Planting strawberry plants in the fall is a good idea. However, most home gardeners get excited about their gardens toward the end of the winter months and don’t plan far enough ahead to plant strawberries during the autumn months of the previous year.

There are two main consequences of this widespread pattern:
1. Most home gardeners miss out on a healthy crop of strawberries during the first year (growing season) they are planted.
2. It is harder to find strawberry plants for sale in the fall months simply due to supply and demand. Demand is much less, so supply is much less.
This post is for those people looking to plant strawberry plants in the fall so that they can reap a healthy harvest of strawberries during the gardening season the following spring/summer. Below you will find some helpful reminders and information, as well as a list of suppliers who offer fall strawberry plants for sale.
Fall Strawberry Plants : Info
Planting strawberries in the fall makes much sense. It makes so much sense that commercial strawberry farms almost exclusively plant strawberry plants during the fall months after they have harvested the previous year’s strawberries. If you plant in the spring (as most hobby gardeners do), much more care is required and much more time passes from the time the strawberry plants are planted until a full harvest is reaped (see the Growing Strawberries page for more information).
By planting a strawberry bed in the early fall months, the strawberry plants are able to fully establish themselves and their root system prior to going dormant for the winter. Then, as the temperatures rise in the late winter or early spring months, a fully-rooted and more mature plant begins to put forth new foliage and flower stalks. Instead of pinching off the strawberry flowers so that the roots can establish, the already-established roots pull water and nutrients from the soil to support the growing strawberries. This allows a healthy harvest during the first growing season instead of the second!
Additionally, most mail order nurseries will ship strawberry plugs with intact roots for fall planting. This helps the plants establish more quickly than bareroot plants and helps minimize the number of plants that die (more plugs survive than do shipped and planted bareroot plants).
Hopefully, those strawberry gardeners with an inclination toward planning will realize the benefits of planting fall strawberry plants. The next step is to find out where one can buy fall strawberry plants. Keep reading!
Fall Strawberry Plants for Sale
This list of suppliers who offer fall strawberry plants for sale is a smaller sub-directory of our main directory. If you happen to find this list during the spring months, be sure to check out our much larger directory of suppliers here: Strawberry Plants for Sale. Also, if you are aware of another supplier who sells fall strawberries, be sure to let me know, and I will include them in this directory. You can use the About page to send a message.
You can order strawberry plants for autumn planting from any of these suppliers:
Aaron’s Creek Farms, Inc.
Varieties of Fall Strawberry Plants for Sale: Chandler, Sweet Charlie
Burgess Seed & Plant Co.
Varieties of Fall Strawberry Plants for Sale: Allstar, Bargain, Burgess Goliath, Ft. Laramie, Giant Robinson, Honeoye, Ozark Beauty, Quinault, Sparkle, Strazzberry, Surecrop
Burnt Ridge Nursery & Orchards
Varieties of Fall Strawberry Plants for Sale: Coastal Wild Strawberry, Ranier, Shuksan, Tristar
Varieties of Fall Strawberry Plants for Sale: Alexandria, Alpine Collection, Elan F1, Fragola di Bosco, Mignonette, Roman F1, Tristan F1, White Soul, Yellow Wonder
Dobie’s of Devon [UK]
Varieties of Fall Strawberry Plants for Sale: Aromel, Cambridge Favourite, Christine, Flamenco, Judibell, Malling Opal, Malwina, Royal Sovereign, Sallybright
Farmer Seed and Nursery
Varieties of Fall Strawberry Plants for Sale: Allstar, Bargain, Cardinal, Fort Laramie, Honeoye, Ogallala, Ozark Beauty, Quinault, Robinson (Giant Robinson), Sequoia, Sparkle, Surecrop, Strazzberry
Indiana Berry
Varieties of Fall Strawberry Plants for Sale: Albion, Earliglow, Honeoye, Monterey, San Andreas, Seascape, Surecrop, Tribute
Ison’s Nursery & Vineyard
Varieties of Fall Strawberry Plants for Sale: Chandler, Sweet Charlie
Jekka’s Herb Farm
Varieties of Fall Strawberry Plants for Sale: Fragaria vesca Wild Strawberry, Fragaria vesca White Delight
