination, Seeds. Good luck!
Aubrey Steedman
Strawberry seeds require cold stratification.
Rachel scott
I was given a White Soul as a gift. The plant is producing alot… When do i pick?! They get to a certain size, dont grow larger, are smushy when gently squeezed, and are Bitterish tasting…The package never said how long after blooming to wait to pick.. HELP!
Mr. Strawberry
Rachel scott,
With the white strawberries, it is a bit more difficult to determine when they are ready to pick! The best way to tell is to monitor them closely by very gently squeezing them. If they are still quite firm, don’t pick them yet. When they are slightly springy to the touch, but not mushy, go ahead and pick. If the berry is still quite tart, give them an extra day or two and then try again. Also, if they are shaded and do not get full sun, they can often retain a bitter taste. Good luck!
I have 4 strawberry plants that we bought last year. Last year and this year the berries are only small and white. I didn’t think I bought white strawberries but maybe I did? Just wandering if there could be a nutrient lacking or lack of water that could be causing them to just not turn red and grow large in size? Or would it just be the type?
Thanks for your help, Lindsay
Mr. Strawberry
If you have picked them and they taste like strawberries, you likely got one of the white strawberry varieties listed on this page. If they are greenish/whitish with too many seeds and taste bitter or mealy, you might have an insect problem that is keeping the plants from developing healthy strawberries. Those berries are usually very hard and tough and more green than white. Good luck!
I have a bunch of little white Berry like things that have tiny red bulbs all over them growing all over my yard. They look like tiny strawberries. How can I tell? I have ants all over my yards too but if these are strawberries I don’t want to spray down the yard
Mr. Strawberry
Those aren’t strawberries. Spray away.
Putri Salsa
Hi, I am from Indonesia…
I am interesting in cultivating Alpine strawberry.
I have some varities of alpine strawberry in my small garden. There are mignonette, ruegen, and white (I dont know which one) strawberry.
Do you think that it will be okay if I put them together in the same place? I mean, what will happen if there is across pollination?
Straw Berry
Putri Salsa,
Yes, as long as the plants are healthy, they can all be grown in the same general area. Do make sure that each of them has enough soil and nutrients to support healthy growth and fruit production. Good luck!
These strawberries look awesome! Are they non GMO, though?
Mr. Strawberry
These white strawberries are not genetically modified.
Stephen Brockman
In general at least for the next couple years if it’s not grains a potato, or a papaya the odds it’s GMO are pretty much zero. There is a GMO squash out there but I don’t even know if it’s still available because there was no demand as is true of the GMO tomato.
I see you have white, yellow and of course red strawberries but are there more colors (varieties) to chose? Is there a blue strawberry? Are they easy to cross breed to get new colors?
Mr. Strawberry
I am not aware of any other colors than the one you mentioned, save the purple variety. The blue and black ones I have seen advertised, to my knowledge, are photoshopped and marketed by retailers of dubious repute. If you come across any legitimate colors other than red, white, yellow, and purple, do let me know! They are not easily bred. Should you find some other color, it is likely genetically modified.
I run a seed library for the Seattle area, and we’ve recently received a donation of white soul strawberry seeds. (They’re a runnerless variety.) I grew some to try, and they’re FABULOUS! I want to make sure our library “borrowers” don’t unintentionally hybridize the seeds. Does anyone know where I can find information about how these plants are pollinated, isolation distances, etc?
Mr. Strawberry
You should write to Mike Wellik at thestrawberrystore.com. He should be able to answer those questions for you as he specializes in growing gourmet strawberry plants and seeds. Good luck!
Frank T.
Thank you for the information. I have wild white strawberries growing in my yard(partially wooded) and have been mowing through them for years thinking they were just weeds! This year while walking around I noticed the berries and decided to taste one and wow are they fantastic. They taste is complex compared to reds and the delicious after taste lingers for quite a while. Their ability to grow from seed is very apparent as i now see them in both yards next door and in many spots in mine. Needless to say my lawn mower will be taking some detours from now on.
I checked the varieties by state section and didn’t see any white ones listed for Iowa, do you have any recommendations? Can these be grown by established red strawberries or everbearing srawberry plants?
Mr. Strawberry
You may want to try the Pineberries linked above. They seem to be all the rage these days. The reason that they aren’t recommended by the extensions is that they typically produce fewer and smaller strawberries than do the red-fruited varieties. Good luck!
Mr. Strawberry
Thank you for the advice. I have a bedroom that gets full bright sun most of the day, so may try to find a way to set up a place to plant them there. I looked around for plants and the dominant alpine white for sale is the ‘white soul’ which claims to be pineapple-y…. I will research different types on your information page to find the one best suited for me. That list is huge though. It will take some time to just sort out all the white varieties. But it is worth it. How do I help the plant pollinate? I can do research on this as well, but if there is a simple answer, it would be nice to just get it directly. The reason this is so important to me is my 2 1/2 year old son is named Yuki Ichigo. Literally in Japanese ‘snow strawberry’. We did this on purpose, not knowing the was actually white strawberries out there, and I have been obsessing over growing my own since I found out about them. He loves sweet fruits, especially strawberries, so this would be very special to him as he grows up.
I am unfamiliar with all the different types of strawberries. I want to try growing my own, and the white varieties fascinate me. Are there any varieties that taste more like strawberries than pineapple? Also, I live in an apartment and am not sure about space or temperature. would they work in a strawberry tower? In South Dakota? Sorry for the specificity, but I need to know if I should keep trying to do this or just give up.
Mr. Strawberry
If you’d like, you can learn all about the different types of strawberries on the Strawberry Varieties reference page. Most of the white strawberry varieties do NOT taste like pineapple. The primary prominent white variety that does is the Pineberry. None of the white alpine varieties will be pineapple-y! The biggest problems you will encounter inside is light and pollination. The plants need plenty of light, not too much space, and some help pollinating if you grow them indoors. Good luck!
Are there any types of White Strawberries that can be grown in a climate like Michigan’s? (Freezing Winters, Flaming Summers)
Mr. Strawberry
Absolutely! See here for the Wisconsin recommendations: Recommended Strawberry Varieties by State.
Lori Wetmore
I am growing white strawberries with runners in a hanging basket. Should I cut the runners? Can I replant to get more plants?
Mr. Strawberry
Yes and yes!
Marlene Larkin
Fantastic! I was told about white strawberries from a woman who was raised in Chile. she said white berries had much more flavor.