Strawberry Questions & Answers
We’ve received thousands of questions from our readers. We try to answer to all of them. If something gets asked often, we post our answer publicly. Read some of the most popular questions and answers.
Why Do My Day-Neutral Strawberries Act Like Everbearing Plants?
Can I Use a Vacuum Sealer to Freeze My Strawberries?
Why Are My Strawberries Misshapen?
Brown Spots on Strawberries: Cause, Prevention and Treatment
4 Ways to Dry Strawberries + Recipes and Uses
Strawberry Serving?
Growing Strawberries in Gutters
How Fast Do Strawberry Plants Grow?
If You Plant a Strawberry Top, Will It Grow a Strawberry?
When Do Strawberry Plants Die?
How Old Are My Strawberry Plants?
Caring for Strawberry Plants in Warm Winters
Planting Strawberries on a Hillside
When Should Strawberry Plants Be Mulched for Winter?
Growing Strawberries in Containers
Why Are My Strawberries Small? + Causes and Prevention
Moving Strawberry Runner Plants
Mulching Strawberry Plants in the Summer
Planting Strawberries with Cucumbers
Should I Cut Off Runner Plants from My Strawberries?
Growing Strawberries in Red Clay?
Why Are the Seeds on My Strawberry Sprouting While Still on the Strawberry?
What Causes Strawberry Plants to Wilt?
Are Bare Root Strawberries or Strawberry Plant Plugs Better?