Jung Seeds & Plants
Varieties of Fall Strawberry Plants for Sale: Cabot, Honeoye, Sparkle
Kube Pak
Varieties of Fall Strawberry Plants for Sale: Chandler, Jewel
One Green World
Varieties of Fall Strawberry Plants for Sale: Alexandria, Gerald Straley, Gold Leaf Alpine Strawberry, Hood, Italian Alpine, Rugen Improved, Seascape, Shuksan, Tristar
Peaceful Valley Farm & Garden Supply
Varieties of Fall Strawberry Plants for Sale: Selva (organic plants)
Raintree Nursery
Varieties of Fall Strawberry Plants for Sale: Albicarpa White Alpine Strawberry, Lipstick Strawberry, Mignonette Alpine, Rugen Alpine, Seascape, Shuksan, Tri Star, Wild Strawberry
Spring Hill Nursery
Varieties of Fall Strawberry Plants for Sale:Sweet Giant
Stargazer Perennials
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Allstar, Alpine Strawberry Mignonette, Alpine Strawberry Vesca, Aromas, Fort Laramie, Honeoye, Hood, Ozark Beauty, Shuksan
The Strawberry Store, LLC
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Alexandria, Ali Baba, Baron Solemacher, Capron, Concepcion, Fragaria vesca vesca, Fragaria virginiana, Fragola di Bosco, Fragola Quattro Stagioni, Golden Alexandria, Holiday, Intensity, Ivory, Madame Mutot, Male Musk Strawberry, Mara des Bois, Mignonette, New Giant, Pata de Gallina, Pineapple Crush, Profumata di Tortona, Red Wonder, Regina, Reine des Vallees, Rozeya, Rozeye, Ruegen Improved, Snovit, White Carolina (white-fruited pineberry), White D (white-fruited pineberry), White Delight, White Pine (white-fruited pineberry), White Solemacher, White Soul, Yellow Alpine, Yellow Delight, Yellow Wonder
Victoriana Nursery Gardens [UK]
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Royal Sovereign
Willis Orchard Company
Varieties of Strawberry Plants for Sale Online: Chandler, Seascape, Sequoia, Sweet Charlie
Fall Strawberry Plants Conclusion
Remember, plant inventories are usually a bit transient as plant stock is sold out and replenished or replaced with other, better-selling varieties. So, if you find that some of the varieties listed above are no longer offered by the companies/nurseries, please notify me, and the list will be updated. Planning ahead and planting ahead can make a tremendous difference with the quality and quantity of your first strawberry harvest. Why not consider buying and planting some fall strawberry plants instead of waiting until the spring?!
Learn more:
Growing Strawberries in Cold Weather
Strawberry Plants and Cold Injury
Winterizing Strawberry Plants
Heather Jernigan
Mr. Strawberry,
I am in Ohio (zone 6) and purchased Gariguette seeds from Paris, France that I started in my basement under grow lights. They are doing really well, but they weren’t established enough to harden and transplant outside in time before the temps dropped. I read everything you said about the importance of going through winter dormancy, and I’m unsure how I should handle this now since I can’t transplant them outside until spring. Should I keep them in pots but put them in the garage? Should I adjust the grow lights to less time a day and keep them in the basement? Can I even force dormancy in this situation? I know I should have started the germination process earlier, but I had no idea it would take so long for them to germinate and grow.
Mary Ward
I would let them go dormant if they have well established roots. An unheated garage or minimally heated garage is probably a good choice in your area.
Hi, We are in Zone 7a (northern VA). Should we plant around Labor Day or wait until it gets cooler? First frost is generally late Oct/early Nov. Thanks!
We’re in Zone 6 and I was under the impression that I couldn’t plant strawberries in the fall, but you make no mention of this in your article. You did mention setting the plants early enough so they would have time to root. I would much rather plant in the fall, but our average frost date is around mid-October. Is it still possible for me to plant in the fall? If so, how many days before frost should I plant? Thank you for all of your valuable information!
joyce. dinkins landon
We have strawberry plants in about 18 inches of soil in a container.willthe plants be ok ? What do we need to do to keep the plants through the winter months to insure spring strawberries
Mr. Strawberry
joyce. dinkins landon,
As long as they are protected during the cold months, they will do fine. See this for more. Good luck!
Janine Leckband
You did not mention adding fertilizer to fall planted strawberries. I have a new bed and have done a soil test. Everything is good. I did put on a little lime already and am ready to plant. Fertilizer?
Mr. Strawberry
Janine Leckband,
This should help! Good luck!
Mr. Strawberry,
It has been an unusually warm fall so far in south Mississippi, and they not predicting it get get cold anytime soon. We planted 1500 chandler and 500 camarosa plants. Usually they would be dormant by now, but we have blooms/green berries everywhere. Would it hurt my spring harvest to go ahead let the berries ripen now and get an early crop, or should I pick all the blossoms off? I am also worried my plants are going to be to large this spring if they don’t go dormant soon. Is there anything that can be done about that?
Mr. Strawberry
Even though it has been warm, the decreased amount of sunshine during the winter months will cause smaller berries even if it stays unseasonably warm. I’d recommend going ahead and snipping off the berries unless you want to try and beat the cold (which will eventually come). If you do want to try and get a harvest, you may be able to if it does indeed stay warm. As far as large plants go, all the vegetative tops will eventually die back when the weather finally breaks, so I wouldn’t worry about that. Good luck!
My fall planted berries are thriving in northern Baltimore county. Should I remove blossoms? Also, I grow in these pyramids. When and how deep should I mulch?
Mr. Strawberry
This should help! Good luck!
I am unsure of zone,we are located southern middle TN just above AL line.
After reading your site to confirm spacing, I am now concerned of prior gardening at location prior to bed area selected site in relation to disease .
and secondly timing.
I am now prepared to plant my ozarkbeauty plants in matted row system of full sunshine. I have mixed organic material along with peat moss in bed, and we have had our first freeze already.
What can I do post to protect from disease come spring ?
Am I safe in planting now? What suggestions might you offer?
We have hoops with row cover for our strawberries. Would it harm them if i put the row cover on at night. Its been in the 50’s 60’s here. I want to protect them from the deer.
Mr. Strawberry
Putting the row cover on at night should be fine as long as it isn’t exceedingly heavy. Good luck!
Hi Mr. Strawberry thanks for asking so many questions. We are planting Chandler and Camarosa in South Mississippi. When would be the optimum time to plant? Also we are using row cover, at what temp should we begin to put the row cover on?
Mr. Strawberry
I’d go ahead and plant them now. Once the temperatures have dropped into the low twenties for several nights in a row and you are sure the plants have entered dormancy, go ahead and apply the row covers. Good luck!
Can I start growing June bearing Bare Root last week of October-Hermitage TN (zone 7)
Mr. Strawberry
If you plant them right away, they will probably do okay. Good luck!
Robert Rothwell
I planted dormant strawberries on August 7th and they have done very well. I missed picking off all of the blossoms and they have produced 4 or 5 nice berries (just enough for a preview of what’s to come). They are now producing runners. Two questions: Should I remove the runners or is it OK to let a few develop to fill out the bed? They are as green as springtime…what do I need to do to prepare them for winter here in SE Ohio?
Mr. Strawberry
Robert Rothwell,
Yes, they still should have enough time for runners to root well-enough to produce for you next year. As for winter, see this. Good luck!
I’m going to be planting 2 strawberry beds this fall. My question concerns the number of plants per square ft. The numbers mentioned on this site seem to refer to spring planting where there will be numerous runners take root during the summer so that the number per sq ft ends up at 4-6. Fall plants will not runner till next summer, so can I plant 2 per ft in the fall to achieve more yield the following spring. I know this will require more runner control next summer, but will give more berries next spring.
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, that is a viable plan. Good luck!
I live here in Houston,TX zone 8, I believe. My question would be for fall planting, what’s the plant and when to plant. The weather here has been somewhat “Bipolar”. Ive been afraid to plant out. Purchased some mignonette strawberries and they all died off. Help please.
Mr. Strawberry
Try one of these varieties. Good luck!
I live in western kentucky been thinking about starting strawberries from seed then stumbled across this we are having a cooler fall than normal day time highs in mid 50’s to low 60’s night time lows mid 30’s to low 40’s would i be ok to plant now or am i to late will be planted in beds
Mr. Strawberry
They will still probably live if you plant right away. Good luck!
How late is too late to plant strawberries in the fall in southeasthern PA? I want to order a couple of plants, but I won’t bother till spring if the plants won’t make it… Thank you!
Mr. Strawberry
You want to make sure that there is at least enough warmth to allow the plants to establish their roots prior to dormancy. At this later stage, it might be best to wait until spring. Good luck!
jean crum
I live in Or. and want to plant this fall. Is this good? Jean Crum
Mr. Strawberry
jean crum,
Yes! Get them in the ground as soon as possible!
Michael Mulcady
I am in Alabama (central) zone 8A, just below the border for zone 7B
I am looking for bare root strawberries to plant this fall. Prefer Camarosa, and Sweet Charlie.
What is the ideal time to plant, providing time to be established for good Spring results?
Suggestions on vendors?
Thank you
Michael Mulcady
Mr. Strawberry
Michael Mulcady,
Now is a good time to plant. You can find vendors here: Camarosa / Sweet Charlie. Good luck!
I live in Colorado Zone 5A and have about 75 strawberry plugs in raised bed and large containers with a compost/peat/vermiculite soil mix and am hoping since they were planted by Sept 10 they should be rooted by the time they go dormant and I can have a harvest next summer. Right now weather is still pretty mild in the 70’s.
My question is this…once they are mulched and dormant do I continue to water them all winter? Thanks
Mr. Strawberry
If the containers are outside, you should not have to water them. They should get enough water to keep their roots appropriately dampened from snow melt or winter rain. Good luck!
I live in southern Kentucky and want to plant a fall crop. What type do you suggest and what is the latest you think it’s safe to plant them by?
Mr. Strawberry
You can find a list of appropriate varieties for your location here. I’d recommend planting by the end of September. Good luck!
Margo Lowery
I planted Quinault plants in spring of 2012. They produced little, and are now very dense, compactd plants. Hardly any air can reach the center of plant. I divided one plant but not sure I did it right. The do not send out runners as do the rest of my plants. What is the best way to divide these plants and can I plant the divisions this fall?????
Mr. Strawberry
Margo Lowery,
See if the information on the propagation and transplant pages helps. Also, you may want to review the information on the growing strawberries page for more help. Good luck!
I’m preparing my new strawberry bed nowend of July, in NE PA zone 6. I was so excited to read about fall planting to give me a head start. Is there any advantage to planting before September, like in august, as recommended?
Mr. Strawberry
Not really. It is actually a bit harder on the strawberry plants to transplant them in August due to the heat. Good luck!
My husband and I plant strawberries in a hydroponic system. Last year we planted new plants and had wonderful strawberries. As we live in Michigan we cannot keep them over the winter in this system so we discarded them and bought new ones this year. They are not producing like last year’s berries did…but…are growing great and producing many, many suckers (which we cut off). I have been reading quite a bit on this site and learning a few things. I do have a question and that is…Can we plant these plants in a raised bed in the fall to winter over? In other words…will the roots take hold? I am assuming we will then have to leave the plants in the raised bed so we have a good crop of berries next year. The plants are ever-bearing.
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, you can overwinter the plants in the ground. Also, you can plant the runners anywhere you’d like, but only AFTER the roots for the runner plant have already developed. In other words, you can’t snip off the runner/node plant and immediately plant it as soon as it forms. It will die if you do. You need to place the node in contact with soil and hold it there until it develops its own roots. Then, the connecting tissue to the mother plant can be snipped without killing the daughter plant. Good luck!
I live in UK and I want to plant fall berries,what is the best time to plant,and what variety do you suggest planting?
Mr. Strawberry
You should plant at the end of September for a first harvest the following spring. The variety depends on your specific location, but Royal Sovereign should work well through most of the UK. Good luck!
Jim williams
I live in central/eastern north Carolina and I want to plant fall berries,what is the best time to plant,and what variety do you suggest planting?
Mr. Strawberry
Jim williams,
You should plant toward the end of September. Here are the recommended varieties for North Carolina. Good luck!
hi I live in 4. I received my plants,bare root.I have raised beds,and have used them for years for vegetables.they are in the North side of house.the ground here doesn’t freeze much.can I plant them and put down straw mulch to keep them warm? I hate to put them in the fridge until spring.or should I put them in the garage? only thing is it is heated.
Straw Berry
It might be best for you to go ahead and plant them in the ground, then cover them liberally with clean straw. In a heated garage, they would likely break dormancy during the winter. Good luck!
is it too late to transplant in mid wisconsin without jeopardizing the plant’s health?
Straw Berry
Probably. With the winter temperatures here, it would likely be best to wait until spring. Good luck!
Rodger Tucker
Hi; I am a 1st time strawberry planter.Is now a good time to get busy? Also, What varieties would you suggest for east central Missouri? Do they cross pollinate & if so is that something to be concerned about.Like, should I only plant 1 or 2 varieties? Garden size is aprox 15′ X 20″. regards,Rodger.
Mr. Strawberry
Rodger Tucker,
Yes, right now is a good time to plant. Planting now will give you a first-season harvest without compromising the health of your plants next spring. As to what varieties, see the recommended ones for Missouri. Good luck!
cecil pearson
I am getting 150 plants with most of the soil still atttached (digging doen about 4 inches under plants). How should I go about planting these plants? Should I just sit on top of bed or should I set them as I would a plug or bare root?
Mr. Strawberry
cecil pearson,
You should plant them like you would a plug or bare-root plant: with the crown level with the top of the soil. Good luck!
The strawberries I ordered to plant this fall took nearly a month to arrive – much later than I’d hoped for. I planted them Oct. 23rd. We’re in the midst of some gorgeous Indian summer weather here in central Virginia (it was 82º when I planted) and we’ve still got plenty of mild weather to come. However, I assume that by planting this late the roots aren’t going to get established. If that is the case, should I pick the flowers next year instead of letting them fruit or will I be able to get a crop?
Thanks for this great resource. If I hadn’t found it I wouldn’t have planted until next year. It was nice to discover that I could get something in the ground in the fall.
Mr. Strawberry
Good news! In your situation, the roots should be able to adequately establish themselves this Fall. So, you can look forward to enjoying your strawberries next Spring. Good luck!
I live in Sonoma Cal and planted bare root strawberries in mid September. They are doing very well and are starting to flower in our warm fall weather. Should I cut the flowers off now or see if I get some berries before the freeze.
Mr. Strawberry
You should snip the flowers this Fall. Doing so will help the roots establish themselves well before Winter comes. Next Spring, you can expect a full harvest! Good luck!
I’m thinning my established bed and transplanting the runners to a new fertile bed. As the plants are dug, I’m selecting only those with a nice healthy crown. Can all of the leaves/stems be cut off during transplant leaving only the center crown?
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, you can trim all the leaves off. However, it is best to leave them intact. I’d recommend only removing the older leaves or the ones that show signs of age or disease. The healthy leaves will aid the plant in its production of energy, help the roots establish themselves more fully in the new location, and help them produce more flower buds (which will be strawberries next spring) instead of working to produce more leaflets. Good luck!
I plan to plant strawberry plants today on a warm oct 6th in NY. I bought the plants in the spring and kept the in a planter, pinching off flowers, etc. Should these more mature plants do well planting now? Anything else to consider?
Mr. Strawberry
Yes, the plants should do just fine as long as they are transplanted into their new homes gently. You should have a nice harvest next Spring!
It is early November in Utah. A friend offered me a bunch of strawberry transplants. Am I too late? What if I built some cold frames around them with clear plastic? Would that keep them warm enough to root before going dormant? Daytime highs this week will be in the 40s earlier and 50s later this week. Lows will be in the high 20s and low 30s. Thanks!
Mr. Strawberry
It may be too late to get them to root, but a cold frame would help if you are determined to try to get them in the ground. You can probably keep them alive until next year with less effort if you take care of them well. See this post on Storing Bare-Root Strawberry Plants for help, and good luck!